Research Grants 19/27354-3 - Reologia, Dieta saudável - BV FAPESP
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Architecture of colloidal delivery systems: what is the role of structure on the digestibility?

Grant number: 19/27354-3
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Food Science and Technology - Food Engineering
Principal Investigator:Rosiane Lopes da Cunha
Grantee:Rosiane Lopes da Cunha
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos (FEA). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Miriam Dupas Hubinger
Associated researchers:Ana Carla Kawazoe Sato ; Ana Carolina de Aguiar ; Ana M. R. Pilosof ; Ana Paula Badan Ribeiro ; Andresa Gomes Brunassi ; António Augusto Vicente ; Carolina Siqueira Franco Picone ; Catarina Gonçalves ; Douglas Fernandes Barbin ; Guilherme de Figueiredo Furtado ; Lorenzo Miguel Pastrana Castro ; Louise Emy Kurozawa ; Luiz Henrique Fasolin ; Marise Aparecida Rodrigues Pollonio ; Miguel Ângelo Parente Ribeiro Cerqueira ; Monise Helen Masuchi Buscato ; Paula Jauregi ; Paula Kiyomi Okuro
Associated research grant(s):24/02188-1 - Production of food-grade cellulose-based hydrogels: Characterization, application, and storage stability., AP.R
23/00563-7 - 14th International Congress on Engineering and Food, AR.EXT
21/06710-6 - Multi-user Equipment approved in grant 2019/27354-3: Microfluidizer Processor, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):24/14656-0 - Digestibility of pea and gluten proteins gels in static and dynamic in vitro digestion systems, BP.IC
24/16416-6 - Pickering emulsions co-stabilized by protein nanoparticles and bioactive compound crystals: tailoring the behaviour towards in vitro digestibility, BP.PD
24/00570-6 - Food engineering and society: A look into the mechanisms of food digestion, BP.JC
+ associated scholarships 24/00571-2 - Food engineering and society: A look into the mechanisms of food digestion, BP.JC
24/01241-6 - Mechanical, tribological properties and digestibility of structures obtained by 3D printing of emulgels, BP.DR
23/06916-9 - Microencapsulation of ergocalciferol by spray drying: Study of the process and stability in a plant-based product, BP.IC
23/04346-0 - Biocompatible strategies of tailoring pickering interfaces, BE.PQ
23/02631-0 - Production and characterization of foam-based oleogels stabilized by whey protein isolate and different polysaccharides complexes, BP.PD
22/11718-9 - Pickering emulsions co-stabilized by protein nanoparticles and bioactive compound crystals: tailoring the behaviour towards in vitro digestibility, BP.PD
22/05719-2 - Oil-gelling and emulsifying capacity of carbohydrate esters obtained by enzymatic synthesis, BP.MS
22/05540-2 - Study of starch-based materials using portable NIR spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) associated with artificial intelligence, BP.DR
22/04574-0 - Modification of the superficial properties of microchannels for the production of Resveratrol loaded emulsions, BP.IC
20/15929-9 - Development of a microchannel simulating the small intestine for evaluation of in vitro digestion of emulsions, BP.DR
21/13311-0 - Gluten digestibility by dynamic in vitro simulation: impact of technological changes in bread, BP.MS
21/06606-4 - Microencapsulation of linseed oil in multilayer emulsions stabilized by carob protein hydrolysates and biopolymers, BP.DR - associated scholarships


