Research Grants 24/02678-9 - Condensação, Evaporação - BV FAPESP
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Phase change heat transfer in microchannels


The development of new technologies such as 3D processors, fuel cells automobile batteries, high-concentration photovoltaics, and microreactors is facing the challenge of dissipating extremely high heat fluxes under confined conditions. Phase change processes under confined conditions such as flow boiling in microchannels seem a promising technology to attend to such demands. However, several drawbacks to making the use of this technology safe still exist such as thermal instabilities, explosive boiling, lower critical heat fluxes, fluid maldistribution etc. The research groups in Brazil and Germany led by Profs. Ribatski and Donsgheng at EESC-USP and TUM, respectively, are developing systematic studies on improving heat transfer performance of thermal management devices by employing phase change processes under confined conditions. In Brazil, Prof. Ribatski is developing research on flow boiling at high reduced pressures using advanced experimental techniques within a context of a thematic project supported by FAPESP. On the same tune, Prof. Dongheng is systematically investigating boiling in porous artery structures. In this context, the present proposal aims to join the research effort of both groups by initiating research collaboration between the top universities in Germany and Brazil, with two leading international experts in phase change studies, and build a long-term relationship afterwards. (AU)

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