Research and Innovation: No-code Platform for customized solutions development applied to logistics and mobility
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No-code Platform for customized solutions development applied to logistics and mobility

Grant number: 23/00519-8
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Telecommunications
Principal Investigator:Leticia Leite Munhoz
Grantee:Leticia Leite Munhoz
Company:Meta Telecom Gestora de Dados Ltda
CNAE: Outras atividades de telecomunicações
Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
City: Barueri
Associated researchers: Alex Reis


Currently, Meta Telecom provides connectivity services to companies that develop embedded connectivity applications for objects in different segments. In the last two years, Meta Telecom has been providing consultancy and technical support to customers who want to customize their connectivity solutions for end users; in addition, it has been observing the customers' needs - not satisfied by operators and telecommunications companies - by other types of connectivity and higher capacity data plans. Connectivity customization is often related to more complex Internet of Things (IoT) projects involving hardware integration (actuators and sensors) and connectivity outside the standard scope of Machine-to-Machine (M2M). Typically, integration companies try to deliver to their customers an IoT solution that includes three interrelated parts: (1) hardware, (2) connectivity, and (3) software. Complex projects involve the development of a customized solution, often Ad-hoc, for the customers. Such projects require software development with exclusive coding, connection to the electronic hardware protocol, and internet connectivity, which results in high costs and development deadlines of no less than three months. In many cases, due to high complexity and uncertainty, projects become unfeasible and are left aside. In this context, Meta intends to solve the problem of integration companies that decline promising projects due to the difficulty of integration, overcoming the barrier of development cost and the uncertainty of success. Thus, the main objective of the project is to prove the technical-scientific feasibility of developing a platform for integrating companies to customize their IoT solutions without the need for coding. The platform will provide a do-it-yourself user experience without the need for coding to integrate hardware, connectivity, and software. The specific objectives of the research project are: (1) Definition of the technical foundation for the platform development; (2) Establishment of a connectivity VPN with the Arqia operator; (3) Platform development; and (4) Testing and validation of the platform. As a result of the research project - related to Phase 1 of PIPE FAPESP - it is expected to validate an MVP (Minimum Viable Product or Minimum Viable Product, in Portuguese, it is the smallest delivered version of a product capable of delivering the desired solution) for the development of complex and customized IoT solutions, integrating hardware, connectivity and software at low cost. (AU)

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