The growing demand for healthier and more sustainable foods has led to the search for new ingredients that, depending on the composition and process, can generate different structures. In this line, the incorporation of bioactive compounds in micro- and nanostructures produces additional health benefits, protecting the functional molecules from adverse physicochemical conditions inherent to storage or consumption/digestion, eventually altering the mouthfeel and texture of the product. Advances in ingredient engineering have been achieved from research on the interaction between the building blocks (components) of the structures. Although some research has been conducted on the ingredient-structure-bioactivity axis, there is still a substantial lack of knowledge when aiming at optimized bioactive performance during the digestion process. This leads to another challenge, which is the search for in vitro methodologies that can mimic the physiological complexity of human digestion, thus allowing a trustful evaluation of the effects of digestion on the innovative bioactive-containing structures/ingredients that are being developed. Therefore, we propose a strategic study that includes combination of bioactive compounds-structures, as well as the building and operation of a dynamic in vitro digestion system to contribute to: I) a rational choice of ingredients and structures for incorporation of different classes of bioactive compounds allowing to optimize their performance; and II) a deeper understanding of the digestive process of these components/structures. The main premise will be a scientific understanding of how structure changes during digestion to develop smart food systems that can meet the demands of health promotion and well-being associated with food products. (AU)

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Scientific publications (75)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GROSSI BOVI KARATAY, GRAZIELE; MEDEIROS THEOPHILO GALVAO, ANDRESSA MARIA; DUPAS HUBINGER, MIRIAM. Storage Stability of Conventional and High Internal Phase Emulsions Stabilized Solely by Chickpea Aquafaba. FOODS, v. 11, n. 11, p. 15-pg., . (20/05074-6, 21/06863-7, 19/27354-3)
DA SILVA, MAYANNY GOMES; DE GODOI, KAMILA RAMPONI RODRIGUES; GIGANTE, MIRNA LUCIA; CARDOSO, LISANDRO PAVIE; RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA BADAN. Developed and characterization of nanostructured lipid carriers containing food-grade interesterified lipid phase for food application. Food Research International, v. 155, p. 16-pg., . (19/27354-3, 16/11261-8)
BARROSO, NOADIA GENUARIO; SILVA SANTOS, MATHEUS AUGUSTO; OKURO, PAULA KIYOMI; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Composition and process approaches that underpin the mechanical properties of oleogels. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, v. 99, n. 11, p. 14-pg., . (19/27354-3, 18/20308-3, 19/26046-3)
BARROSO, LIVIA ALVES; KARATAY, GRAZIELE GROSSI BOVI; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Effect of Potato Starch Hydrogel:Glycerol Monostearate Oleogel Ratio on the Physico-Rheological Properties of Bigels. GELS, v. 8, n. 11, p. 18-pg., . (19/27354-3, 20/05074-6, 21/06863-7)
FRANCISCO, CRISTHIAN RAFAEL LOPES; SANTOS, TATIANA PORTO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Nano and micro lupin protein-grape seed extract conjugates stabilizing oil-in-water emulsions. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, v. 135, p. 14-pg., . (19/27354-3, 14/50938-8, 09/54137-1, 20/13217-1)
DA SILVA, AURENICE MARIA MOTA; ALMEIDA, FLAVIA SOUZA; DA SILVA, MARCOS FELLIPE; GOLDBECK, ROSANA; SATO, ANA CARLA KAWAZOE. How do pH and temperature influence extraction yield, physicochemical, functional, and rheological characteristics of brewer spent grain protein concentrates?. FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING, v. 139, p. 12-pg., . (19/08542-3, 18/21987-1, 11/06083-0, 09/54137-1, 15/11984-7, 19/27354-3)
MIRANDA, CRISTIANE GRELLA; SPERANZA, PAULA; SATO, ANA CARLA KAWAZOE. Evaluation of cassava leaves extract as a material to produce biopolymer-based films. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, v. 144, p. 10-pg., . (19/27354-3)
