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Digital ticket tokenization for cultural events

Grant number: 22/13709-7
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Duration: June 01, 2023 - May 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Convênio/Acordo: SEBRAE-SP
Principal Investigator:Caroline Castro Nunes
Grantee:Caroline Castro Nunes
Host Company:Inspireip Tecnologia Blockchain Ltda
CNAE: Tratamento de dados, provedores de serviços de aplicação e serviços de hospedagem na internet
City: São Paulo
Associated researchers: Alex Borges Vieira ; Alex Lima Nascimento Vieira


NFTs are unique digital items stored on the blockchain. Once created, they can be sold to customers digitally. Customers then store NFTs in a secure digital wallet that can be accessed on any device.In this way, NFTs have the ability to improve the experience of customers and event organizers, reducing the number of frauds, generating revenue in the secondary market and generating a digital collectible. (AU)

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