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Contribution of payment for ecosystem services on multi-dimensions within Atlantic Forest

Grant number: 21/10195-0
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: April 01, 2022 - March 31, 2027
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Ecology - Ecosystems Ecology
Convênio/Acordo: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Principal Investigator:Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Grantee:Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Host Institution: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Rio Claro. Rio Claro , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Ademar Ribeiro Romeiro ; André Victor Lucci Freitas ; Hilton Thadeu Zarate do Couto
Associated researchers:Alexandre Camargo Martensen ; Amauri Antonio Menegário ; Angélica Maria Penteado Martins Dias ; Antonio Carlos Pries Devide ; Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo ; Augusto João Piratelli ; Chang Hung Kiang ; Claudette Marta Hahn ; Cristina Maria de Castro ; Danilo Boscolo ; Érica Hasui ; Fernando Zagury Vaz de Mello ; Glauco de Souza Rolim ; Isabel Fonseca Barcellos ; João Alfredo de Carvalho Mangabeira ; José Paulo Leite Guadanucci ; Katia Maria Paschoaletto Micchi de Barros Ferraz ; Laszlo Karoly Nagy ; Luca Börger ; Lucas Ferreira Lima ; Marco Aurelio Pizo Ferreira ; Maria do Carmo Ramos Fasiaben ; Maria Santina de Castro Morini ; Maria Teresa Vilela Nogueira Abdo ; Mauro Galetti Rodrigues ; Newton La Scala Júnior ; Oscar Sarcinelli ; Pedro Jordano ; Ramon Felipe Bicudo da Silva ; Raphael de Campos Castilho ; Ricardo Serra Borsatto ; Rita de Cassia Bianchi ; Rogério Rosa da Silva ; Ronaldo Gonçalves Morato ; Rosane Garcia Collevatti ; Sergio Gomes Tôsto ; Teresa Cristina Tarlé Pissarra ; Thadeu Sobral de Souza ; Vinícius Xavier da Silva ; Wesley Francisco Dáttilo da Cruz ; Wesley Rodrigues Silva ; Wilson Cabral de Sousa Junior ; Zigomar Menezes de Souza
Associated grant(s):22/10760-1 - Biodiversity in the Anthropocene: a synthesis on the effect of agriculture expansion within Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, AV.BR
Associated scholarship(s):23/02267-6 - Evaluation of biological diversity and habitat quality between areas with different types of anthropogenic intervention using bioindicator insects, BP.PD
24/19334-0 - Use of cameta trap to monitoring biodiversity from the PES-Multi-Dimensions Project, BP.TT
24/07053-7 - Communicating research findings with local and regional communities, BP.JC
+ associated scholarships 23/11262-8 - The influence of urban landscape and local variables on birds in green areas at Campinas-SP city, BP.MS
24/01666-7 - Management of research planning and contact between rural producers and researchers, BP.TT
23/17952-6 - Assessment of trunk and branch density depending on the landscape, relief and age of the fragment., BP.IC
23/16453-6 - Influence of Edge Distance and Fragment Age on Leaf Herbivory in Tropical Forest, BP.IC
22/15169-0 - Effects of fragmentation on morphological and evolutionary patterns of understory birds, BP.MS
23/00653-6 - Perception of Quilombolas and family producers on payment programs for environmental services in Vale do Ribeira - SP, BP.IC
22/13875-4 - Assessment of pollinator diversity, demand for pollination service, and payment for environmental services in Atlantic Forest region, BP.TT
22/09637-0 - Contribution of Payment for Ecosystem Services on Multi-Dimensions within Atlantic Forest, BP.TT
22/04566-8 - Effect of landscape structure on seed deposition in the Atlantic Forest, BP.MS - associated scholarships


Agriculture is replacing native vegetation worldwide, at a faster rate in the last decades. Biodiversity and ecosystem services have severely been affected, thus compromising essential services for human survival, such as food production, water availability, climate regulation, fiber production, and aesthetic values. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) - which included the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) initiatives - are alternatives to reverse the negative effects of habitat destruction. The Atlantic Forest Connexion project, an initiative leading by Global Environment Facility (GEF), Brazilian National Government thru MCTI, São Paulo State Infrastructure and Environment Secretary (SIMA/SP), and São Paulo State Funding Agency (FAPESP) had implemented several positive public policies, which includes Payment for Ecosystem Services, Organic Agriculture Certification and Sustainable Value Chains, between other actions. Thus, establishing efficient monitoring metrics to assess the effectiveness of PES programs and other public policy initiatives is essential to ensure beneficial results and the engagement of farmers in these programs for a long time. In this proposal we will quantify new