SILVA, KLYCIA FIDELIS CERQUEIRA E; STRIEDER, MONIQUE MARTINS; PINTO, MARIANA BARRETO CARVALHAL; ROSTAGNO, MAURICIO ARIEL; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Processing Strategies for Extraction and Concentration of Bitter Acids and Polyphenols from Brewing By-Products: A Comprehensive Review. PROCESSES, v. 11, n. 3, p. 29-pg., . (21/12264-9, 21/06863-7, 19/27354-3)
FURTADO, GUILHERME DE FIGUEIREDO; ALMEIDA, FLAVIA SOUZA; SATO, ANA CARLA KAWAZOE; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Model infant formulas: Influence of types of whey proteins and lipid composition on the in vitro static digestion behavior. Food Research International, v. 161, p. 8-pg., . (12/50411-4, 19/27354-3, 06/03263-9, 17/08130-1, 09/54137-1)
LUDTKE, FERNANDA LUISA; STAHL, MARCELLA APARECIDA; GRIMALDI, RENATO; CARDOSO, LISANDRO PAVIE; GIGANTE, MIRNA LUCIA; BADAN RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA. High oleic sunflower oil and fully hydrogenated soybean oil nanostructured lipid carriers: Development and characterization. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, v. 654, p. 13-pg., . (16/11261-8, 19/05176-6, 19/27354-3, 18/03172-0)
PROCOPIO, FERNANDA RAMALHO; FERRAZ, MARIANA COSTA; DO PRADO-SILVA, LEONARDO; PAULINO, BRUNO NICOLAU; SANT'ANA, ANDERSON S.; PASTORE, GLAUCIA MARIA; DO AMARAL SOBRAL, PAULO JOSE; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Antifungal Synergistic Effect of Paprika and Cinnamon Oleoresins and Their Coencapsulation by Spray Chilling Technique to Produce a Carotenoid-Cinnamaldehyde-Rich Food Powder. Food and Bioprocess Technology, v. 15, n. 12, p. 13-pg., . (19/27354-3)
FERRAZ, MARIANA COSTA; OLIVEIRA JR, FERNANDO DIVINO; BARROSO, LIVIA ALVES; FURTADO, GUILHERME DE FIGUEIREDO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Co-encapsulation of Paprika and Cinnamon Oleoresins by Spray Drying in a Mayonnaise Model: Bioaccessibility of Carotenoids Using in vitro Digestion. PLANT FOODS FOR HUMAN NUTRITION, v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (17/08130-1, 21/06863-7, 18/20466-8, 19/27354-3)
ALMEIDA, FLAVIA SOUZA; DA SILVA, AURENICE MARIA MOTA; MENDES, GABRIEL AUGUSTO CAMPOS; SATO, ANA CARLA KAWAZOE; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Almond protein as Pickering emulsion stabilizer: Impact of microgel fabrication method and pH on emulsion stability. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 280, p. 14-pg., . (19/27354-3, 22/11718-9, 21/06710-6)
GOMES, MATHEUS HENRIQUE GOUVEIA; KUROZAWA, LOUISE EMY. Surface composition and microstructure of spray-dried microparticles: A review about their effect on functional properties. Drying Technology, v. 42, n. 11, p. 18-pg., . (19/27354-3)
BARROSO, NOADIA G.; MARTINS, ARTUR J.; JUNIOR, FERNANDO D. O.; OKURO, PAULA K.; PEREIRA, RUI C.; VICENTE, ANTONIO A.; PASTRANA, LORENZO M.; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.; CERQUEIRA, MIGUEL A.. β-carotene and resveratrol loaded glycerol monostearate-based oleogels: Physicochemical characterization at low gelation concentrations. Food Research International, v. 197, p. 13-pg., . (19/27354-3, 19/26046-3, 18/20308-3)
OKURO, PAULA K.; GOMES, ANDRESA; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.. Modulating digestion by composite interfacial layer in structured oil-in-water emulsions. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, v. 675, p. 11-pg., . (18/20308-3, 19/27354-3, 19/26046-3, 19/26348-0)
GOMES, ANDRESA; COSTA, ANA LETICIA RODRIGUES; SOBRAL, PAULO JOSE DO AMARAL; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Delivering ? -carotene from O/W emulsion-based systems: Influence of phase ratio and carrier lipid composition. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS FOR HEALTH, v. 3, p. 12-pg., . (13/07914-8, 19/27354-3, 20/02313-0, 19/26348-0)
