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Geoconservation and place-based education: potentialities and challenges to interdisciplinary training in basic education


In view of the current global discussions on the conservation of natural diversity, preservation of geopatrimony and geoconservation, this project aims to investigate the impacts, challenges and possibilities of place-based education. It considers to analyzing training products and processes in the articulation between curricular documents, teaching materials, school practices and projects and continuing teacher training, covering speleological heritage and geoconservation in the Ribeira Valley. It is going to be develop through critical collaborative action research with a focus on place, covering teacher and student training processes, in order to improve classroom teachinglearning processes, as well as the valorization of the region's geopatrimony. The research project bases on the theoretical frameworks of Geoconservation, Place-based Education, Pedagogy of Place, Environmental Education, and Social Learning. It intends, thus, to disseminate knowledge and approaches based on Geosciences, in an interdisciplinary and systemic conception, promoting learning, values and sustainable practices capable of stimulating the interest and engagement of citizens for action and co-responsibility, in the construction of a planetary citizenship. With this project expects to promote pedagogical changes that produce valorization of teaching work, personal growth, professional commitment, development of a culture of research and analysis of school pedagogical practices in place. (AU)

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