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Oceanography of the Inner Shelf from São Sebastião, SP

Grant number: 92/03449-0
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: June 01, 1993 - March 31, 1999
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Biology
Principal Investigator:Ana Maria Setubal Pires-Vanin
Grantee:Ana Maria Setubal Pires-Vanin
Host Institution: Instituto Oceanográfico (IO). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


The present research project is a study of the biological and physical processes which occurr in the São Sebastião inner shelf ecosystem, SP, and their effects on the structure of the biota. The main objectives are: 1. analyse the evolutive process of São Sebastião inner shelf, its tendencies and present behavior; 2. characterize the role of both island and channel in this ecosystem; 3. describe São Paulo North Inner Shelf ecosystem functioning, through tentative models. Temporal variation will be seasonally evaluated in the channel, and bianually on the adjacent inner shelf (Summer and Wintertime, two oceanographical distinct periods). Sampling started in October, 1993. Four seasonal cruises were carried out in the channel with the B/Pq "Velliger II", from IOUSP, for Benthos, sediment sampling and fishering; three-year trimestral cruises for hidrology and currentometry, besides two cruises for seismic profiles. In February 1994 inner shelf was sampled with R/V Prof. W. Besnard, from IOUSP: 45 stations from 10 to 75 m depth placed in 10 radials perpendicular to the coast; a 72-hour fixed station located at the 40 m isobath. The OPISS project is composed by 7 linked sub-programs: Physical Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Plankton, Icthyoplankton, Benthos, Icthyofauna and Geological Oceanography, all of them contributing to the objectives attainment. Forty five people are working in this project, englobing researchers, technicians, undergraduate and graduate students. Up to now the project data generated several published papers, 4 Msc Dissertations concluded, 6 in course, besides 3 PhD Thesis. (AU)

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