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Longevity: AI and GeoAnalytics in the new normal

Grant number: 21/06943-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Research Partnership for Technological Innovation - PITE
Duration: April 01, 2022 - March 31, 2025
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Convênio/Acordo: MCTI/MC
Principal Investigator:Eduardo de Rezende Francisco
Grantee:Eduardo de Rezende Francisco
Host Institution: Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (EAESP). Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
City: São Paulo
Partner institutions: UNIDADE NAO MAPEADA
Associated researchers: Eduardo Carlos Ferreira ; Luiz Carlos Di Serio ; Rafael Guilherme Burstein Goldszmidt ; Rubens Costa de Almeida


The increase in life expectancy and the aging of the Brazilian population have brought several challenges to the public sector, especially with regard to ensuring comprehensive health care and social assistance. In this context, and given the almost non-existence of data-based initiatives specifically focused on the needs of this portion of the population, this project proposes to develop and implement geographic-statistical and Artificial Intelligence predictive computational models (or algorithms) and create indicators to support planning, management and impact analysis of public policies on longevity and elderly care. Large and varied data sets, geospatial analysis and Big Data Analytics tools will be part of the project - especially in the aspect of digital inclusion/exclusion of the elderly. Special efforts will be made to work with documentary data, in video, audio and text format, arising from meetings and deliberations of the "Conselhos Municipais do Idoso" (Municipal Councils for the Elderly). Thus, seeking to fill this gap, a platform based on georeferenced data will support the proposition of analytical methods and the innovation in the integration between Data Science and Spatial Statistics techniques. It will itself be one of the important artifacts of this project. In short, it is about bringing the data revolution to Brazilian public health and healthcare. Studies that consider integrating geointelligence and Data Science perspectives in applied Social Sciences contexts are still very incipient. The increase in the elderly population, at increasing rates in Brazil, will demand services in a volume greater than the availability, considering the human and financial resources available. In this context, it is essential to direct programs and actions to the target audience, avoiding waste and gaps. The platform will constitute a tool for the decision maker, based on georeferenced data, constantly updated, facilitating the access of users, and allowing an integrated view of indicators and developments of public health and social assistance policies, with developments for the industry and civil society. This proposal is prepared by researchers from Fundação Getúlio Vargas in association with Grupo Stefanini, a partner company in this research, and associated researchers (CCdC and GisBI). This research project is presented to FAPESP in the Chamada de Propostas FAPESP/MCTI/MCom/ 2021 (PITE), in the form of Programa de Apoio à Pesquisa em Parceria para Inovação Tecnológica (PITE). As defined in the Call, the project falls under "3. Temas de pesquisa" in point " b) AAI - Aplicações Avançadas da Internet" because results are expected to be verifiable through publications in vehicles with wide international circulation such as theses, patents and/or free software, as well as which results can be demonstrated through of experimental implementation on the Internet. Typical results of applied research projects. In this section, it specifically highlights the following topics: aplicações de Inteligência Artificial na Internet, and coleta, processamento, gestão e visualização de grandes quantidades de dados na Internet. (AU)

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