Research Grants 08/08639-2 - Nanociência, Materiais nanoestruturados - BV FAPESP
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Investigation on the interactions between nanomaterials and biomolecules: nanomedicine, nanotoxicology and applications as sensors for diagnosis


Nanomaterials, including nanoparticles and nanotubes have been recently employed in conjunction with biological materials as hybrid, active materials to be applied as biotechnological devices. Such devices include biological markers, drug-delivery systems and sensors for diagnosis. However, optimization of the latter devices requires a better understanding of the interactions occurring between the component materials, as well as the optimization of the manipulation techniques. Interactions between bio and nanomaterials are in most cases enhanced by the similarities in size and form. A good strategy to process nanomaterials in conjunction with bimolecules is through immobilization in the form of multilayer thin films, in which control over thickness and film architecture may be easily reached. It is important to mention that upon knowing the interactions between nano and bio materials, we would infer about nanotoxicity, a research theme under wide investigation at international research groups, and also recently started in our group. In this project we aim at investigating the interactions occurring between nanoparticles and carbon based materials (nanotubes and fullerenes) with biological molecules, membranes and cells. The studies will improve the ability of combining these classes of materials for devices fabrications, as in the case of sensors for tropical diseases and also the knowledge about nanotoxicity features. (AU)

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PROCESSO DE SÍNTESE E INCORPORAÇÃO DE NANOPARTÍCULAS DE PRATA EM MATRIZES POLIMÉRICAS HIDROFÍLICAS E USO DE NANOPARTÍCULAS DE PRATA PI1101028-2 - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) . Valtencir Zucolotto ; Elias Antonio Berni Neto - March 2011, 14

PROCESSO DE PREPARO DE NANOPARTÍCULAS METÁLICAS DE OURO POR UMA ROTA DE UM SÓ PASSO E NANOPARTÍCULAS DE OURO ESTABILIZADAS PARA APLICAÇÃO EM NANOMEDICINA PI1101141-6 - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) . Valtencir Zucolotto ; Sergio Antonio Spinola Machado ; Frank Nelson Crespilho ; Monise Cristina Ribeiro Casanova Coltro - March 2011, 17

BIOSSENSOR, SEU USO E MÉTODO PARA DETECÇÃO DE ÍONS CÁLCIO PI1102880-7 - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) . Valtencir Zucolotto ; Ana Paula Ulian de Araujo ; Edson Giuliani Ramos Fernandes ; Nirton Cristi Silva Vieira ; Assuero Faria Garcia ; Francisco Eduardo Gontijo Guimarães - June 2011, 29

NANOCOMPLEXOS CONJUGADOS E SEU USO BR1020120095980 - Universidade de São Paulo (USP) . Ieda M. Martinez Paino ; Valeria Spolon Marangoni ; Valtencir Zucolotto - April 2012, 24