metrics and use previous results of the PES programs already implemented at PSRB in the portion of São Paulo state to define a set of metrics to assess the benefits of these programs in the environmental, and socioeconomic context along space and time. We expect to aid in creating specific and efficient public policies related to PES gains in multiple spatial scales (local and landscape-level). Our proposal have six specific goals: I) to evaluate the contribution of PES programs already implemented in the PSRB to the re-establishing of biodiversity, ecological functions (alpha, beta and functional diversity), soil and water quality at farm level; II) to evaluate the influence of PES programs already implemented in the PSRB in the carbon stock at the farm and landscape-level scale; III) to understand the influence of the PES programs and land cover dynamic in the climate change at basin scale; IV) to identify the "core values" and "perspectives" that motivate the engagement of different groups of farmers in environmental conservation; V) to characterize the multiple criteria (cultural, religious, ethical, and economic) that lead the farmers to engage in PES programs; and VI) to identify which PES should be reassessed to establish more efficient public policies related to habitat conservation and restoration actions in the PSRB. To achieve these goals, we will characterize the biodiversity in a multi-taxa approach (plants, birds, mammals, amphibians, insects, and spiders) and estimate socioeconomic, and biotic and abiotic variables (soil and water quality, and carbon stock) at farm and landscape-levels. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (18)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
MOLINA, MICHELE; MARTINS, CAUE PAIVA VIDIGAL; RANIERO, MARIANA; FORTES, LIVIA SA; TERRA, MARCOS FELIPE MARQUES; RAMOS, FLAVIO NUNES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; HASUI, ERICA. Direct and indirect effects of landscape, forest patch and sampling site predictors on biotic interaction and seed process. PLANT ECOLOGY, v. 224, n. 1, p. 20-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0, 21/08534-0, 22/10760-1)
CASSIMIRO, ISABELLA M. F.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; ASSIS, JULIA C.. How did the animal come to cross the road? Drawing insights on animal movement from existing roadkill data and expert knowledge. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 38, n. 8, p. 17-pg., . (20/01779-5, 21/10195-0, 21/08534-0, 22/10760-1)
GALETTI, MAURO; CARMIGNOTTO, ANA PAULA; PERCEQUILLO, ALEXANDRE R.; SANTOS, MARCOS C. DE O.; DE BARROS FERRAZ, KATIA MARIA P. M.; LIMA, FERNANDO; VANCINE, MAURICIO H.; MUYLAERT, RENATA L.; GONCALVES BONFIM, FERNANDO CESAR; MAGIOLI, MARCELO; et al. Mammals in Sao Paulo State: diversity, distribution, ecology, and conservation. Biota Neotropica, v. 22, p. 11-pg., . (21/10195-0, 20/12658-4, 13/19377-7, 21/08534-0, 15/21259-8, 18/16662-6, 19/20525-7, 11/22449-4, 15/17739-4, 16/19106-1, 12/04096-0, 14/10192-7, 18/50038-8, 20/01779-5, 17/23548-2, 11/20022-3, 10/52315-7, 14/01986-0, 08/03099-0, 18/14091-1, 14/09300-0, 13/50421-2)
HARPER, KAREN AMANDA; YANG, JACQUELINE RENEE; QUERRY, NATASHA DAZE; DYER, JULIE; ALVES, RAFAEL SOUZA CRUZ; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Limited influence from edges and topography on vegetation structure and diversity in Atlantic Forest. PLANT ECOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (22/10760-1, 21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 21/10639-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
DIAS, VIVIANE BRITO; MARTELLO, FELIPE; REGOLIN, ANDRE LUIS; TOMAS, WALFRIDO MORAES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Forest amount determines the occupancy of the arboreal rodent Oecomys cleberi (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Atlantic Forest fragmented landscapes. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (22/10760-1, 21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
ALEGRE, VANESA BEJARANO; RIO-MAIOR, HELENA; OSHIMA, JULIA EMI DE FARIA; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO; MORATO, RONALDO G.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. The effect of anthropogenic features on the habitat selection of a large carnivore is conditional on sex and circadian period, suggesting a landscape of coexistence. JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION, v. 73, p. 9-pg., . (22/10760-1, 14/23132-2, 18/13037-3, 20/01779-5, 21/08534-0, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0, 21/02132-8)
DE SOUSA, FERNANDA GONSALVES; DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA; MARTELLO, FELIPE; DINIZ, MILENA FIUZA; BERGAMINI, LEONARDO LIMA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA; SILVA, DANIEL PAIVA. Natural habitat cover and fragmentation per se influence orchid-bee species richness in agricultural landscapes in the Brazilian Cerrado. Apidologie, v. 53, n. 2, p. 16-pg., . (19/09713-6, 13/50421-2, 20/01779-5, 21/10195-0)
