Research Grants 23/14243-4 - Inteligência artificial, Neurociências - BV FAPESP
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Art Perception and its Diversity - From History to Eye Tracking


The Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of São Paulo, through Dr. Ana Gonçalves Magalhães, is part of the Thematic Project: Digital Collections and Research: Art, Architecture and Technology - Process FAPESP 2022/05946-9, under the responsibility of Dr. Giselle Beiguelman (FAUUSP).This Thematic Project forms a platform capable of converging theoretical and methodological issues, as well as developing institutional actions that can be adopted and incorporated by museums and research institutions in the context of digital languages and their relationship with the curatorial cycle. It is, in the end, a research effort aimed at establishing common guidelines, not only to enable Brazilian institutions - with special attention to public ones - to consolidate more concrete actions in relation to the digital universe but also to serve as a reference for expanding international dialogues.This Thematic Project is structured to develop from three central axes, namely: databases; management systems; born-digital objects. To achieve this, our main objectives are the prototyping of functionalities, including: a) identifying the management functionalities with the data mobilized; b) prototyping the functionalities with the data models and tools mobilized in the project; c) experimenting with cataloging concepts; d) reporting on the possibilities of data interoperability in concrete cases; e) designing mechanisms and interoperability functionalities between collections. These functionalities will be disseminated not only through events and scientific articles but also through seminars and workshops.In this sense, the visit of Professor Dr. Raphael Rosenberg marks the beginning of an international dialogue with cutting-edge interdisciplinary projects, such as the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub (of which he was one of the founders) and the CReA Lab (Laboratory for Cognitive Research in Art History) at the University of Vienna. (AU)

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