CLIMACO, GABRIELLI NUNES; GONCALVES, RAQUEL F. S.; FERNANDES, JEAN-MICHEL; PINHEIRO, ANA C.; VICENTE, ANTONIO A.; FASOLIN, LUIZ HENRIQUE. Simultaneous vehiculation of curcumin and riboflavin in bigels produced through WPI cold-set gelation. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, v. 158, p. 12-pg., . (19/27354-3, 21/07639-3)
GOMES, MATHEUS HENRIQUE GOUVEIA; KUROZAWA, LOUISE EMY. Rice protein hydrolysates as natural emulsifiers for an effective microencapsulation of orange essential oil by spray drying. Drying Technology, v. 42, n. 11, p. 10-pg., . (19/27354-3)
DA SILVA, AURENICE MARIA MOTA; LIMA, MARIAH ALMEIDA; KOKSEL, FILIZ; SATO, ANA CARLA KAWAZOE. Incorporation of brewer's spent grain into plant-based meat analogues: benefits to physical and nutritional quality. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 59, n. 6, p. 13-pg., . (19/27354-3)
CERQUEIRA E SILVA, KLYCIA FIDELIS; FELTRE, GABRIELA; ZANDONADI, FLAVIA S.; RABELO, RENATA SANTOS; SUSSULINI, ALESSANDRA; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Unlocking hot trub's potential: a simple method for extracting bitter acids and xanthohumol. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, v. 104, n. 9, p. 10-pg., . (19/27354-3)
GOMES, MATHEUS HENRIQUE GOUVEIA; KUROZAWA, LOUISE EMY. Compositional aspect and mechanism of surface formation of spray-dried microparticles with surface-active rice protein hydrolysates. Journal of Food Engineering, v. 371, p. 11-pg., . (19/27354-3)
LIMA, MARIAH ALMEIDA; CARUSI, JULIANA; ROCHA, LILIANA DE OLIVEIRA; TONON, RENATA VALERIANO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES; ROSENTHAL, AMAURI. Physicochemical Characterization, Rheological Properties, and Antimicrobial Activity of Sodium Alginate-Pink Pepper Essential Oil (PPEO) Nanoemulsions. FOODS, v. 13, n. 19, p. 24-pg., . (19/27354-3)
ANTHERO, ANA GABRIELA DA SILVA; BONETTI, CARLA INDIANARA; BRACHT, LIVIA; CAZARIN, CINTHIA BAN BETIM; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. The use of capsicum oleoresin microparticles to mitigate hepatic damage and metabolic disorders induced by obesity. Food Research International, v. 195, p. 10-pg., . (19/27354-3, 18/02132-5, 18/20466-8)
FONSECA, LARISSA RIBAS; SANTOS, MATHEUS AUGUSTO SILVA; SILVA, THAIS JORDANIA; SANTOS, TATIANA PORTO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. High internal phase water-in-oil emulsions: Trends and challenges on production and stabilization. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (19/27354-3, 20/15929-9)
HIJO, ARIEL A. C. TOLEDO; MEIRELLES, AURELIANO A. D.; MAXIMO, GUILHERME J.; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Unraveling the emulsifying activity of bio-based ionic liquids in the formation and stabilization of oil-in-water emulsions. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 399, p. 11-pg., . (16/24461-5, 11/06083-0, 22/04614-2, 19/18608-1, 19/27354-3, 09/54137-1, 14/21252-0)
CLIMACO, GABRIELLI NUNES; FASOLIN, LUIZ HENRIQUE. Effect of the gelling mechanism on the physical properties of bigels based on whey protein isolate. Food Research International, v. 176, p. 12-pg., . (19/27354-3, 21/07639-3)
GOMES, MATHEUS HENRIQUE GOUVEIA; KUROZAWA, LOUISE EMY. Performance of rice protein hydrolysates as a stabilizing agent on oil-in-water emulsions. Food Research International, v. 172, p. 13-pg., . (19/27354-3)
ALMEIDA, RAFAEL FERNANDES; GOMES, MATHEUS HENRIQUE GOUVEIA; KUROZAWA, LOUISE EMY. Rice bran protein increases the retention of anthocyanins by acting as an encapsulating agent in the spray drying of grape juice. Food Research International, v. 172, p. 10-pg., . (17/16835-5, 19/27354-3)
