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Support for Research Groups/Projects and Academic Activities related to Theory of History, Temporal Studies, History of the Present Time and History of Historiography in Latin America in relation to historical temporality, memory and politics of time


The main objective of Professor María Inés Mudrovcic's visit is directly aimed at collaborating with the development of Professor Hélio Rebello Jr.'s research group, Responsible Researcher, and its associated projects at UNESP (Assis campus), as well as with various research groups and their associated projects from other São Paulo universities investigating related themes. The interaction with groups from UNESP (Franca), UNICAMP, and UNIFESP is intended to be enhanced with this visit. All these groups share research lines related to Theory of History, Temporal Studies, History of the Present Time, and History of Historiography in Latin America. These areas of study constitute the main research lines in Professor María Inés Mudrovcic's academic trajectory, whose latest book, "Conceptualizing the History of the Present Time" (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming), serves as an excellent reference framework to articulate the activities with a focus on historical temporality, memory, and temporal policies. Since all the Research Groups and Projects involved in Professor Mudrovcic's visit operate at the intersection of history theory, historicity-temporality, and memory, they will benefit from prolific dialogues across a wide spectrum. This is particularly relevant because the emergence of temporal problems in the field of theory of history and historiography has redefined and questioned the traditional foundations of these disciplines, also identifying new cores of discussion.Through the scheduled activities, it is expected to establish a strong connection between the leaders of the involved research groups (UNESP, FAPESP, UNICAMP), Brazilian researchers (UFU, UFOP, Revista HH, SBTHH, UFRGS, UFES, UFGO, UNIRIO, etc.), and top-level Latin American researchers (IIF at UNAM; the Program in Philosophy and History of Political, Legal, and Social Concepts of Modernity at UNSAM; CIF (UBA-CONICET); the Metahistorias group, IdIHCS-UNLP; the Institute of History and Social Sciences Research at the University of Valparaíso, Chile; Faculty of Liberal Arts at the University of Adolfo Ibañez, Chile, among others) with whom the Visiting Professor has fluid contacts through her research. The development of the visit will also contribute positively to strengthening human resources training at the postgraduate and undergraduate levels, mainly in the areas of history theory and historiography, not only at UNESP (Assis and Franca campuses) but also at UNIFESP and UNICAMP.During the proposed activities of the visit, the aim is to collectively advance on assumptions that have been naturalized as norms in the involved disciplines. It is expected that the proposed notions for discussions, such as the notion of "living together," will engage with and intervene in the problems and challenges posed by climate change, the Anthropocene, or the digital revolution, emphasizing a non-anthropocentric and relational dimension of historical time. Therefore, an impact on disciplinary and institutional capacities is anticipated.The stay of the Visiting Professor will contribute to providing a better philosophical and theoretical perspective for addressing the problems and controversies that arise in the disciplines under study regarding temporal articulations. (AU)

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