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New physics from space: gravitational waves


The first gravitational wave detection and the regular observation of gravitational waves are certainly among the most important scientific goals and technological challenges for the beginning of this millennium. They will open a new window for the observation of the universe. In this thematic project we proposed the first four years of operation of the Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector, the development of the transducer technology for very high sensitivity performance of this detector, the upgrade of the Schenberg detector for operation at milikelvin temperatures, the development of software for gravitational wave data analysis and data acquisition of this detector and other foreign detectors, and the study of gravitational waves and their sources. The Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector is composed of a 1.15 ton and 65-cm-diameter CuA16% spherical antenna and was constructed at the University of São Paulo under a large brazilian and international collaboration with full support of FAPESP. It will be operating with an initial target strain noise power spectral density h ~ 2 x 10-21 Hz-½ in a bandwidth of about 50Hz around 3.2 kHz. When operational this detector will be part of an international network of detectors/observatories. The goal of this network is the improvement of the quality and the reliability of the detected signal. (AU)

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Scientific publications (17)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DA SILVA ALVES, MARCIO EDUARDO; TINTO, MASSIMO. Pulsar timing sensitivities to gravitational waves from relativistic metric theories of gravity. Physical Review D, v. 83, n. 12, . (06/56041-3)
TINTO, MASSIMO; DA SILVA ALVES, MARCIO EDUARDO. LISA sensitivities to gravitational waves from relativistic metric theories of gravity. Physical Review D, v. 82, n. 12, p. 122003, . (06/56041-3)
DE PAULA, L. A. N.; AGUIAR, O. D.; OLIVEIRA, JR., N. F.. Remote coupling between a probe and a superconducting klystron cavity for use in gravitational wave detectors. Journal of Instrumentation, v. 8, . (98/13468-9, 06/56041-3)
DA SILVA COSTA, C. F.; FAUTH, A. C.; PEREIRA, L. A. S.; AGUIAR, O. D.. The cosmic ray veto system of the Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SP, v. 752, p. 65-70, . (13/00621-5, 06/56041-3, 10/09101-6)
FRAJUCA, CARLOS; DA SILVA BORTOLI, FABIO; MAGALHAES, NADJA SIMAO. The Analysis of a Proposed Experiment to Measure the Speed of Gravity in Short Distances. Advances in High Energy Physics, v. 2022, p. 8-pg., . (06/56041-3, 13/26258-4)
BORTOLI, FABIO DA SILVA; FRAJUCA, CARLOS; MAGALHAES, NADJA S.; AGUIAR, ODYLIO D.; DE SOUZA, SERGIO TURANO. On the Cabling Seismic Isolation for the Microwave Transducers of the Schenberg Detector. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 49, n. 1, p. 133-139, . (13/26258-4, 06/56041-3)
CONSTANCIO, JR., M.; AGUIAR, O. D.; KEISER, G. MCCURRACH; MALHEIRO, M.; LEMOS, L. J. RANGEL. Do coupled nested pendula have the same eigenfrequencies as pendula in cascade?. Journal of Instrumentation, v. 9, . (12/22752-1, 06/56041-3)
AGUIAR, O. D.; BARROSO, J. J.; CARVALHO, N. C.; CASTRO, P. J.; CEDENO, C. E.; DA SILVA COSTA, C. F.; DE ARAUJO, J. C. N.; EVANGELISTA, E. F. D.; FURTADO, S. R.; MIRANDA, O. D.; et al. Status Report of the Schenberg Gravitational Wave Antenna. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 363, p. 8-pg., . (98/13468-9, 06/56041-3)
AGUIAR, ODYLIO DENYS. Past, present and future of the Resonant-Mass gravitational wave detectors. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1-42, . (98/13468-9, 06/56041-3)
LENZI‚ C.H.; MAGALHÃES‚ N.S.; MARINHO JR‚ R.M.; COSTA‚ C.A.; ARAÚJO‚ H.A.B.; AGUIAR‚ O.D.. Solution of the inverse problem in spherical gravitational wave detectors using a model with independent bars. Physical Review D, v. 78, n. 6, p. 062005, . (06/56041-3, 06/07316-0)
AGUIAR, O. D.; ANDRADE, L. A.; BARROSO, J. J.; CASTRO, P. J.; COSTA, C. A.; SOUZA, S. T. DE; WAARD, A. DE; FAUTH, A. C.; FRAJUCA, C.; FROSSATI, G.; et al. The Schenberg spherical gravitational wave detector: the first commissioning runs. Classical and Quantum Gravity, v. 25, n. 11, p. 0-0, . (05/00214-4, 98/13468-9, 06/56041-3)
AGUIAR‚ O.D.. Past‚ present and future of the Resonant-Mass gravitational wave detectors. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, . (06/56041-3, 98/13468-9)
AGGARWAL, NANCY; AGUIAR, ODYLIO D.; BAUSWEIN, ANDREAS; CELLA, GIANCARLO; CLESSE, SEBASTIAN; CRUISE, ADRIAN MICHAEL; DOMCKE, VALERIE; FIGUEROA, DANIEL G.; GERACI, ANDREW; GORYACHEV, MAXIM; et al. Challenges and opportunities of gravitational-wave searches at MHz to GHz frequencies. LIVING REVIEWS IN RELATIVITY, v. 24, n. 1, . (98/13468-9, 06/56041-3)
FRAJUCA, C.; BORTOLI, F. S.; NAKAMOTO, F. Y.; SANTOS, G. A.; MESHKOV, S. Gravitational Waves Propagation through the Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 957, p. 6-pg., . (13/26258-4, 06/56041-3)
DA SILVA COSTA, C. F.; AGUIAR, O. D.; SATHYAPRAKASH, BS; SINGH, TP. Spherical gravitational wave detectors: MiniGRAIL and Mario Schenberg. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 484, p. 5-pg., . (10/09101-6, 06/56041-3)
FRAJUCA, C.; PIRES, R.; BORTOLI, F. S.; MELO, R. F.; MAGALHAES, N. S.; MARINHO, R. M., JR.; OLIVEIRA, F. G.; AGUIAR, O. D.; JOHNSON, W. W.; MARKA, Z; et al. Searching for monochromatic signals in the ALLEGRO gravitational wave detector data. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 228, p. 5-pg., . (09/01067-6, 06/56041-3, 06/07316-0)

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