Research Grants 06/01651-1 - Endocrinologia, Neoplasias da glândula tireoide - BV FAPESP
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Evaluation of molecular markers of prognosis for well differentiated thyroid carcinomas


Most of the tumors that arise from thyroid follicular cells are well differentiated and this characteristic allows them to keep their ability to take up iodine and to respond to physiological stimulus from TSH. Because of this ability, their prognostic is relatively good. However, 5 to 30% of the patients present thyroid cancer recurrences and expire over a 20 years period. More than 80% of the patients with well differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) may be considered low-risk. Unfortunately, efficient markers, able to distinguish the patients that, because of a worse prognosis, would deserve more extensive surgeries and a closer follow-up, are still not available. The characterization of reliable molecular markers, able to define tumor aggressiveness and prognosis from diagnosis, may help save considerable amounts of money and set aside low-risk patients from unnecessary aggressive management.We recently demonstrated that the low expression of NIS (the membrane protein responsible for follicular cell iodine take up) is a determinant factor of prognosis in the well differentiated thyroid cancer. However, other immunohistochemical markers we studied did not prove to be useful. Recent published data suggest that other molecules, expressed by the differentiated thyroid cancer cell, may indicate its outcome.The present study aims to analyze the expression of MUC1, BRAF and ATM genes quantified by real time – PCR and identify by immunohistochemistry and western-blot the expression of MUC1, ATM, NIS, BRAF and p53 genes. These genes will be compared to other clinical and pathological prognosticators. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
LEITE, JANAINA LUISA; BUFALO, NATASSIA ELENA; SANTOS, ROBERTO BERNARDO; ROMALDINI, JOAO HAMILTON; WARD, LAURA STERIAN. Herpesvirus type 7 infection may play an important role in individuals with a genetic profile of susceptibility to Graves' disease. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, v. 162, n. 2, p. 315-321, . (06/01651-1)

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