Research Grants 21/12470-8 - Materiais quânticos, Campo magnético - BV FAPESP
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Research in quantum materiais involving intense magnetic fields and low temperatures


This Project is a continuation of previous Thematics (FAPESP Processes 99/10359-7, 07/50968-0 and 2015/16191-5) whose main purpose was to study the physical properties of new materials under the influence of intense magnetic fields and low temperatures. The Laboratory of New Semiconductor Materials (LNSM) and the Laboratory of Solid State and Low Temperatures (LSSLT) of the Department of Physics of Materials and Mechanics (DPMM) of the Institute of Physics at USP bring together the infrastructure and techniques necessary to carry out the proposed experiments, therefore being the main center in which they will be carried out. The programs cover:- advanced materials (Dirac materials and new topological insulators), semiconductor materials (study of transport in Bi2Te3, IV-VI structures and dilute magnetic semiconductors and dilute magnetic oxides); frustrated magnetic materials (study of the properties of fluorite and pyrochlore); magnetism and superconductivity (study of compounds based on ternary intermetallics); magnetic materials based on the compound NiCl2.4SC(NH2)2) (study of magnons in the phase of a Bose-Einstein condensate); quantum materials, which include superconductors, graphene, topological insulators, Weyl semimetals, quantum spin liquids, and spin ices (terahertz spectroscopy study); high mobility two-dimensional systems (study of electronic viscosity effects). In addition to the LNSM group led by Prof. Gennady Gusev, directly participate in this project, the LSSLT group led by Prof. Valmir Chitta, the Group on Optical and Magnetic Properties of Solids (GOMPS) of the Gleb Wataghin Institute at UNICAMP, led by Prof. Pascoal Pagliuso and the Semiconductor Physics Group of the Physics Institute of São Carlos/USP led by Prof. Yury Pusep. The group from the Laboratory of Sensors and Materials of the National Institute for Space Research (LAS/INPE), led by Dr. Eduardo Abramov, and several groups from abroad (Russia, France and the United States). (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
LEVIN, A. D.; GUSEV, G. M.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.; OLSHANETSKY, E. B.; KOVALEV, V. M.; ENTIN, M. V.; MIKHAILOV, N. N.. Interaction-controlled transport in a two-dimensional massless-massive Dirac system: Transition from degenerate to nondegenerate regimes. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 6, n. 2, p. 9-pg., . (21/12470-8, 19/16736-2)
PATRICIO, M. A. T.; JACOBSEN, G. M.; TEODORO, M. D.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; PUSEP, YU. A.. Hydrodynamics of electron-hole fluid photogenerated in a mesoscopic two-dimensional channel. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 109, n. 12, p. 6-pg., . (22/02132-0, 22/10340-2, 21/12470-8)
PATRICIO, M. A. T.; JACOBSEN, G. M.; OLIVEIRA, V. A.; TEODORO, M. D.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; PUSEP, YU. A.. Magnetic field breakdown of electron hydrodynamics. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 110, n. 4, p. 5-pg., . (22/02132-0, 22/10340-2, 21/12470-8)

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