Research Grants 23/16965-7 - Gilles Deleuze, Fenomenologia - BV FAPESP
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Philosophy and literature in Deleuze: signs of becoming-minor


This project results from my participation as an advisory researcher in a Research Project financed by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), under the supervision of Prof. Julián Ferreyra from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). In the period 2018-2020, I carried out a post-doctorate with the Research Group: "Deleuze: practical ontology", coordinated by him. On the other hand, since 2013, I have been a professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB), where I coordinate the Study and Research Group in Aesthetics (GEPE) and the Contemporary French Philosophy GT of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF). Since my master's and doctoral research (Zunino, 2012), financed with scholarships and grants from FAPESP, I have examined aesthetic aspects in Bergson's thought, related to the practical dimension of the creative act (Zunino, 2016). This guiding thread led me to investigate the different uses that Deleuze makes of the bergsonian theory of "images", highlighting links between philosophy and cinema (Zunino, 2020). Currently, the research unfolds in this new proposal, which objective is to examine the relationship between philosophy and literature under the light of Deleuze's books on Proust and Kafka, that treats the topic in a privileged way and reveals influences of phenomenology that should be problematized. Thus, we seek a counterpoint and the delimitation of intersections with some central axes of the phenomenological scope, especially with works by Merleau-Ponty, as suggested by Prof. Alex Moura, Professor at the Department of Philosophy at USP, working in the area of Contemporary Philosophy and coordinator of GEFEN - Phenomenology Study Group at USP - and the Merleau-Ponty Study Group at USP. (AU)

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