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Quantifying uncertainty in adversarial federated learning

Grant number: 23/00721-1
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: August 01, 2023 - July 31, 2025
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Computer Science - Computer Systems
Convênio/Acordo: MCTI/MC
Principal Investigator:Heitor Soares Ramos Filho
Grantee:Heitor Soares Ramos Filho
Host Institution: Instituto de Ciências Exatas (ICEx). Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Belo Horizonte , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Alejandro César Frery Orgambide ; Amir Houmansadr ; Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro ; Fabricio Murai Ferreira ; Leandro Aparecido Villas
Associated scholarship(s):24/13480-5 - Federated Continual learning, BP.TT


The research project called Quantifying Uncertainty in Adversarial Federated Learning aims to analyze and propose new approaches to distributed machine learning models that maintain privacy and security restrictions. Federated Learning (FL) is a promising approach to training data collaboratively on distributed devices while accounting for privacy restrictions. However, the FL training process is vulnerable to model poisoning attacks where malicious participants can upload fake model weights. The project aims to address these vulnerabilities and propose new solutions for maintaining privacy and security in distributed machine learning models. In short, this project presents a scientific research proposal in five directions: (i) quantification of model generalization based on Bayesian neural networks for federated learning systems; (ii) DDoS intrusion detection system approaches in federated applications; (iii) uncertainty quantification in distributed heterogeneous environment (e.g., Federated Learning); (iv) investigation for continual (incremental) learning to identify unknown new malware is necessary to protect systems even at day zero of a malware release; and (v) study the use of ordinal patterns statistical tests to identify data poisoning attacks in federated applications. (AU)

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(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
DE MATTOS, EKLER PAULINO; DOMINGUES, AUGUSTO C. S. A.; SILVA, FABRICIO A.; RAMOS, HEITOR S.; LOUREIRO, ANTONIO A. F.. Slicing who slices: Anonymization quality evaluation on deployment, privacy, and utility in mix-zones. Computer Networks, v. 236, p. 19-pg., . (23/00721-1)

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