Research and Innovation: Digital platform connected to mobile applications with geolocation technologies, IoT sensors, drones, ERPs, and other SaaS platforms for the digital transformation of the security and facilities sector
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Digital platform connected to mobile applications with geolocation technologies, IoT sensors, drones, ERPs, and other SaaS platforms for the digital transformation of the security and facilities sector

Grant number: 22/07748-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Computer Science - Computer Systems
Principal Investigator:Gabriel Ranyer Vasconcelos Lima
Grantee:Gabriel Ranyer Vasconcelos Lima
Company:FindMe Tecnologia Ltda
CNAE: Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador não-customizáveis
City: São Paulo
Associated researchers: Helen Pruschinski Fernandes
Associated research grant(s):23/16107-0 - FindMe DataLab: Digital platform for the property security and facilities sector, which integrates information from software and hardware, enabling more intelligent and assertive decision-making at the strategic, tactical and operational levels, AP.PIPE
Associated scholarship(s):23/02000-0 - Software Engineer focused on carrying out all the Full Stack construction (Back-end and Front-end) of the project built by the Data Scientist and the Data Engineer., BP.TT
23/03955-3 - Data Analyst - responsible for bringing insights and solving business problems by analyzing the databases made available by the built platform, BP.TT
23/02018-6 - Digital platform connected to mobile applications with geolocation technologies, IoT sensors, drones, ERPs, and other SaaS platforms for the digital transformation of the security and facilities sector, BP.TT
23/01991-2 - Digital platform connected to mobile applications with geolocation technologies, IoT sensors, drones, ERPs, and other SaaS platforms for the digital transformation of the security and facilities sector, BP.TT
23/02003-9 - Data Scientist: Data modeling and construction of logical models to deliver the indicators and insights required by the business area, BP.TT


The security and facilities market moves more than R$60 billion annually in Brazil and is constantly expanding. This project aims to develop the Data Lab FindMe, a digital platform composed of mobile applications that connect with geolocation technologies, IoT sensors, drones, risk management systems, smart cams, and ERPs to carry out asset management activities, such as (1) security rounds, (2) cleaning routines, (3) inspections and fire-fighting systems, and (4) maintenance management, sending all information in real-time to a website, connected by the cloud (Cloud). Computing), generating intelligent reports and workflows for handling demands and occurrences, integrated into a Business Intelligence module, composed of Big Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence solutions that will optimize management in security and facilities companies. The project was designed to meet the needs of FindMe's main customers from the perspective of Open Innovation with the active participation of customers such as Verzani & Sandrini Group, GPS Group, Haganá Group, GR Group, and G4S Group, in addition to thousands of industries and condominiums that are end customers, such as Heineken, Honda, Ambev, Unilever, BR Properties, CBRE, and Alphaville. For the execution of this project, several methodologies will be used that will go through the stages of discovery, delivery, and quality assurance, guided by an agile work framework such as Scrum and Lean Startup to ensure continuous delivery and evolution of the product and customer value. The entire process will be monitored analytically and qualitatively through methodologies such as product kata and feedback loops. With this project, FindMe aims to revolutionize the Brazilian security and facilities market, through digital transformation. An increase in market share of 10% is estimated, obtaining a market share of 20% of the Brazilian market after 2 years of launching the new product and an increase in annual recurring revenue in the order of R$ 1.5 million. (AU)

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