Multi-user equipment approved in grant 2015/23849-7: computer cluster
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium stochastic evolutions in continuum
Grant number: | 99/11962-9 |
Support Opportunities: | Research Projects - Thematic Grants |
Field of knowledge: | Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Probability and Statistics - Probability |
Principal Investigator: | Pablo Augusto Ferrari |
Grantee: | Pablo Augusto Ferrari |
Host Institution: | Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
Pesquisadores principais: | Luiz Renato Gonçalves Fontes |
Associated research grant(s): | 04/08538-0 - Eugene Pechersky | Russian Academy of Sciencies - Rússia,
AV.EXT 04/01799-3 - Sunder Sethuraman | Iowa State University - Estados Unidos, AV.EXT 02/09096-6 - Valentin Vladimirovich Petrov | St. Petersburg State Technical University - Rússia, AV.EXT + associated grants - associated grants |
Associated scholarship(s): | 02/01501-9 - Random strings, Gibbs families, quantum Gravity,
BP.PD 00/05134-5 - Spin glasses and hopfield model, BP.PD |
The present project is the continuation of two previous projetos temáticos: Dynamical Phase Transitions in Evolutionary Systems, Large Deviations, Diffusíon and Localization, (June 1991 to August 1994) and Critical Phenomena in Evolutionary Processes and Equilibrium Systems (August 1995 toAugust 1998). Both were highly succesful and triggered a remarkable increase in the level of activity, prestige and recognition of the particle-systems group of USP and UNICAMP. The research activities for the next four-year period will be focused on central topics of the theory of probability, statistical mechanics and related areas. Among them we mention: Properties of various stochastic processes and fields, percolation, cellular automata, interacting particle systems, hydrodinamical limits, convergence rate and metaestability of dynamical algorithms, problems in quantum statistical mechanics, and dynamical systems. As the previous 'projetos temáticos', the present project bas three well defined goals: (i) To foster and strengthen the collaboration among re-searchers in the area of critical phenomena, both for evolutionary processes and equilibrium systems; (ii) to promote approaches to researchers of related areas or areas that may benefit from the expertise of the project team, and(iii) to actively participate in the formation of new researchers. To achieve these goals, besides the specific research activities the following activities are proposed: a) scientific interchanges with Brazilian and Foreign Institutions; b) weekly seminars, with the participation of members of the project team and invited researchers; c) scientific meetings, and d) formation and advice of undergraduate students (orientação científica ), master and PhD. students, and advice of post-doctoral fellows. (AU)
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