Research Grants 22/09211-3 - Parasitologia, Trypanosoma - BV FAPESP
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Isolation and development of Trypanosoma terrestris in tabanids in Atlantic Forest and its vector importance in the transmission cycle for Tapirs (Tapirus terrestris)

Grant number: 22/09211-3
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Veterinary Medicine - Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Principal Investigator:Arlei Marcili
Grantee:Arlei Marcili
Host Institution: Universidade de Santo Amaro (UNISA). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Pablo Henrique Nunes


The Trypanosoma genus comprises species that infect several vertebrate orders and are transmitted by various hematophagous invertebrates, usually hematophagous arthropods. Mammalian trypanosomes are usually transmitted by insects such as flies, hemotherters, tabanids, and fleas. A new species of trypanosome was described parasitizing tapirs (Tapirus Terrestris) in Atlantic Forest fragments and was named Trypanosoma terrestris and was phylogenetically positioned in a new cellorelated to crocodian trypanosomes, and, subsequently, described parasitizing tapirs in different biomes, such as Pantanal and Cerrado. However, other species that may make up the Clate T. terrestris, pathogenicity, biological behavior in natural hosts and potential vectors are not yet known. Thus, this project aims to evaluate the role of tabantids as biological vectors of T. terrestris for tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) in an Atlantic Forest reserve in the state of São Paulo. The studies will be based on the analysis of the diversity of tabanids, their seasonality and positivity of those for trypanososides. In addition to the phylogenetic isolation and positioning of Trypanosoma isolates and the description of T. terrestris development in naturally infected tabanids. As information obtained will serve as subsidies for conservation programs of tapirs in the Atlantic Forest and other Brazilian biomes. (AU)

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