Research and Innovation: Intelligent System for Epilepsy Management
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Intelligent System for Epilepsy Management

Grant number: 21/11754-2
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Computer Science - Computing Methodologies and Techniques
Agreement: SEBRAE-SP
Principal Investigator:Hilda Alicia Gomez
Grantee:Hilda Alicia Gomez
Company:Gomez & Gomez Ltda. - ME
CNAE: Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador não-customizáveis
Pesquisa e desenvolvimento experimental em ciências físicas e naturais
City: São Paulo
Associated research grant(s):21/15014-3 - Intelligent system for epilepsy management, AP.PIPE
Associated scholarship(s):23/18167-0 - Developmento of mobile (Epistemic App) and web platforme for physicians (Epistemic Web), BP.TT
23/03491-7 - Development of an AI model for System Epistemic (App and Web), BP.TT
22/09002-5 - Intelligent System for Epilepsy Management, BP.TT


Our proposal consists in collecting and analyzing a series of data from everyday life of at least 100 patients with epilepsy, data about their seizures and related data, their habits and their symptoms to take conclusions on how certain practices and habits may be triggers to their seizures or may influence reducing the seizures, their intensities and their symptoms. Besides, we want to be able to calculate the probability each patient has of having a seizure in a given day and time. The objective is to create intelligence on our app, which today is only a collector of useful information for epilepsy treatment, to make it able to give suggestions to each patient daily so that he/she take actions that help them reduce the number of seizures, and also give the patient information about the probability that he/she has a seizure on a given day and time. For that we plan on implementing algorithms using machine learning, and trained by patient previously tested on the 100 patients from our experiment. (AU)

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