Research Grants 20/07886-8 - Ecologia, Etnografia - BV FAPESP
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Arts and semantics of creation and memory

Grant number: 20/07886-8
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Anthropology - Theory of Anthropology
Principal Investigator:Fernanda Arêas Peixoto
Grantee:Fernanda Arêas Peixoto
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Ana Claudia Duarte Rocha Marques ; Jorge Luiz Mattar Villela
Associated researchers: Ana Carneiro Cerqueira ; Antonia Walford ; Beatriz Judice Magalhães ; Fabiana Maizza ; Felipe Süssekind Viveiros de Castro ; Gabriel Coutinho Barbosa ; Ion Fernandez de las Heras Lopez de Guereñu ; Joana Cabral de Oliveira ; João Daniel Dorneles Ramos ; Júlia Vilaça Goyatá ; Natacha Simei Leal ; Natalia Quiceno ; Paulo Teixeira Iumatti ; Stelio Alessandro Marras ; Thaís Fernanda Salves de Brito ; Uirá Felippe Garcia ; Yara de Cássia Alves
Associated scholarship(s):24/06863-5 - Hormonized bodies from endocrinology to agroindustry: ethnography of the molecular creation of human and plant physiologies, BP.DR
24/03619-6 - How to make an art exhibition: The 36th. São Paulo Bienal as a laboratory, BP.MS
24/14247-2 - Management, creation and memory. - The candidature of the Araripe Plateau for World Heritage Status, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 24/03398-0 - "The legacy of masters": memory and creation in Chinese martial arts, BP.PD
24/07071-5 - The Guardians of the Forest and indigenous ways to conserve disappearing landscapes., BP.IC
23/02051-3 - The waters, the land and the development of the Submédio São Francisco: Nilo Coelho Irrigated Perimeter File (BA/PE), BP.MS
23/15787-8 - Publishing Cadernos Métis and Technical Research Assistance: Arts and Semantics of Creation and Memory, BP.TT
23/09700-7 - Multispecies Landscapes and Creation Environments: Existence, Conservation, and Resistance at the Human Boundaries, BP.PD
23/09713-1 - Complex compositions: arts, techniques, and regimes of knowledge, BP.PD
23/10478-7 - Multispecies ethnology and indigenous primatology: more-than-human forms of production and protection of forests in Maranhão, BP.IC
23/09667-0 - Ecology and memory, BP.PD
23/01246-5 - On the art of making gods: cosmotechnics of African-derived religions in Brazil, BP.PD
23/00959-8 - MPB lenses: creations of the popular in the photography of David Drew Zingg, BP.PD
23/08224-7 - Disseminating content and technical monitoring of the research: arts and semantics of creation and memory, BP.TT
23/05848-0 - Hunt Kinship, BP.IC
23/02188-9 - From root to flour: an etnography of the beings and betweens of the production of cassava flour, BP.IC
23/04075-7 - Contemporary textile activisms: collectives in action, BP.IC
22/08687-4 - counter-morality of crime, BP.MS
23/02480-1 - The memory of the Comissão Pastoral da Terra (Pastoral Land Commission) of Juazeiro in front of the mining in Bahia semi-arid region, BP.DR
21/05179-5 - Struggle and Expansion: Mães de Maio Movement in the state of São Paulo, BP.DR
23/04413-0 - Management, creation and memory, BP.IC
23/04414-6 - Management, creation and memory. Transdisciplinary bibliography., BP.IC
23/04102-4 - "Popular" arts on display: circuits of exhibition, BP.IC
21/14628-8 - Compositions to move on: making politics, spaces and memories in LGBTQIA+ Shelters Home., BP.DR
22/01265-7 - Living Art: vegetal agencies and trans-specific co-creations in contemporary art, BP.DR
22/03361-3 - Of monkeys and primatologists: an anthropological study about the encounters between practices and regimes of knowledge, BP.DR
19/02706-4 - On the tropeiro´s trail: relations and kinship in Li-Fraumeni's Syndrome in Southern and Southeastern Brazil, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Based on the notion of creation, taken in a broader sense, this research project aims to approximate distinct subfields of Anthropology. It invests in the enlargement of different uses and conceptions of creation, exploring its polysemy, its relations with memory and the possibilities this expanded approach offers. We intend to contribute to specific debates in each of the five axes of the project - kinship, indigenous ontologies, ecologic debate, craftworks, and inventions in sciences and techniques. By considering these issues in an interrelated way, so that they mutually cast light over each other, we expect to provide a broader set of theoretical and pragmatic impacts as well. The main hypothesis is that the creation perspective, if tested in specifics ethnographic fields, expands and displaces some of the canonical debates in Anthropology. For instance: a) kinship analyses, revisited here in a pragmatic way, allows to associate kinship with politics, productive life, family, and religion; b) concepts like "animality" and species are reshaped with the help of indigenous ontologies, which connects different relationships such as hunting, rearing, and care in more-than-human and multispecies socialities; c) the conceptions about "folk" practices - that inform the controversies about "tradition" and "heritage" as well as the debates concerning identities and ethnic-political resistances - are renewed when considered from the perspective of mixings and creative contagions; d) the discussions about ecological and ontological conflicts as well as some scientific debates, taken at the creation's point of view, help to revisit contemporary theories about destruction, the "end of the world" and the Anthropocene. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ANA CARNEIRO CERQUEIRA; JÚLIA OTERO DOS SANTOS. Criações da cozinha: corpos, pessoas e relações em contextos indígenas, camponeses e quilombolas. Rev. Antropol., v. 67, . (20/07886-8)
ANA CLAUDIA MARQUES. Transversalidades, descentramentos e inquietações. Rev. Antropol., v. 67, . (20/07886-8)

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