Research Grants 20/02844-5 - Paleoecologia, Filogenia - BV FAPESP
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The paleoentomofauna of the Crato formation (Lower Cretaceous; Araripe Basin): systematics and paleoecology


The Crato Formation (Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil) is considered one of the most important Lower Cretaceous Konservat-Lagerstätten in the world, internationally known by the exceptional level of preservation of its fossils. In the paleontological record of the Crato Formation, the insects stand out in diversity and richness. Different stages such as larvae, nymphs and adults of a wide variety of taxa occur. The purpose of this project is to create a new active network of international collaboration to study paleoentomology of the Crato Formation, to address taxonomic, phylogenetic and paleoecological issues. 1-Taxonomic studies: include mainly the taxonomic revision of insect taxa described for Crato Formation, and descriptions of new taxa. Recent recovery of an important part of the nomenclative types of the Martins-Neto Collection (about 50 holotypes, supposed to be lost during the past 10 years) opens up new possibilities for revisionary studies. 2-Phylogenetic studies: Whenever possible, taxonomic data will serve as a basis for inferring the phylogenetic relationships between taxa. 3-Paleoecological studies: Studies of the Crato Formation insect fauna in an ecological context have seldom been carried out. However, there is great potential to be explored, with possible implications for a more accurate understanding of the nature of the Crato Formation's paleoenvironment and its surroundings. New collections of Crato insect fossils are being assembled in different Brazilian Institutions, such as Universidade Federal do ABC (Santo André) and Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (Cuiabá). Shared specimens databases will be built for these collections, allowing the interchange of data and collaborative work with several different specialists. (AU)

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Scientific publications (17)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GHIROTTO, VICTOR M.; CRISPINO, EDGAR B.; CHIQUETTO-MACHADO, PEDRO, I; NEVES, PEDRO A. B. A.; ENGELKING, PHILLIP W.; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME C.. The oldest Euphasmatodea (Insecta, Phasmatodea): modern morphology in an Early Cretaceous stick insect fossil from the Crato Formation of Brazil. PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY, v. 8, n. 3, p. 17-pg., . (20/02844-5)
NEL, ANDRE; JOUAULT, CORENTIN; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA. The third aeschnidiid dragonfly genus and species from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation (Odonata, Anisoptera). HISTORICAL BIOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 5-pg., . (20/02844-5)
SANTOS, DAUBIAN; KLEIN, BRUNA MAYUMI TERAMOTO; CUNHA RIBEIRO, GUILHERME. The fossil record of Eloeophila (Diptera: Tipuloidea: Limoniidae). HISTORICAL BIOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (20/02844-5, 17/16305-6)
DO CARMO, DANIEL DIAS DORNELAS; SAMPRONHA, STEPHANIE; SANTOS, CHARLES MORPHY D.; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA. Cretaceous Horse flies and their phylogenetic significance (Diptera: Tabanidae). ARTHROPOD SYSTEMATICS & PHYLOGENY, v. 80, p. 13-pg., . (20/02844-5, 17/11768-8)
SANTOS, DAUBIAN; SANTOS, RODRIGO DOS REIS; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA. Systematics of Amphineurus (Rhamphoneurus Alexander) (Diptera: Tipuloidea: Limoniidae). ARTHROPOD SYSTEMATICS & PHYLOGENY, v. 80, p. 56-pg., . (10/00557-7, 17/16305-6, 20/02844-5)
SANTOS, DAUBIAN; CARVALHO, ISMAR DE SOUZA; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA. A cranefly rendezvous: The highest known Mesozoic diversity of Tipulidae (Insecta: Diptera) in the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of NE Brazil. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, v. 142, p. 22-pg., . (17/16305-6, 20/02844-5)
AMORIM, DALTON DE SOUZA; OLIVEIRA, SARAH SIQUEIRA; DO CARMO, DANIEL DIAS DORNELAS; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA. The oldest Gondwanan fossil of Leiinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae): Phylogenetic and evolutionary implications. CLADISTICS, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (21/08713-2, 20/02844-5)
EINICKER LAMAS, CARLOS JOSE; SAMPRONHA, STEPHANIE; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA. A new robber fly from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) Crato Formation of NE Brazil (Insecta: Diptera: Asilidae). CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, v. 131, . (20/02844-5)
BEZERRA, FRANCISCO IRINEUDO; DESOUZA, OG; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA; MENDES, MARCIO. A new primitive termite (Isoptera) from the Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, Early Cretaceous of South America. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 109, . (20/02844-5)
MACHADO, RENATO J. P.; FREITAS, ANDRE V. L.; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME C.. A new giant species of the remarkable extinct family Kalligrammatidae (Insecta: Neuroptera) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, v. 120, . (20/02844-5)
CALEB CALIFRE MARTINS; RENATO JOSÉ PIRES MACHADO; JOHN DAVID OSWALD; GUILHERME CUNHA RIBEIRO. Extinct Neuropterida of Brazil (Insecta: Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, v. 66, . (20/02844-5)
RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA; CARMO, DANIEL D. D.; LAMAS, CARLOS J. E.. On the systematic position of Cretothereva (Diptera, Therevidae): criticism versus evidence. HISTORICAL BIOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 3-pg., . (20/02844-5)
LUKASHEVICH, ELENA DMITRIEVNA; AMORIM, DALTON DE SOUZA; RIBEIRO, GUILHERME CUNHA. A Gondwanan record of the extinct genus Cretobibio (Diptera: Bibionidae). PALAEOENTOMOLOGY, v. 4, n. 5, p. 7-pg., . (20/02844-5)

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