SANTOS, MATHEUS A. S.; FONSECA, LARISSA R.; OKURO, PAULA K.; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.. High internal phase emulsion stabilized by sodium caseinate:quercetin complex as antioxidant emulsifier. Food Research International, v. 173, p. 11-pg., . (18/20308-3, 19/26046-3, 19/27354-3)
MARTINS, INGRYD RODRIGUES; MARTINS, LUIZA HELENA DA SILVA; CHISTE, RENAN CAMPOS; PICONE, CAROLINA SIQUEIRA FRANCO; JOELE, MARIA REGINA SARKIS PEIXOTO. Betalains from vegetable peels: Extraction methods, stability, and applications as natural food colorants. Food Research International, v. 195, p. 11-pg., . (19/27354-3, 23/04346-0)
GALVAO, ANDRESSA MARIA MEDEIROS THEOPHILO; DA COSTA, GILMAR FREIRE; DOS SANTOS, MIRIAN; POLLONIO, MARISE APARECIDA RODRIGUES; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Replacing the animal fat in Bologna sausages using high internal phase emulsion stabilized with lentil protein isolate ( Lens culinaris ). MEAT SCIENCE, v. 216, p. 13-pg., . (21/02990-4, 19/27354-3, 21/06863-7)
BARROSO, NOADIA GENUARIO; OKURO, PAULA KIYOMI; CERQUEIRA, MIGUEL ANGELO PARENTE RIBEIRO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Unveiling the formation capacity of multicomponent oleogels: Performance of lecithin interacting with monostearate derivatives. Food Research International, v. 187, p. 16-pg., . (19/27354-3, 19/26046-3, 18/20308-3)
GALVAO, ANDRESSA MARIA MEDEIROS THEOPHILO; RASERA, MARIANA LAMY; FURTADO, GUILHERME DE FIGUEIREDO; KARATAY, GRAZIELE GROSSI BOVI; TAVARES, GUILHERME M.; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Lentil protein isolate (Lens culinaris) subjected to ultrasound treatment combined or not with heat-treatment: structural characterization and ability to stabilize high internal phase emulsions. Food Research International, v. 183, p. 13-pg., . (21/06863-7, 19/27354-3, 18/03822-5)
CHEVALIER, RAQUEL COSTA; ALMEIDA, NAARA APARECIDA; ROCHA, LILIANA DE OLIVEIRA; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Antimicrobial potential of oregano essential oil vehiculated in Pickering cellulose nanofibers-stabilized emulsions. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 275, p. 10-pg., . (19/27354-3)
DE FRANCA, PEDRO RENANN LOPES; GOMES, MATHEUS HENRIQUE GOUVEIA; NASCIMENTO, RAUL FAVARO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES; KUROZAWA, LOUISE EMY. Microencapsulation of linseed oil in multilayer emulsions stabilized by carob protein hydrolysate and pectin. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, v. 150, p. 11-pg., . (19/03812-2, 19/27354-3, 21/06606-4)
LUDTKE, FERNANDA LUISA; STAHL, MARCELLA APARECIDA; GRIMALDI, RENATO; CARDOSO, LISANDRO PAVIE; RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA BADAN. Characterization of lipid systems based on fully hydrogenated soybean and high oleic sunflower oils to obtain nanostructured lipid carriers. FOOD BIOSCIENCE, v. 53, p. 11-pg., . (19/27354-3, 18/03172-0, 16/11261-8, 19/05176-6)
ALMEIDA, FLAVIA SOUZA; GONCALVES DIAS, FERNANDA FURLAN; KAWAZOE SATO, ANA CARLA; BELL, JULIANA MARIA LEITE NOBREGA DE MOURA. Scaling up the Two-Stage Countercurrent Extraction of Oil and Protein from Green Coffee Beans: Impact of Proteolysis on Extractability, Protein Functionality, and Oil Recovery. Food and Bioprocess Technology, v. N/A, p. 16-pg., . (18/21987-1, 19/27354-3)
SANTOS, MATHEUS A. S.; OKURO, PAULA K.; FONSECA, LARISSA R.; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.. Protein-based colloidal structures tailoring techno- and bio-functionality of emulsions. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, v. 125, . (19/27354-3, 18/20308-3, 19/26046-3)
LUDTKE, FERNANDA LUISA; GRIMALDI, RENATO; CARDOSO, LISANDRO PAVIE; GIGANTE, MIRNA LUCIA; VICENTE, ANTONIO AUGUSTO; RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA BADAN. Development and Characterization of Fully Hydrogenated Soybean Oil and High Oleic Sunflower Oil beta-carotene Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers. FOOD BIOPHYSICS, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (16/11261-8, 19/05176-6, 19/27354-3)
