Research Grants 99/00437-0 - Ionosfera, Termosfera - BV FAPESP
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Studies of the interactive processes of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system


This research proposal seeks to investigate the interactive/coupling processes of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system (EITS) that constitutes a fundamental component of our space environment, and covers a major part of the brazilian territory both north and south of the magnetic equator. The basic interactive process consists in the wind system of the upper atmosphere and the magnetized conducting layers of the ionosphere producing the dynamoelectric fields of the ionospheric E and F-layers. These electric fields, together with their driving winds, and waves, are responsible for the major phenomena of the EITS: the equatorial electrojet current system and the associated plasma instability processes; the anomalies in electron density, wind and temperature distributions; and the plasma bubbles and associated irregularities. These phenomena are also controlled, in thebrazilian region, by the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA). The interactive processes are such that a study of one of these phenomena requires detailed knowledge of the other phenomena as well. The equatorial ionosphere has significant influences over a number of space application activities. The equatorial ionization anomaly and the plasma bubbles control the ionospheric, trans-ionospheric and space communication links, global positioning system satellite applications, space geodesy, over-the-horizon radar operations, space shuttle based radar remote sensing etc. The investigations proposed here will focus on the ambient conditions of the EITS that control the generation, growth and decay of the major EITS phenomena. Specific attention will be given to the causes of the day to day variability in the occurrence of plasma bubble irregularities that has direct impact on space application areas. Other/related points of specific focus will include: the relative importance of electric fields and winds in the generation and growth of the major phenomena; instability mechanisms responsible for the plasma bubble processes; response of the EITS to forcing from the magnetosphere, and to disturbances from lower atmosphere through gravity- and planetary-waves; and the effect of SAMA in the electrodynamics of the EITS. Experimental data on the EITS will be collected in routine and campaign mode operations of diverse ground-based radio and optical devices located at the equatorial and low latitude sites, São Luis, Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista, in Brazil... (AU)

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Scientific publications (13)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ABDU, M. A.; BATISTA, I. S.; REINISCH, B. W.; DE SOUZA, J. R.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.; PEDERSEN, T. R.; MEDEIROS, A. F.; SCHUCH, N. J.; DE PAULA, E. R.; GROVES, K. M.. Conjugate Point Equatorial Experiment (COPEX) campaign in Brazil: Electrodynamics highlights on spread F development conditions and day-to-day variability. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, v. 114, . (99/00437-0)
KHERANI, E. ALAM; ABDU, M. A.; DE PAULA, E. R.; FRITTS, D. C.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.; DE MENESES, JR., F. C.. The impact of gravity waves rising from convection in the lower atmosphere on the generation and nonlinear evolution of equatorial bubble. Annales Geophysicae, v. 27, n. 4, p. 1657-1668, . (99/00437-0)
ABDU, M. A.; KHERANI, E. ALAM; BATISTA, I. S.; DE PAULA, E. R.; FRITTS, D. C.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.. Gravity wave initiation of equatorial spread F/plasma bubble irregularities based on observational data from the SpreadFEx campaign. Annales Geophysicae, v. 27, n. 7, p. 2607-2622, . (99/00437-0)
HOANG, THAI LAN; ABDU, M. A.; MACDOUGALL, JOHN; BATISTA, INEZ S.. Longitudinal differences in the equatorial spread F characteristics between Vietnam and Brazil. Advances in Space Research, v. 45, n. 3, p. 351-360, . (99/00437-0)
ARRUDA, DANIELA C. S.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.; ABDU, M. A.; CASTILHO, VIVIAN M.; TAKAHASHI, H.; MEDEIROS, A. F.; BURITI, R. A.; SHEA, MA; BLIX, TA; REES, D. Theoretical and experimental zonal drift velocities of the ionospheric plasma bubbles over the Brazilian region. Advances in Space Research, v. 38, n. 11, p. 3-pg., . (99/00437-0)
SOBRAL, J. H. A.; ABDU, M. A.; PEDERSEN, T. R.; CASTILHO, VIVIAN M.; ARRUDA, DANIELA C. S.; MUELLA, M. T. A. H.; BATISTA, I. S.; MASCARENHAS, M.; DE PAULA, E. R.; KINTNER, P. M.; et al. Ionospheric zonal velocities at conjugate points over Brazil during the COPEX campaign: Experimental observations and theoretical validations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, v. 114, . (99/00437-0)
ABDU, M. A.; KHERANI, E. A.; BATISTA, I. S.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.. Equatorial evening prereversal vertical drift and spread F suppression by disturbance penetration electric fields. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 36, . (99/00437-0)
ABDU, M. A.; BATISTA, I. S.; BRUM, C. G. M.; MACDOUGALL, J. W.; SANTOS, A. M.; DE SOUZA, J. R.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.. Solar flux effects on the equatorial evening vertical drift and meridional winds over Brazil: A comparison between observational data and the IRI model and the HWM representations. Advances in Space Research, v. 46, n. 8, p. 1078-1085, . (99/00437-0)
ABDU‚ MA; IYER‚ K.N.; DE MEDEIROS‚ RT; BATISTA‚ I.S.; SOBRAL‚ J.H.A.. Thermospheric meridional wind control of equatorial spread F and evening prereversal electric field. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 33, n. 7, p. L07106, . (99/00437-0)
ABDU‚ MA; BATISTA‚ PP; BATISTA‚ IS; BRUM‚ CGM; CARRASCO‚ AJ; REINISCH‚ BW. Planetary wave oscillations in mesospheric winds‚ equatorial evening prereversal electric field and spread F. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 33, n. 7, p. L07107, . (99/00437-0)
SOBRAL, J. H. A.; ABDU, M. A.; PEDERSEN, T. R.; CASTILHO, VIVIAN M.; ARRUDA, DANIELA C. S.; MUELLA, M. T. A. H.; BATISTA, I. S.; MASCARENHAS, M.; DE PAULA, E. R.; KINTNER, P. M.; et al. Ionospheric zonal velocities at conjugate points over Brazil during the COPEX campaign: Experimental observations and theoretical validations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 114, p. 24-pg., . (99/00437-0)
ABDU, M. A.; BATISTA, I. S.; REINISCH, B. W.; DE SOUZA, J. R.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.; PEDERSEN, T. R.; MEDEIROS, A. F.; SCHUCH, N. J.; DE PAULA, E. R.; GROVES, K. M.. Conjugate Point Equatorial Experiment (COPEX) campaign in Brazil: Electrodynamics highlights on spread F development conditions and day-to-day variability. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, v. 114, p. 21-pg., . (99/00437-0)
ABDU, M. A.; DE SOUZA, J. R.; SOBRAL, J. H. A.; BATISTA, I. S.; TSURUTANI, B; MCPHERRON, R; GONZALEZ, W; LU, G; SOBRAL, JHA; GOPALSWAMY, N. Magnetic storm associated disturbance dynamo effects in the low and equatorial latitude ionosphere. RECURRENT MAGNETIC STORMS: COROTATING SOLAR WIND STREAMS, v. 167, p. 3-pg., . (99/00437-0)

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