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Implementation research of curriculum innovation, pedagogical strategies, and emerging technologies for quality-equity in basic education

Grant number: 22/06977-5
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: February 01, 2023 - January 31, 2028
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education
Convênio/Acordo: Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo
Principal Investigator:Mauricio Pietrocola Pinto de Oliveira
Grantee:Mauricio Pietrocola Pinto de Oliveira
Host Institution: Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEA). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Atuais )
Cristina Leite ; Luiz Roberto Alves ; Marcelo Alves Barros ; Meire Cachioni ; Roseli de Deus Lopes
Pesquisadores principais:
( Anteriores )
Naomar Monteiro de Almeida Filho
Associated researchers: Adelmo Antonio da Silva Eloy ; Adriana Gomes Dickman ; Adriane Orenha Ottaiano ; Ana Karina Amorim Checchia ; Ana Paula Tavares Magalhães Tacconi ; Anne Louise Scarinci Peres ; Aurea Maria Zöllner Ianni ; Barbara Corominas Valerio ; Beatriz Leonel Scavazza ; Bernardete Angelina Gatti ; Carmen Fernandez ; Carmen Pimentel Cintra Do Prado ; Cassia de Oliveira Fernandez ; Celso Setsuo Kurashima ; Cláudia Souza Passador ; Cristina Leite ; Daniel Fils Puig ; Danilo Silva Guimarães ; Debora Foguel ; Dennys Leite Maia ; Edson Anício Duarte ; Elmara Pereira de Souza ; Ernani Vassoler Rodrigues ; Eugenio Maria de França Ramos ; Fabiana de Lima Peixoto ; Fernanda Aparecida Yamamoto ; Francisco Aparecido Cordão ; Ghisleine Trigo Silveira ; Guilherme Ary Plonski ; Herbert Alexandre João ; Irene Karaguilla Ficheman ; Jorge Ferreira Franco ; Lana Paula Crivelaro Monteiro de Almeida ; Leandro Key Higuchi Yanaze ; Lino de Macedo ; Luís Carlos de Menezes ; Marcelo Henrique Romano Tragtenberg ; Marciel Aparecido Consani ; Maria Antonia Ramos de Azevedo ; Maria Eliza Mattosinho Bernardes ; Marina Costin Fuser ; Merari de Fátima Ramires Ferrari ; Nilson José Machado ; Paulo Blikstein ; Paulo Rogerio Miranda Correia ; Paulo Sergio de Camargo Filho ; Rita de Cássia Marques Lima de Castro ; Ruth Caldeira de Melo ; Samuel Molina Schnorr ; Silvia Helena de Carvalho Sales Peres ; Suzana Ursi ; Valkiria Venancio ; Verónica Marcela Guridi
Associated grant(s):23/10662-2 - Curricular integration in nature sciences: mapping challenges and potentialities, AP.EP
23/04871-8 - The 15th Conference of the European Science Educationa Research Associaton (ESERA), AR.EXT
24/17647-1 - Evaluation of pedagogical procedural innovations in preservice and inservice teacher training in Basic Education, BP.EP
24/17812-2 - Digital environments for approaching complex socio-environmental problems., BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 24/16088-9 - "Intergenerational Coexistence in Pedagogical Activities on the Teaching of Natural Sciences in EJA - Youth and Adult Education" - Line 2.4 (Intergenerational Coexistence in Basic Education), BP.EP
24/14932-7 - Assessment of pedagogical process innovations in pre-service and in-service teacher education, BP.IC
24/10893-7 - Professional Training for Interdisciplinary Teaching: Active Methodologies for Student Leadership, BP.EP
24/09190-1 - Evaluation of pedagogical procedural innovations in preservice and inservice teacher training in Basic Education, BP.EP
24/06607-9 - Professional training for interdisciplinary teaching: active methodologies for student protagonism - Line 1 - Year 2, BP.EP
24/01674-0 - Complex, emerging and emergency socio-environmental themes: paths towards an integrative multidimensional approach, BP.PD
23/17488-8 - Prototyping of emerging technologies in the Interdisciplinary Degree in Sciences at USP, BP.PD
23/16366-6 - Use of Active Methodologies in the light of Activity Theory (3rd generation) in Natural Sciences teacher training: a systematic literature review linked to a case study of PLIC/USP, BP.PD
23/16333-0 - Complex, emerging and urgent socio-environmental themes: paths towards an integrative and multidimensional approach, BP.PD
23/16247-7 - Analyzing Teaching Practice from the Perspective of Interdisciplinary Education, BP.PD
23/16357-7 - Pluri-epistemicity, ethnodiversity and silenced cultures in a curricular recreation project at the university, BP.PD - associated scholarships


In the Call SEB/MEC 35/2021, the UFABC-USP-UniSantos network approved a project to create Interdisciplinary Degrees in Sciences (PLIC/USP), based on studies and prospecting conducted by the Alfredo Bosi Chair. At USP, directly linked to the Office of Undergraduate Programs, the PLIC/USP will open as a pilot program in the second semester of 2022. This experimental stage, lasting four years, will be subject to continuous monitoring and evaluation, with a view to adjusting the prototype to the demands and adaptations necessary for the success of the implementation process. With this aim, this implementation research project is proposed in four dimensions: conceptual, curricular, pedagogical, technological. This implies evaluating the process of design, prototyping, and implementation concomitantly, with evaluation of efficacy, effectiveness and (short-term) impact of elements constituting the proposed intervention, in its curricular, pedagogical, and technological aspects. The set of studies envisage, in a general plan, to articulate concrete demands of educational institutions, integrating (and subsuming) the binary Quality-Equity in public education. As organizational structure, the project comprises the following lines of research: 1) Archeogenealogical and pragmatic explorations of conceptual questions of innovation in education; 2) Description and validation (micro-experimental) of the specific effectiveness of innovations and curricular arrangements of PLIC/USP; 3) Registration and evaluation of pedagogical procedural innovations applied in the project; 4) Prototyping of emerging technologies (meta-presence and immersive co-learning environments) of PLIC/USP. Multi-method studies will be carried out to evaluate efficacy, effectiveness and (short-term) impact of conceptual, curricular, pedagogical, and technological elements constituting the intervention implemented. Study results will be articulated into a perspective of Translational Transdisciplinary Research and will serve as subsidies for the creation, expansion and improvement of interdisciplinary undergraduate teaching degrees, producing information crucial for the management of educational systems, especially in the state of São Paulo. (AU)

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