Research Grants 20/14752-8 - Infraestrutura de pesquisa, Reserva técnica - BV FAPESP
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Annual plan for technical reserves funds application to the costs of institutional infrastructure for research at Institute of Chemistry, Unicamp, 2020.


The purpose of the application of the technical reserve for research granted by FAPESP for the year 2020 was approved by the Institute of Chemistry Congregation on September 30, 2020 as described below:- Maintenance / repairs of institutional multi-user equipment;- Repair of the structured cabling of the Institutional Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry (Block A-6);- Complement of the structured cabling construction in Block B;- General maintenance and battery replacement of Datacenter nobreaks;- OmniVista Expansion license;- Acquisition of an electric tug for a 50 liter dewar;- Acquisition of 1 nobreak for the 400MHz NMR spectrophotometer;- Acquisition of 1 microcomputer for the network management;- Acquisition of 1 notebook for field service and remote support;- Acquisition of 10 nobreaks for racks and TVs;- Acquisition of 150,000 cubic meters of liquid nitrogen;- Consumable materials for institutional multi-user equipment;- Electrical, hydraulic, mechanical and refrigeration materials for the maintenance sector; and- Acquisition of 2 new SSD hard drives for HP MAS storage and 1 SAS disk (storage expansion). (AU)

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