Research Grants 20/04867-2 - Física de alta energia, Grande Colisor de Hádrons - BV FAPESP
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High energy physics and instrumentation with the LHC-CERN

Grant number: 20/04867-2
Support Opportunities:Special Projects
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Elementary Particle Physics and Fields
Principal Investigator:Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz
Grantee:Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz
Host Institution: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Alexandre Alarcon do Passo Suaide ; Fernando Silveira Navarra ; Marco Aurelio Lisboa Leite ; Marco Bregant ; Ronaldo Domingues Mansano
Associated researchers:Adriana Pugliese Netto Lamas ; Alberto Martinez Torres ; Alessandra Tomal ; Antonio Carlos Seabra ; Antonio Cesar Germano Martins ; Bruno Cavalcante de Souza Sanches ; Cristiane Jahnke ; Cristiano Krug ; David Dobrigkeit Chinellato ; Edmilson José Tonelli Manganote ; Francisco de Assis Souza ; Graciella Watanabe ; Gustavo Pamplona Rehder ; Hugo Daniel Hernandez Herrera ; Ivã Gurgel ; João Antonio Martino ; Jun Takahashi ; Lucas Compassi Severo ; Luciano Melo Abreu ; Luís da Silva Zambom ; luis gustavo pereira ; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello ; Márcia Begalli ; Márcia de Almeida Rizzutto ; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli ; Marco Antonio Assis de Melo ; Marco Bregant ; Maria Beatriz de Leone Gay Ducati ; Marisilvia Donadelli ; Maurício Moralles ; Mauro Rogerio Cosentino ; Nelson Carlin Filho ; Nemitala Added ; Nilberto Heder Medina ; Nilton Itiro Morimoto ; Patrícia Camargo Magalhães ; Paula Ghedini Der Agopian ; Paulo Roberto Costa ; Pedro Hugo Ferreira Natal da Luz ; Rafael Peretti Pezzi ; Renato Camargo Giacomini ; Renato Higa ; Roberto Baginski Batista Santos ; Rudolf Theoderich Bühler ; Sebastiao Gomes dos Santos Filho ; Sérgio Henrique Bezerra de Sousa Leal ; Thiago Hartz Maia ; Tiago Fiorini da Silva ; Tiago Oliveira Weber ; Wilhelmus Adrianus Maria van Noije ; Yara do Amaral Coutinho ; Zwinglio de Oliveira Guimarães Filho
Associated research grant(s):24/02605-1 - Quark-Gluon Plasma Tomography with Hard Probes in ALICE, AP.R SPRINT
22/14150-3 - Multi User Equipment approved in grant 2020/04867-2: Semi-automatic Probe Station and accessories, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):24/14337-1 - Study of Multiplicity Distribution in Hadronic Collisions, BP.MS
24/17836-9 - Heavy Flavor Jet Observables in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, BP.PD
24/10327-1 - Portable Two-Dimensional Multipurpose X-ray System, BP.DD
+ associated scholarships 24/16520-8 - CP violation and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe: A case study in the process D0->pi+pi-, BP.IC
24/04470-6 - How does Knowledge become Scientific? A Historical Study on the Consolidation of Quantum Theories as Reference Knowledge in Physics., BE.PQ
24/00944-3 - Science Teaching in Brazil and Denmark: social factors and cultural integration, BE.PQ
24/17225-0 - Scientific journalism with LHC-CERN: dissemination and training, BP.JC
24/09438-3 - Epistemological unfoldings of modern physics: Analyzing preservice teachers' conceptions of nature of science, BP.MS
24/06703-8 - UVM based verification applied to readout ASIC for micropattern gaseous detectors, BP.IC
24/06652-4 - Proton structure in high energy collisions, BP.DR
24/02346-6 - Jet Modification in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, BP.MS
24/05102-0 - Application of Micro Pattern Gas Detectors to Image Generation, BP.IC
24/00573-5 - A Scientific and Technological Development through the Partnership between Brazilian Physicists and CERN, BP.JC
24/00574-1 - Scientific-technological Development from the Partnership between Brazilian Physicists and CERN, BP.JC
23/18484-6 - Deep learning and signal processing applied to 4 dimension track reconstruction for the HL-LHC, BP.DD
23/18486-9 - Ultra-fast semiconductor sensors and associated instrumentation for radiation detection, BP.DD
23/13993-0 - Development of a computed tomography equipment using a thick-GEM detector, BP.DD
23/16276-7 - Searching for double Higgs pair production in the HH to bbtautau channel at the ATLAS experiment, BP.PD
23/14456-8 - Study of Energy Loss Models of Heavy Flavor Quarks in the Quark-Gluon Plasma, BP.PD
23/11934-6 - Characterization of Micropattern Gas Detectors and their Imaging Application, BP.IC
23/07790-9 - Study of heavy quark jets structure in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, BP.DR
23/11374-0 - Science Journalism with the LHC-CERN: Outreach and Education, BP.JC
23/09780-0 - Acquisition software for a SAMPA standalone DAQ system, BP.TT
23/07515-8 - Detector Simulation for High Energy Physics, BP.IC
23/07428-8 - Thermal Production of Particles in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, BP.IC
23/01970-5 - Study of the Production of Exotic Hadrons with the ALICE Experiment from the LHC-CERN, BP.DR
22/13944-6 - Study and production of portable and low-cost GEM-based detectors., BP.IC
22/02989-9 - Study of the granular properties of the quark gluon plasma generated at LHC, BP.DD
23/00251-5 - Framework for performance evaluation of the ATLAS Liquid Argon digitization system - Digital systems for High Energy Physics Trigger, BP.TT
22/15731-0 - Study of the analytic structure of the S-matrix in coupled-channels applied to the X(3872) meson, BP.IC
22/10779-4 - Studying the transport of positive ions in micro-patterned gaseous detectors of radiation by computer simulations, BP.IC - associated scholarships


