Research and Innovation: Marie.IA: platform for tracking ovarian neoplasms
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Marie.IA: platform for tracking ovarian neoplasms

Grant number: 23/13767-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Paula Cristina dos Santos
Grantee:Paula Cristina dos Santos
Company:Paula C dos Santos Suporte Técnico e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Ltda
CNAE: Desenvolvimento de programas de computador sob encomenda
Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
City: Ribeirão Preto
Associated scholarship(s):24/01385-8 - Study of a blood count bank involved in ovarian cancer and its relationship with blood biomarkers, BP.TT
24/01318-9 - Study of genes involved in ovarian cancer based on public data., BP.TT
24/01118-0 - Marie.IA: platform for tracking Ovarian Cancer, BP.PIPE


The global digital health market size is estimated to reach US$1.5 trillion by 2030 and extending to a CARG of 27.7% during the forecast period. To this expectation, growing demands for remote patient monitoring services, prevalence of chronic diseases and the increasing accessibility of virtual care services are driving the market's advancement at a significant rate. This trend of digitalization in healthcare is being supported by the growth of public-private partnerships, the emergence of startups and favorable government initiatives. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence are a body of knowledge that seeks to model analytical thinking for problem-solving, and in the textual field it uses information data about the neural bases of working memory. Another area that commonly has a large field is computer vision, which seeks to mimic human vision with the aim of replicating its functions through the development of advanced software and hardware. Currently, several companies have invested in automated processes, due to the large volume of information available, mainly in the financial and healthcare sectors, as a way of streamlining processes and developing intelligent systems such as personalized medicine and insights for financial solutions. However, due to the adversity found in each sector, small and medium-sized companies have turned their focus to specific areas, thus providing the best software solutions. Marie.AI focuses on the development of Software as a Service (SaaS) in the healthcare area, presenting the concept of AI made by people for people, in which we focus on software solutions, for screening and diagnostic support, through laboratory exams and anamnesis data, associated with advanced algorithms and mathematical models, determining biomarkers for pathologies, making us a company oriented towards knowledge and software innovation, through academic knowledge. This purpose arises through academic projects developed at the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto and in parallel using biopsychosocial aspects. In this project, we carried out a longitudinal and retrospective study of 500 women with ovarian cancer. For the project, anamnesis, blood count, mammography images and abdominal ultrasound from the Municipality of Itapeva-MG were used. This set presented a variability of information which we could identify the risk in development and even divide into different stages. Our product is starting an Innovation Patent process by INPI, as it is a SaaS system, it can be attached to cell phones, tablets, PACS systems and medical imaging devices. With this project, we were winners of the GSK-Eretz. Bio (Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein)6 challenge for ovarian cancer screening. (AU)

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