Research and Innovation: Development and technical validation of customized orthoses manufacturing process using advanced processes
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Development and technical validation of customized orthoses manufacturing process using advanced processes

Grant number: 23/09995-7
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Agreement: SEBRAE-SP
Principal Investigator:Daniela Nakandakari Goia
Grantee:Daniela Nakandakari Goia
Company:Clínica Ativa Ação Reabilitação Ltda. - ME
CNAE: Atividades de profissionais da área de saúde, exceto médicos e odontólogos
Atividades de atenção à saúde humana não especificadas anteriormente
City: Ribeirão Preto
Pesquisadores principais:
Gustavo Trindade Valio
Associated researchers:Marisa de Cássia Registro Fonseca
Associated research grant(s):24/04332-2 - Development and technical validation of customized orthoses manufacturing process using advanced processes, AP.PIPE
Associated scholarship(s):24/06875-3 - Development and technical validation of the process for manufacturing personalized orthoses through advanced processes, BP.PIPE


The present project aims to improve the assistive technology of orthosis for the upper and lower limbs using high processing technology, as well as to validate the use of this solution in scale. Currently, the manufacture of orthoses using thermoplastic is completely hand made, being time-consuming and financially costly. With the validations proposed in this project, it is intended to arrive at a business model in which specialized professionals are able to obtain, at a competitive price, flat static orthoses in up to 10 minutes by laser cutting and complex articulated orthoses (parts with more than 3.2mm thickness) in up to 24 hours by 3D printing. All proposed orthoses can be molded directly onto the patient, making it possible to fine-tune them respecting the anatomical processes and improving the recovery process. In addition, this project also proposes the manufacture of "standard" lower limb orthoses for children and babies with the possibility of molding directly on the patient, reducing the number of appointments and wait time of weeks or months for the delivery of the orthoses by SUS, for one appointment and waiting a few hours to receive the device. Therefore, it will be necessary to develop parameterized geometries of orthoses for the upper and lower limbs. From these parameterizations, it will be possible to quickly generate personalized geometries that can be used for laser cutting of plates with a process time of approximately 5 min or 3D printing using granules (the process time varies according to the complexity and size of the orthosis). The described processes need to be fully validated in three steps (TRL 7 - clinic, 8 - clinics and 9 - hospital) to verify their robustness. The material used in the manufacture of orthoses will be from the bHealed series of the company Manish, which has classes with low, medium, high and super high mechanical resistance, all with the possibility of molding on the patient's skin. This project aims to develop an innovative way of applying assistive technology in orthoses with greater speed and low cost. In this way, it can increase its use, since despite the population's need for this type of technology, the costs and delay in manufacturing are currently an inherent inconvenience of the process. (AU)

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