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Documentation, representation and communication of the eclectic historical heritage of São Carlos through 2D and 3D digital technology

Grant number: 21/14765-5
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: October 01, 2022 - September 30, 2024
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Architecture and Town Planning - Architecture and Urbanism Technology
Principal Investigator:Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli
Grantee:Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli
Host Institution: Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de São Carlos (IAU). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Alfonso Ippolito ; André Frota Contreras Faraco ; Gabriela Virgínia de Magalhães ; Joubert José Lancha ; Paulo César Castral ; Rodrigo Peronti Santiago


This proposal is part of a joint project with SAPIENZA Università di Roma whose International Agreement with the o Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo was signed in 2020 and it´s coordinated by Prof. Associate Alfonso Ippolito and this proponent respectively. The Agreement resulted in joint research and mentoring by master's students and international exchande by professors from both institutions. The project is also related to the work that has being developed at NELAC (Núcleo de Estudos de Linguagens em Arquitetura e Cidade) of the IAU USP, of which the proponent of this project is a co-founder. Among its research, since 2018, the centre has been carrying out studies on 3D digital mapping, specifically photogrammetry, in the documentation of the historical heritage of São Carlos. This proposal emphasizes the application of knowledge initiated in Project FAPESP 2018/18958-0 "Study of 3D digital mapping - photogrammetry - for education and heritage documentation", completed in 2019 in which Prof. Andrea Adami from the Politecnico di Milano participated.Thus, this proposal has as its MAIN OBJECTIVE the documentation of the eclectic historical heritage (end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century) of the Municipality of São Carlos through research, collection, analysis, systematization and generation of 2D data (graphic pieces - plans, sections and facades) and 3D (digital models generated by photogrammetry - point cloud) and the accessibility of data on heritage by society, through a virtual tour, QR code and feed from the Pró-Memória Foundation website Carlos. In the last years 2019-2021, surveys of graphic pieces about this heritage were carried out and it was found that there is little scientific record (documents, plans, sections, facades) of these assets in the City Council and in the competent bodies of the city. The METHODOLOGY adopted is hybrid: historical and experimental method. I) Construction of repertoire: bibliographical research, collection and systematization of historical textual data and graphics of the eclectic buildings of São Carlos in primary sources; II) Experimental investigations: a) 2D mapping (photographs and drawings), b) 3D mapping (digital models created by Structure from Motion); c) analysis of data and production of documentation and d) communicability of data to the community; III) Spaces for Reflection: reflection on the contributions of new digitization technologies and their importance for the documentation of heritage and access to information by society. The research involves the IAU USP, the Sapienza Università di Roma and the Fundação Pró-memória de São Carlos. (AU)

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