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Development of actinobacterial biopesticide for phytonematode management.

Grant number: 22/12353-4
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Duration: April 01, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy - Soil Science
Principal Investigator:Leonardo José da Silva
Grantee:Leonardo José da Silva
CNAE: Atividades de apoio à agricultura
City: Campinas
Pesquisadores principais:
Gileno Vieira Lacerda Júnior
Associated researchers:Valeria Maia Merzel
Associated scholarship(s):24/07039-4 - Development of actinobacterial biopesticide for phytonematode management, BP.PIPE


The soil microbial community has a direct role in plant health and is considered one ofthe main pillars for agricultural sustainability in the coming years. Some well-established processes, such as the biological nitrogen fixation in soybeans through theinoculation by Rhizobium spp. and Bradyrhizobium spp., the biological control ofinsects and pests in corn, sugarcane, cotton, among other crops by Bacillusthuringiensis and/or Bt transgenics, and the management of phytopathogenic fungi byspecies belonging to the genera Trichoderma, Clonostaschys and Ampelomyces,constitute a portion of the possibilities for biotechnological exploration of agriculturalmicrobiology. In this project, efforts will be focused on the development of a biologicalcontrol agent for phytoparasitic nematodes based on actinobacteria. Bacterialmembers from the actinobacteria class are intensively explored by the pharmaceuticalindustry due to their metabolic versatility for the production of the bioactivecompound, including antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, anthelmintics, andimmunosuppressants. However, although promising for the development ofinnovation processes, the exploration of their bioactive potential by the Brazilianagricultural industry is still incipient, with no product of this nature regulated in theAgroFit system. Biological products based on actinobacteria have been moving theworld agricultural market, highlighting the products Actinovate, MicroPlus108 Seed(Novozymes A/S), Mycostop (YanTen Biotech Ltd), and PH-D Fungicide (AristaLifeScience Co.), which are mainly recommended as biological control agents and plantgrowth promoters. The management of phytonematodes is a challenging for worldagriculture since this parasite group is responsible for annual losses estimated at US$:100 billion and a reduction between 10 and 15% of all world food productivity. InBrazil, losses are estimated at around R$: 35 billion annually, with a greater economicimpact on soybean and sugarcane productivity. Individual management practices arenot sufficient to eliminate phytoparasitic nematodes in the soil, requiring, therefore,the application of integrated approaches, including the use of biological agents. Theincorporation of biological products in agricultural management has the advantage ofgreater selectivity against non-target species, less accumulative effect on theenvironment, and the production of food free of chemical residues. Based on thebioactive potential of actinobacteria and the need for a biological for phytoparasiticnematodes, we believe in the innovative potential of a new product for the growingbiological market aimed at the management of phytopathogens. The growth of thebiological products sector in Brazil was 42% between 2019 and 2020, with an increaseof another 33% between 2020-2021. The estimate for the year 2030 is a triple growthin the market, reaching values close to R$: 3.5 billion. The results will contributeinnovatively and profitably through a highly qualified team, which will base theproposal as an entrepreneurial project for the next phases of the program. (AU)

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