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Hadrons' physics

Grant number: 07/58612-0
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: April 01, 2008 - September 30, 2012
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Nuclear Physics
Principal Investigator:Marina Nielsen
Grantee:Marina Nielsen
Host Institution: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Manoel Roberto Robilotta
Associated scholarship(s):09/03185-6 - Aplication of QCD Sum Rules in the Studies Possibles Molecular States, BP.MS


Hadrons' physics studies systems dominated by strong interactions. At high energies, the quark structure of hadrons shows up and perturbative techniques are allowed. ln this regime the main theoretical tool of Hadron Physics is Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), which allows the description of a large number of problems. At low energies, interactions are dominated by non-Abelian processes; the QCD vacuum manifests itself in terms of quark, antiquark and gluon condensates, and one needs non perturbative methods. As a consequence the area is characterized by models designed to describe the structure and interactions of systems involving quarks and gluons. Nowadays, one is doing a strong and consistent experimental effort with the goal of determing the responses of hadronic systems to both electroweak and strong probes. ln many experimental facilities, most of which are rather large, experiments are being carried on or planned. This will produce a new generation of data and allow a better understanding of the various energy regions. ln Brazil there are about 100 researchers and students working in Hadron Physics and the main groups are located in São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina. Researchers from the state of São Paulo have a central role and are responsible for about 30% of the papers published in the area and half of the post graduate training. The purpose of the present project is to support and mantain the activities of a reference group, which has an important presence in Brazil. Our research programmers deal with various aspects of the description of hadronic systems and their interactions, such as: QCD sum rules, that relate hadronic properties with parameters that characterize the vacuum, such as quark and gluon condensates; meson cloud model, that describes the nucleon properties due to the quark sea by assuming the nucleon to be a composite baryon-meson system; parton saturation, that studies how the gluon saturation physics, described by the Color Glass Condensate, can be applied in diffractive process in pA and AA collisions; non linear chiral effective lagrangians, which allow the precise description of two and three body forces in Nuclear Physics; chiral models for the interaction of pins with hyperons and mesons with charm, that contribute to the description of the hadronic phase in high energy collisions; hadronic reactions, where one studies the effects of the SU(4) symmetry breaking in reactions with hadrons containing charm quarks; gluonic excitations in hadronic structure, that investigate models which can reproduce LattQCD results, to apply them to the study of problems related with the nuclear force. (AU)

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