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Time series, wavelets, high dimensional data and applications

Grant number: 23/02538-0
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: September 01, 2023 - August 31, 2028
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Probability and Statistics - Statistics
Principal Investigator:Aluísio de Souza Pinheiro
Grantee:Aluísio de Souza Pinheiro
Host Institution: Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica (IMECC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Hedibert Freitas Lopes ; Luiz Koodi Hotta ; Pedro Alberto Morettin ; Ronaldo Dias
Associated researchers:Airlane Pereira Alencar ; Alejandro César Frery Orgambide ; Audrone Virbickaite ; Carlos Cesar Trucios Maza ; Carlos Marinho Carvalho ; Chang Chiann ; Guilherme Vieira Nunes Ludwig ; João Ricardo Sato ; Márcio Poletti Laurini ; Mauricio Enrique Zevallos Herencia ; Michel Helcias Montoril ; Paulo Cilas Marques Filho ; Rodney Vasconcelos Fonseca ; Rogério Galante Negri
Associated grant(s):24/05242-7 - MATRIX Workshop - Multivariate Dependence Modeling: Theory and Applications, AR.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):24/20120-5 - Deep learning methodologies for change detection in SAR image time series, BP.DD
24/18134-8 - Selective inference for high-dimensional data, BP.PD
23/18036-3 - Hierarchical Bayesian model for predicting spatially correlated curves and with non-equidistant spacing, BP.PD
+ associated scholarships 24/01480-0 - Modeling and forecasting financial time series through hybrid methodologies, BP.DR
24/07656-3 - Time Series and Machine Learning, BP.IC
24/08171-3 - Study of Robustness of Some Methods Applied to Financial Time Series, BP.IC
24/06269-6 - Assessing backtesting tools for Value-at-Risk and expected shortfall, BP.IC
24/01079-4 - Financial long-term risk estimation in Brazilian stocks, BP.IC
23/14505-9 - Change detection on SAR images time series via machine learning, BP.IC
23/12400-5 - Wavelet Analysis of Functional Data - Applications in Econometrics, BP.IC
23/12361-0 - Wavelet Covariate Screening. Applications in High Dimensional Data Analysis., BP.IC
23/11547-2 - Factor models with vector autoregressive dynamics, BP.DD - associated scholarships


This project is a natural follow-up to an ongoing project 18/04654-9, which is the most recent of a series of thematic projects from this research group endowed by FAPESP in the last twenty years. The proposed statistical methodologies will have application in Medicine, Finance, Biology, Physics, Neurosciences, Engineering, among others areas. They solve theoretical and empirical questions, in the following topics, in a mostly interwoven manner: (1) Generalizations of ARMA, processes, (2) Wavelet methods, (3) Quasi U-statistics, (4) Extreme values in time series, (5) Volatility modeling in financial data, including high-frequency data, (6) Functional data analysis, (7) high dimensional data, with focus on time series, spacial-temporal data, financial series, satellite image analysis, genetics, MRI and fNRIS. Besides the scientific output on the form of published papers in highly selective international journals and presentation in international meetings, the project should result in highly skilled young researchers, through post-doctoral, doctoral, masters, and undergraduate work supervisions. In order to ascertain the state-of-the-art status of the aforementioned research, periodical seminars and annual internationals workshops will be held, as well as visits from the Brazilian team members to world centers, and to the Brazilian institutions by international research leaders. (AU)

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