Research Grants 19/25583-5 - Ensino, Ensino de história - BV FAPESP
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History, culture, environment: analysis of didactic propositions in a rural public school


The project analyzes didactic possibilities for the articulated teaching of History, Geography and Sciences, in Elementary School II, in a rural public school, located in the city of Taubaté. From an interdisciplinary perspective, it proposes a systematic survey of the conditions and peculiarities that exist around the teaching unit, with emphasis on historical, cultural and environmental aspects. It is based on the theoretical assumption that there is no dissociation between the elements that shape the collective identity of social groups and that the school has a central role in the study, dissemination and preservation of the patrimony elaborated by the communities. From the point of view of the method, it will privilege the contributions offered by the Human Sciences, namely History and Geography, in strict dialogue with the theoretical and methodological scope offered by the Environmental Sciences, with emphasis on aspects related to the constitution, transformation and preservation of the landscape. natural, in dialogue with the curricular bases that serve as the mainstay for the didactic actions in the elementary school. The project brings together teachers linked to that teaching unit, a technical team of the Municipal Secretariat of Education, teachers and a master student of the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences at the University of Taubaté, in the line of research in Environmental History. It aims to improve the teaching conditions in those curriculum components and the closer exchange between university and public school. (AU)

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