VELEZ-ERAZO, ELIANA MARCELA; OKURO, PAULA KIYOMI; GALLEGOS-SOTO, ANDRES; DA CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Protein-based strategies for fat replacement: Approaching different protein colloidal types, structured systems and food applications. Food Research International, v. 156, p. 14-pg., . (19/26046-3, 18/20308-3, 19/27354-3)
SILVA, ERIC KEVEN; DA S ANTHERO, ANA GABRIELA; EMERICK, LUCAS B.; ZABOT, GIOVANI L.; HUBINGER, MIRIAM D.; MEIRELES, MARIA ANGELA A.. Low-frequency ultrasound-assisted esterification of Bixa orellana L. seed starch with octenyl succinic anhydride. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 207, p. 8-pg., . (18/02132-5, 19/27354-3)
CARVALHO, JULIANA DOMINGUES DOS SANTOS; RABELO, RENATA SANTOS; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Thermo-rheological properties of chitosan hydrogels with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and methylcellulose. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 209, p. 9-pg., . (19/27354-3)
LUEDTKE, FERNANDA LUISA; STAHL, MARCELLA APARECIDA; GRIMALDI, RENATO; FORTE, MARCUS BRUNO SOARES; GIGANTE, MIRNA LUCIA; RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA BADAN. Optimization of high pressure homogenization conditions to produce nanostructured lipid carriers using natural and synthetic emulsifiers. Food Research International, v. 160, p. 13-pg., . (19/27354-3, 16/11261-8, 18/03172-0, 19/05176-6)
GROSSI BOVI KARATAY, GRAZIELE; REBELLATO, ANA PAULA; JOY STEEL, CAROLINE; DUPAS HUBINGER, MIRIAM. Chickpea Aquafaba-Based Emulsions as a Fat Replacer in Pound Cake: Impact on Cake Properties and Sensory Analysis. FOODS, v. 11, n. 16, p. 14-pg., . (19/27354-3, 20/05074-6, 21/06863-7)
GONCALVES, ANA CAROLINA R.; DUARTE, LARISSA G. R.; FIOCCO, ANA CLARA T. R.; ALENCAR, WILLIAM M. P.; IACUZIO, RAIZA; SILVA, NATHALIA C. C.; PICONE, CAROLINA S. F.. Improving chitosan properties through ionic and chemical cross-linking and their impact on emulsified systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 58, n. 8, p. 8-pg., . (15/26359-0, 19/27354-3)
OKURO, PAULA K.; VIAU, MICHELE; KERMARREC, ALICE; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.; MEYNIER, ANNE; BERTON-CARABIN, CLAIRE. Lipid Recovery from Concentrated Emulsions by Freezing-Thawing as an Alternative to Solvent-Based Extraction: A Case Study on Mayonnaise. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIPID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 124, n. 11, p. 10-pg., . (19/26046-3, 18/20308-3, 19/27354-3)
FERRAZ, MARIANA COSTA; PROCOPIO, FERNANDA RAMALHO; FURTADO, GUILHERME DE FIGUEIREDO; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Co-encapsulation of paprika and cinnamon oleoresin by spray drying using whey protein isolate and maltodextrin as wall material: Development, characterization and storage stability. Food Research International, v. 162, p. 13-pg., . (17/08130-1, 18/20466-8, 21/06863-7, 19/27354-3)
CLIMACO, GABRIELLI NUNES; VARDANEGA, RENATA; FASOLIN, LUIZ HENRIQUE. Hibiscus sabdariffa L. leaves as an alternative source of bioactive compounds obtained through high pressure technologies. JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, v. 200, p. 11-pg., . (21/07639-3, 19/27354-3)
CARVALHO, JULIANA DOMINGUES DOS SANTOS; RABELO, RENATA SANTOS; SILVA, KLYCIA FIDELIS CERQUEIRA E; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Oil-in-water emulsion gels stabilized with cellulosic polymers and chitosan: Themorheological and physical-chemical evaluation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 236, p. 13-pg., . (19/27354-3)
OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, FERNANDO DIVINO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Soy protein-based delivery systems as carriers of trans-resveratrol: Bioaccessibility using different in vitro digestion models. Food Research International, v. 161, p. 12-pg., . (20/16735-3, 19/27354-3)
SILVA, KLYCIA FIDELIS CERQUEIRA E; RABELO, RENATA SANTOS; FELTRE, GABRIELA; HUBINGER, MIRIAM. Bitter substances recovery from hot trub: A study of polymeric membranes performance in a sequential mode with fouling investigation. Separation and Purification Technology, v. 303, p. 14-pg., . (09/54137-1, 11/06083-0, 21/06863-7, 18/20466-8, 19/27354-3)
PEREIRA, WILLIAS FABIO SILVA; FURTADO, GUILHERME DE FIGUEIREDO; FELTRE, GABRIELA; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Oleosomes from Buriti (Mauritiaflexuosa L. f.): Extraction, characterization and stability study. INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, v. 82, p. 14-pg., . (21/06863-7, 17/08130-1, 19/27354-3)
DE CARVALHO, MATHEUS DIAS; PICONE, CAROLINA SIQUEIRA FRANCO; SATO, ANA CARLA KAWAZOE. Sorghum proteins: Effect of extraction pH on physicochemical properties and emulsion formation. JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE, v. 116, p. 10-pg., . (18/21987-1, 19/27354-3)
DE MORAES, INGRID ALVES; BARBON JUNIOR, SYLVIO; BARBIN, DOUGLAS FERNANDES. Interpretation and explanation of computer vision classification of carambola ( Averrhoa carambola L. ) according to maturity stage. Food Research International, v. 192, p. 10-pg., . (19/27354-3, 23/07385-7, 15/24351-2)
FRANCISCO, CRISTHIAN R. L.; SANTOS, TATIANA P.; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.. Design of shear-based microfluidic channels for production and stability assessment of food emulsions. CURRENT OPINION IN FOOD SCIENCE, v. 49, p. 11-pg., . (20/13217-1, 19/27354-3)
GALVAO, ANDRESSA MARIA MEDEIROS THEOPHILO; FREITAS, JOAO CURY; KARATAY, GRAZIELE GROSSI BOVI; FURTADO, GUILHERME DE FIGUEIREDO; RASERA, MARIANA LAMY; TAVARES, GUILHERME M.; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Thermo-induced changes in the structure of lentil protein isolate (Lens culinaris) to stabilize high internal phase emulsions. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 253, p. 13-pg., . (21/06863-7, 19/27354-3, 18/03822-5)
STAHL, MARCELLA APARECIDA; LUEDTKE, FERNANDA LUISA; GRIMALDI, RENATO; GIGANTE, MIRNA LUCIA; RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA BADAN. "Characterization and stability of α-tocopherol loaded solid lipid nanoparticles formulated with different fully hydrogenated vegetable oils". Food Chemistry, v. 439, p. 9-pg., . (16/11261-8, 19/27354-3, 18/03172-0, 19/05176-6)
PRESTES, CAROLINE FURTADO; BARROSO, LIVIA ALVES; PROCOPIO, FERNANDA RAMALHO; MICHELON, MARIANO; HUBINGER, MIRIAM DUPAS. Influence of Paprika Oleoresin Addition on the Structural Properties of Soy Protein Isolate Films. Food and Bioprocess Technology, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (19/27354-3)
FONSECA, LARISSA RIBAS; SANTOS, MATHEUS AUGUSTO SILVA; SANTOS, TATIANA PORTO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Sunflower waxes as natural structuring agents to improve the technological properties of water-in-oil (W/O) high internal phase emulsions (HIPEs). Journal of Food Engineering, v. 357, p. 13-pg., . (20/15929-9, 19/27354-3)
FRANCISCO, CRISTHIAN RAFAEL LOPES; SILVA, MARLUCI PALAZZOLLI; OLIVEIRA JR, FERNANDO DIVINO; SANTOS, TATIANA PORTO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Heated and unheated lupin protein-grape seed extract conjugates stabilizing and structuring high internal phase oil-in-water emulsions. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (09/54137-1, 20/13217-1, 19/27354-3)
