Research Grants 24/01130-0 - Formação de professores - BV FAPESP
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Science Center for the Development of Assistive Technology for Bilingual Education for the Deaf - CCD-TAEBS

Grant number: 24/01130-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Science Centers for Development
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Ivani Rodrigues Silva
Grantee:Ivani Rodrigues Silva
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (FCM). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Ana Cecília Cossi Bizon ; Kate Mamhy Oliveira Kumada
Associated researchers: André Luiz Brandão ; Cássia Geciauskas Sofiato ; Denise Hideko Goya ; Fernanda Landucci Ortale ; Lucia Helena Reily ; Luiz Renato Martins da Rocha ; Shirley Vilhalva ; Simone Tiemi Hashiguti ; Teresa Cristina Leança Soares Alves


The mission of the Science Center for the Development of Assistive Technology forBilingual Education for the Deaf - CCD-TAEBS project is to develop research applied tolinguistic policies for deaf education, focusing on the production of bilingual teachingmaterials created with digital technology. Within the context of Bilingual Deaf Education ,there is still little awareness in society regarding the implementation of a linguistic policy toprovide specific teaching for deaf individuals, leading to overlooking these students in ourschools. Despite advances in public policies, clearly the supply of teaching materials aimedfor the deaf community is still scarce and, in general, does not address the development ofreading and writing interfaces for the Portuguese language as L2. The aim of this study is todevelop accessible Portuguese language teaching materials to meet the needs of deafstudents. The project intends to create an environment for reflection and for sharingexperiences and developing bilingual teaching practices. The project also plans to defineassessment and discussion prototypes on strategies to be followed in the study. The actionswill be conducted with the support of the Campinas and São Paulo municipal educationdepartments, including initially data gleaned about the field during the collection phase, theanalysis of documentation, the way deaf students are welcomed into the school and thegeneral deaf student profiles, their demands and the demands of teachers and educationalpersonnel. until reaching the phase of effective production of teaching materials and trainingof school professionals. This will lead to the effective production phase of didactic materialsand further teaching development for school professionals. The project aims to contribute toteacher development in an inclusive perspective, highlighting Libras and the visualexperience not only in the teaching-learning process of written Portuguese, but also throughwelcoming deaf students into literate society. The specific results of the research to beconducted in the project corroborate the promotion of research in assistive technology,beginning with the development of products and services as solutions for a more effectiveand meaningful bilingual education for the deaf. In turn, this initiative should provide resultsin the form of products and materials for the final years of elementary education, conceptualand methodological reflections for school professionals, meaning support with positiveimplications for the area of bilingual education for deaf students. (AU)

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