SANTOS, PALOMA MARQUES; PASCHOALETTO MICCHI DE BARROS FERRAZ, KATIA MARIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; NIEBUHR, BERNARDO BRANDAO; VANCINE, MAURICIO HUMBERTO; CHIARELLO, ADRIANO GARCIA; PAGLIA, ADRIANO PEREIRA. Natural forest regeneration on anthropized landscapes could overcome climate change effects on the endangered maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus, Illiger 1811). JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, v. 103, n. 6, p. 14-pg., . (21/08534-0, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
BARBOSA, MARCELA DE MATOS; JAFFE, RODOLFO; CARVALHO, CAROLINA S.; LANES, EDER C. M.; ALVES-PEREIRA, ALESSANDRO; ZUCCHI, MARIA, I; CORREA, ALBERTO S.; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.; IMPERATRIZ-FONSECA, VERA L.; ALVES, DENISE A.. Landscape influences genetic diversity but does not limit gene flow in a Neotropical pollinator. Apidologie, v. 53, n. 4, p. 16-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
AHUATZIN, DIANA A.; GONZALEZ-TOKMAN, DANIEL; SILVA, ROGERIO R.; VALENZUELA GONZALEZ, JORGE E.; ESCOBAR, FEDERICO; CEZAR RIBEIRO, MILTON; LOPEZ ACOSTA, JUAN CARLOS; DATTILO, WESLEY. Forest cover modulates diversity and morphological traits of ants in highly fragmented tropical forest landscapes. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, v. N/A, p. 21-pg., . (21/08534-0, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
PEREIRA, L. A.; CAMPOS, V. E. W.; GESTICH, C. C.; RIBEIRO, M. C.; CULOT, L.. Erosion of primate functional diversity in small and isolated forest patches within movement-resistant landscapes. ANIMAL CONSERVATION, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 14/14739-0, 21/10195-0, 21/08534-0, 17/08440-0, 12/14245-2)
BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; BIANCHI, FELIX J. J. A.; ROJAS, ANDRES; POLESSO, MARIANA; KERCHES-ROGERI, PATRICIA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CESAR; METZGER, JEAN PAUL. Seasonality modulates habitat cover effects on avian cross-boundary responses and spillover. ECOGRAPHY, v. 2022, n. 12, p. 13-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 13/23457-6, 17/26093-6, 21/10195-0, 19/13802-4, 19/00923-8)
DATTILO, WESLEY; CORRO, ERICK J.; AHUATZIN, DIANA A.; REGOLIN, ANDRE LUIS; LOPEZ-ACOSTA, JUAN C.; RIBEIRO, MILTON C.. Scale of effect matters: Forest cover influences on tropical ant-plant ecological networks. FOOD WEBS, v. 33, p. 7-pg., . (21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
BOSCO, NICOLAS SILVA; PRASNIEWSKI, VICTOR MATEUS; SANTOS, JESSIE PEREIRA; DA SILVEIRA, NATALIA STEFANINI; CULOT, LAURENCE; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; TESSAROLO, GEIZIANE; SOBRAL-SOUZA, THADEU. Scale affects the understanding of biases on the spatial knowledge of Atlantic Forest primates. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 20, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0)
DOS SANTOS, JULIANA SILVEIRA; VITORINO, LUCIANA CRISTINA; GONCALVES, RENATA FABREGA; CORTES, MARINA CORREA; CRUZ ALVES, RAFAEL SOUZA; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; COLLEVATTI, ROSANE GARCIA. Matrix dominance and landscape resistance affect genetic variability and differentiation of an Atlantic Forest pioneer tree. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, v. 37, n. 10, p. 21-pg., . (20/01779-5, 21/10195-0, 18/19011-6, 19/09713-6, 21/08534-0, 13/50421-2, 19/03005-0)
CARNEIRO, LAZARO DA SILVA; FRANTINE-SILVA, WILSON; DE AGUIAR, WILLIAN MOURA; MELO, GABRIEL A. R.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR; SOFIA, SILVIA HELENA; GAGLIANONE, MARIA CRISTINA. Coffee cover surrounding forest patches negatively affect Euglossini bee communities. Apidologie, v. 53, n. 4, p. 12-pg., . (20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0, 21/08534-0)
PENA, JOAO CARLOS; OVASKAINEN, OTSO; MACGREGOR-FORS, IAN; TEIXEIRA, CAMILA PALHARES; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. The relationships between urbanization and bird functional traits across the streetscape. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, v. 232, p. 12-pg., . (18/00107-3, 22/10760-1, 21/08534-0, 20/01779-5, 13/50421-2, 21/10195-0, 18/22215-2)
ASSIS, JULIA C.; HOHLENWERGER, CAMILA; METZGER, JEAN PAUL; RHODES, JONATHAN R.; DUARTE, GABRIELA T.; SILVA, RAFAELA A. DA; BOESING, ANDREA LARISSA; PRIST, PAULA R.; RIBEIRO, MILTON CEZAR. Linking landscape structure and ecosystem service flow. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, v. 62, p. 10-pg., . (22/10760-1, 13/23457-6, 20/01779-5, 21/08534-0, 21/10639-5, 17/50015-5, 13/50421-2, 17/26093-6, 21/10195-0, 17/11666-0)

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