Research Grants 22/04364-6 - Dentística, Técnicas de laboratório clínico - BV FAPESP
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Effect of catalyst bioproducts and violet led on bleaching therapy: in-vitro analysis and randomized clinical trial


The objective of this project will be compared to the effect caused by the application objective with 4 minutes of treatment to the exposure to 35% hydrogen peroxide gel, with a reduction in the application time to objective, with a reduction in the reduction of the objective time from the product base to 15 minutes, without the use of a polymeric nanofiber scaffold and a polymeric primer of the employment fiber, associated or not with the Violet LED. In step I, in vitro, 200 discs of bovine teeth will be used, pigmented for 6 days with tea, and selected from the color data (L*, a*, and b*). The 120 selected (n=15) will be randomly divided into 8C: artificial saliva with changes every 24h; LED (L): 8 cycles of 5' of Violet Led Light irradiation with 30'' pauses; Gel (G): 0.06mL of 35% HP whitening gel with 3 applications of 15'; Gel-LED (GL45): 0.06 mL of 35% HP with 3 applications of 15', associated, in the first 12', with the irradiation of Violet Led; Gel 15 (G15): 0.06 mL of 35% HP for 15'; Gel-Light 15 (GL15): 0.06mL of HP 35% for 15', associating, in the first 12', the irradiation of Violet Led; Scaf-SP-Polymers and, in Scaf quantity, doubled at 15' time; SPL, Prime Catalyst, Light (SPL): Violetfold, the first Slighter, first catalyst incorporated into the gel, in the amount of 10.06mL, in the amount of 10.06mL, in the amount of 12', 10.06mL, being in the 12', first to be activated by LED. In the first declaratory session, the PH diffusion analysis will be carried out by the enzymatic method. Presentation of treatment results, such as dissemination of results of e00 WID distinction studies. Then, in stage II, in vitro, the study will be carried out at the Department of Operative Dentistry at the University of Iowa School of Dentistry and Dental Clinics, Iowa City, USA. For that, 80 human teeth will be used, sectioned in the mesiodistal direction, and distributed in the 8 groups described above. after the surface roughness tests, microhardness and after the surface roughness tests, ATR-FTIR spectroscopy at baseline time and that of the sessions defined in the baseline. Then, as a sample after the declaration of dispersive X-ray energy, the electronic treatment was disclosed to scanning microscopy and dispersive X-ray energy spectroscopy. Finally, in stage III - the study will be randomized, in parallel with 72 volunteers randomly allocated to groups: Control Group - C: three clinical analyses of 0.06m of 35% HP whitening gel with applications of 15 Gel Group - single G: 0.06L of HP 35% whitening gel with a single application of 15'; Group incorporated 10mg of Peroxidar whitening gel and deposited 0.6mL on the dental elements, remaining for 15'; and the paired type to evaluate the effect of the violet LED (one hemi-arc will receive the proposed treatment and the other hemi-arc will receive the same treatment associated with the Violet LED Light), with three whitening sessions. For chromatic evaluation, a portable digital spectrophotometer will be used, with an evaluation of chromatic change (”E), (”E00), and evaluation index (WID). Assistance will be provided through electronic quality VAS. Complementary analyzes of satisfaction, hydrogen potential (pH), and presence of PH by evaluation and surface analysis will be carried out at previously established times. Thus, the sessions will take place 6 times: baseline, after 1st bleaching (S), 2nd and 3rd S, 7, 15, and 90 days after the bleaching period. The results obtained in the in-vitro study and the criteria chosen will be chosen as standard statistical tests with a significance level of 5%. (AU)

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