Research Grants 24/03978-6 - Alcaloides, Rutaceae - BV FAPESP
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Distribution of alkaloids in Conchocarpus J. C. Mikan and Dryades Groppo, Kallunki & Pirani: molecular dereplication, chemophenetics and biological properties


Literature data underscore the significance and diversity of secondary metabolites extracted from plants, with alkaloids standing out as a particularly crucial group for drug discovery and development. Alkaloids, nitrogenous compounds, exhibit notable structural diversity and are recognized for their diverse pharmacological effects, including impacts on the central nervous system and tumor cells. In certain plant groups, such as the Rutaceae family, these metabolites serve as analytical markers, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the chemistry associated with the botanical aspects of the plant group. The exploration of various classes of natural products has benefited significantly from the advancements in metabolomic analyses, particularly through modern tools utilizing high-resolution mass spectrometry data (HRMS). The integration of these tools into chemophenetic studies accelerates the discovery of bioactive substances. Recently, based on morphological and molecular data derived from the nuclear ITS-1 and ITS-2 regions, the genus Dryades Groppo, Kallunki & Pirani was delineated from the genus Conchocarpus J. C. Mikan. However, investigations into the chemical markers and specific bioactive agents of these genera are still in their early stages or nonexistent. This suggests an opportunity for identifying bioactive compounds, particularly alkaloids produced by species of Conchocarpus and Dryades. In this context, to delve into the chemical and biological profile of these plants, the proposal will integrate current metabolomic tools, utilizing HRMS data and alternative alkaloid extraction procedures. Additionally, the study will assess potential cytotoxic agents and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors produced by the species under investigation. The overarching goal is to establish a comprehensive understanding of the segregation between the two genera, unveiling chemophenetic observations and contributing to the development of potential anticancer agents and specific AChE inhibitors. (AU)

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