DE CARVALHO, MATHEUS DIAS; DE ANDRADE, CRISTIANE CONTE PAIM; SATO, ANA CARLA KAWAZOE. Dynamic high-pressure microfluidization reduces aggregation and enhances functional properties of flaxseed protein isolates obtained by alkaline extraction. INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, v. 96, p. 8-pg., . (18/21987-1, 19/27354-3)
ALMEIDA, RAFAEL FERNANDES; GOMES, MATHEUS HENRIQUE GOUVEIA; KUROZAWA, LOUISE EMY. Enzymatic hydrolysis improves the encapsulation properties of rice bran protein by increasing retention of anthocyanins in microparticles of grape juice. Food Research International, v. 180, p. 10-pg., . (17/16835-5, 19/27354-3)
LUEDTKE, FERNANDA L.; FERNANDES, JEAN-MICHEL; GONCALVES, RAQUEL F. S.; MARTINS, JOANA T.; BERNI, PAULO; RIBEIRO, ANA P. B.; VICENTE, ANTONIO A.; PINHEIRO, ANA C.. Performance of β-carotene-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers under dynamic in vitro digestion system: Influence of the emulsifier type. Journal of Food Science, v. 89, n. 6, p. 16-pg., . (19/27354-3, 18/03172-0, 19/05176-6, 21/02271-8)
FRANCISCO, CRISTHIAN RAFAEL LOPES; SOLTANAHMADI, SIAVASH; SANTOS, TATIANA PORTO; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES; SARKAR, ANWESHA. Addressing astringency of grape seed extract by covalent conjugation with lupin protein. CURRENT RESEARCH IN FOOD SCIENCE, v. 9, p. 10-pg., . (19/27354-3, 20/13217-1, 22/11581-3)
MORAES, INGRID A.; NEVES, MARINA G.; SIESLER, HEINZ. W.; VILLA, JAVIER E. L.; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.; BARBIN, DOUGLAS F.. Characterization and classification of oleogels and edible oil using vibrational spectroscopy in tandem with one-class and multiclass chemometric methods. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 313, p. 10-pg., . (19/27354-3, 15/24351-2)
MAGALHAES, ANA ELISA RAMOS; NEVES, MARIA ISABEL LANDIM; GASPARETTO, BRUNA DOS REIS; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, FERNANDO DIVINO; FONSECA, LARISSA RIBAS; STEEL, CAROLINE JOY; DA CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Organic acids in bread-making affecting gluten structure and digestibility. Food Research International, v. 174, p. 11-pg., . (19/27354-3, 20/15929-9, 21/13311-0)
OKURO, PAULA K.; VIAU, MICHELE; MARZE, SEBASTIEN; LAURENT, SOPHIE; CUNHA, ROSIANE L.; BERTON-CARABIN, CLAIRE; MEYNIER, ANNE. In vitro digestion of high-lipid emulsions: towards a critical interpretation of lipolysis. FOOD & FUNCTION, v. 14, n. 24, p. 14-pg., . (19/27354-3, 19/26046-3, 18/20308-3)
STAHL, MARCELLA APARECIDA; LUDTKE, FERNANDA LUISA; GRIMALDI, RENATO; GIGANTE, MIRNA LUCIA; RIBEIRO, ANA PAULA BADAN. Characterization and stability of solid lipid nanoparticles produced from different fully hydrogenated oils. Food Research International, v. 176, p. 17-pg., . (16/11261-8, 19/27354-3, 18/03172-0, 19/05176-6)
GUIDA, CAROLINA; AGUIAR, ANA CAROLINA; MAGALHAES, ANA ELISA RAMOS; SOARES, MARCELO GOMES; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Impact of ultrasound process on cassava starch nanoparticles and Pickering emulsions stability. Food Research International, v. 192, p. 10-pg., . (11/06083-0, 24/01241-6, 19/27354-3, 09/54137-1, 16/05448-8)
MESKELIS, LUDMILLA; AGONDI, RAQUEL F.; DUARTE, LARISSA G. R.; DE CARVALHO, MATHEUS D.; SATO, ANA CARLA K.; PICONE, CAROLINA S. F.. New approaches for modulation of alginate-chitosan delivery properties. Food Research International, v. 175, p. 12-pg., . (19/27354-3, 20/04533-7)
MIRANDA, CRISTIANE GRELLA; SPERANZA, PAULA; SATO, ANA CARLA KAWAZOE. Cassava leaves as an alternative protein source: Effect of alkaline parameters and precipitation conditions on protein extraction and recovery. Food Research International, v. 192, p. 9-pg., . (19/27354-3)

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