Research Grants 08/03982-0 - Avaliação fonoaudiológica, Avaliação da linguagem - BV FAPESP
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Lexical skills in school aged children with Down Syndrome


The Down syndrome is considered the main genetic cause of the mental retardation and it is a result from the extra presence of a chromosome 21, characterizing a 21 trissomy. The literature presents that children with Down syndrome demonstrate global delays in their development with important reflexes in social, mental, emotional and family performance. As for the language development, studies point that these children present difficulties from birth, however the doubts regarding the language development of children with Down syndrome are evident, as in old researches as in the current ones. This is the first stage of a larger project that seeks to accompany the lexical development of children with Down syndrome. Objective: To verify the lexical development of children with Down syndrome in preschool age. Methods: It will participate in the study 40 children, 20 with the diagnosis of Down syndrome and 20 children with typical development, of both genders and chronological age varying from three to six years. The children will be matched on gender and chronological age. The children's legal representative will answer a questionnaire about their children's past life, from the gestation to the current moment. The participants will be submitted to the following procedures: Communicative Behavior Observation, application of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and of the Infantile Language Test ABFW - Vocabulary Part. The evaluations will be filmed for subsequent analysis. The statistical analyses of the obtained data will be accomplished through no parametric tests. (AU)

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