The involvement of São Paulo research institutions in large collaborations of high energy Physics over the past few years, largely financed by FAPESP, has brought important results for Brazilian science, as the development of the SAMPA chip, a product of high technology already used by several similar experiments around the world, and the investigation of fundamental Physics processes, such as the origin of mass. This proposal aims to support the participation of São Paulo groups over the next five years in the ALICE and ATLAS experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the collaboration for research and development in nuclear instrumentation, RD51, all located in the European laboratory CERN. By consolidating in a single project São Paulo groups participation in three collaborations, the aim is to optimize both financial and human resources, taking advantage of common and complementary knowledge present in these three collaborations. Built upon the vast experience in Physics and engineering acquired by these groups over the last several years in LHC related projects, this proposal will focus on upmost questions in the electroweak and strong sectors of the Standard Model as well as Physics searches beyond it. The research and development of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) and Ultra-Fast Semiconductor Detectors (UFSD) represent a significant part of the effort in this project. It aims a relevant participation in the design, construction and operation of new detector systems in the aforementioned collaborations while contributing to strategically reduce the dependency of the nation on state-of-the-art technology for radiation detection and signal processing. This goal will be accomplished through interdisciplinary partnerships, adapting these novel instrumentation developments for local applications. (AU)

Articles published in Agência FAPESP Newsletter about the research grant:
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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
AGAPOPOULOU, C.; BERESFORD, L. A.; BOUMEDIENE, D. E.; GARCIA, L. CASTILLO; CONFORTI, S.; DE LA TAILLE, C.; CORPE, L. D.; DE SOUSA, M. J. DA CUNHA SARGEDAS; DINAUCOURT, P.; FALOU, A.; et al. Performance of a front-end prototype ASIC for the ATLAS High Granularity timing detector. Journal of Instrumentation, v. 18, n. 8, p. 23-pg., . (20/04867-2)

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