Research and Innovation: Application of long fiber reinforced composites in high mechanical performance injection molding parts with the finite element method
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Application of long fiber reinforced composites in high mechanical performance injection molding parts with the finite element method

Grant number: 22/11305-6
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
Agreement: FINEP - PIPE/PAPPE Grant
Principal Investigator:Sergio Luiz Dulcini
Grantee:Sergio Luiz Dulcini
Company:Hyco Compostos Híbridos Eireli - ME
CNAE: Fabricação de artefatos de material plástico não especificados anteriormente
Pesquisa e desenvolvimento experimental em ciências físicas e naturais
City: São Carlos
Associated researchers: Ivan Luiz de Oliveira Perazzoli
Associated research grant:18/06130-7 - Development of hybrid composites with long fiber reinforced thermoplastic, AP.PIPE


Since its development by the aerospace industry in the 1970s, fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite materials have been used because of their high mechanical strength and low weight. In this context, thermoplastics reinforced by long fibers of the hybrid type show a great application potential in segments as follows: civil construction, agriculture, automotive, nautical, aviation, power transmission and electronics, among others. The technical and scientific feasibility of manufacturing high-performance composites using continuous long fibers impregnated with thermoplastic resins is important to optimize the design of structural parts and components. Considering, PIPE 1 and 2, the effectiveness of the manufacturing process developed by the company HYCO was consolidated, where thermoplastic composites with high fiber mass concentrations, above 40% in the ash tests, were obtained. Other factors that attest the raw material quality of HYCO's composites, such as: characterization of impregnation efficiency, fiber size distribution, determination of mechanical, thermal and thermomechanical properties, were carried out in the laboratory. The products developed in Phases 1 and 2, as well as the partnerships consolidated in this period, will continue in Phase 3. In addition, new partners were prospected in order to establish HYCO in the composite manufacturing segment, extending its performance in the development of parts and structural components. In this direction, it is proposed the manufacture of a pilot mold, which will be used in the injection of product, in order to confirm computational analyses previously carried out. This new product, being a market need identified in prospected companies, will be called motion blocking where should be dimensioned according to the requirements of transport and storage of material and parts of the ceramic industry in the State of São Paulo. The blocking will be applied to avoid the relative movement of transported and stored floors and, consequently, possible stock losses, but mainly, accidents that may occur during transport and storage. It is worth mentioning that previous studies were carried out in order to map the shipments and understand the project needs for the prospected companies. Thus, from a prototype mold - mock-up, a preliminary version of the motion blocking could be manufactured and optimized via finite element analysis combined with experimental tests, simulating the product performance in-loco. In this way, the company's participation in Phase 3 is justified, where the HYCO material, which has a superior quality and mechanical resistance to market products made of pure polypropylene, will be injected into the prototype mold in order to obtain a lightweight, tough and competitive product. (AU)

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