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Photovoltaic generators for aerospace applications

Grant number: 01/03041-2
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Duration: August 01, 2001 - April 30, 2004
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Aerospace Engineering - Materials and Processes for Aeronautical, Aerospace Engineering
Principal Investigator:Celio Costa Vaz
Grantee:Celio Costa Vaz
Host Company:Orbital Engenharia S/A
City: São José dos Campos


Photovoltaic generators were and continue to be the most attractive form of energy generation for aerospace applications. Proof of this is the accelerated technological development witnessed in the last decades of their basic components and assembly processes. The objective of this project is the development and qualification of the special processes and tools necessary for the assembly of photovoltaic generators on structures for aerospace applications. Phase 1 begins with the collection of data on technical norms and the applicable generic requirements up until the final conception of the testing and qualification level. In phase 2, the objective is to develop and qualify the manufacturing processes, devices, and special tools in eight sub-phases, namely: 1) Implement and apply to the following sub-phases the Product Guarantee Plan worked out in Phase 1; 2) Manufacture of the Special Devices and Tools designed in Phase 1; 3) Acquisition of Complementary Materials, Components and Equipment; 4) Assembly and adaptation of the Special Devices and Tools; 5) Development of Manufacturing Processes by means of the manufacture of development test samples; 6) Manufacture of Qualification Test Samples; 7) Qualification tests; 8) Final Project Documentation. The envisaged results are technological capability and qualified manufacturing processes to meet the growing demand for energy generation equipment for the aerospace sector. Some direct benefits are the replacement of imports and the stemming of the outflow of foreign currency; local job creation; the possibility of exporting products and services with high technological content and added value; and, in addition, the possibility of applying this technology in the development of other products. (AU)

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