Research Grants 19/22084-8 - Estratigrafia, Petrologia - BV FAPESP
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The Paraná Magmatic Province: petrogenesis, chronology and environmental impact of Cretaceous tholeiitic, alkaline and silicic magmatism in the Brazilian Platform

Grant number: 19/22084-8
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Geology
Principal Investigator:Valdecir de Assis Janasi
Grantee:Valdecir de Assis Janasi
Host Institution: Instituto de Geociências (IGC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Excelso Ruberti ; Silvio Roberto Farias Vlach
Associated researchers:Adriana Alves ; Alexandre França Velo ; Amélia João Fernandes ; Ana Carolina Franciosi Lucchetti ; André Pires Negrão ; Andres Fabian Salazar Naranjo ; Brenda Chung da Rocha ; Breno Leitão Waichel ; Carlos Henrique de Mesquita ; Celso de Barros Gomes ; Graham Pearson ; Daniele Giordano ; Edgardo Canón Tapia ; Eduardo Reis Viana Rocha Júnior ; Eleonora Maria Gouvêa Vasconcellos ; Elisa Soares Rocha Barbosa ; Emily Charlotte Bamber ; Evandro Fernandes de Lima ; Fabio Arzilli ; Fábio Braz Machado ; Fabio Ramos Dias de Andrade ; Fernanda Gervasoni ; Francisco de Assis Cavallaro ; Francisco de Assis Negri ; Gaston Eduardo Enrich Rojas ; Guilherme Mallmann ; João Francisco Trencher Martins ; Luana Moreira Florisbal ; Lucas de Magalhaes May Rossetti ; Lucas Del Mouro ; Marcell Leonard Besser ; Margarida Mizue Hamada ; Maria Helena Bezerra Maia de Hollanda ; Maria Irene Bartolomeu Raposo ; Maria Zélia Aguiar de Sousa ; Matheus Silva Simões ; Miguel Angelo Stipp Basei ; Pedro Augusto da Silva Rosa ; Pedro Filipe de Oliveira Cordeiro ; Rogério Guitarrari Azzone ; Ticiano José Saraiva dos Santos ; Urs Schaltegger ; Vidya Vieira de Almeida ; Vinicius Hector Abud Louro ; Yára Regina Marangoni
Associated research grant(s):20/11359-3 - Multi-user Equipment approved in grant 2019/22084-8:laser-ablation system to be coupled to an ICPMS, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):24/04920-1 - Unravelling the igneous processes and mantle source(s) of the Paraná Magmatic Province reservoirs, BP.DR
24/10966-4 - Definition of volatile budgets of magmas that generated Palmas-type silicic rocks - Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province, BP.MS
24/13156-3 - Volcanism of the Parana Magmatic Province in the State of Sao Paulo: stratigraphy based on geochemistry of samples from deep boreholes, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 24/14397-4 - Petrographic and compositional characterization of mafic minerals associated with mafic-ultramafic plutonic bodies of Cretaceous age of the Serra do Mar and Arco de Ponta Grossa Alkaline Provinces, BP.IC
23/12323-0 - Revisiting the ages of the Poços de Caldas Alkaline Massif: 40Ar/39Ar dating of key samples to solve a conundrum., BP.PD
23/14377-0 - High-precision U-Pb geochronology of high-Ti basalts: investigating the duration of magmatism in the Paraná Magmatic Province, BP.IC
23/14914-6 - Petrology of the mafic volcanism in the Volta Redonda Basin, BP.IC
23/06771-0 - Silicate liquid immiscibility in alkali-rich tholeiitic systems: the role of unmixing in the petrogenesis of intermediate intrusions and bimodal volcanic suites, BP.PD
20/15299-5 - Magma mixing and crustal assimilation processes of basic alkaline magmas in a magmatic chamber environment: Pariquera-Açu alkaline complex, Ponta Grossa Arch Alkaline Province, SE Brazil, BP.DR
22/13903-8 - Devolatilization of black shales from the Paraná Basin by magmatic interaction: an experimental approach, BP.IC
22/03365-9 - Geochemical and geochronological investigation of giant dike swarms associated with West Gondwana breakup: keys to geodynamical correlations between large igneous provinces in South America, BP.PD
22/13142-7 - Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies of volcanic rocks from the Paraná Basin and rare accessory minerals from alkaline rocks, BP.TT
22/10522-3 - Petrographic, compositional and structural characterization of mafic minerals associated with kimberlite and kamafugite intrusions of Cretaceous ages from the Alto Paranaíba Alkaline Province, BP.IC
22/07167-7 - Revisiting the ages of the Poços de Caldas Alkaline Massif: 40Ar/39Ar dating of key samples to solve a conundrum, BP.PD
21/11092-0 - Developing an experimental approach to define sedimentary degassing from large igneous provinces related and unrelated to mass extinction, BE.PQ
21/04046-1 - Experimental epitaxial nucleation and growth of zeolites in basalt minerals, BP.IC
21/05353-5 - Amygdules, vesicles and fluid: rock interaction in basalts from Brotas and Araraquara, SP, BP.IC
21/05399-5 - Mineral geochemistry of mantellic xenoliths from the Mesozoic subcontinental Brazilian platform constraints on mantle heterogeneities as sources of basalt and alkaline provinces, BP.DD
21/05365-3 - Water in silicic volcanic glasses of the Paraná Magmatic Province, BP.IC
21/01886-9 - Palynology analyses of sedimentary and volcanoclastic rocks associated to Serra Geral Group, BP.PD - associated scholarships


The reactivation of the Brazilian Platform during the Mesozoic influenced strongly the geological configuration of the south and southeast of Brazil, resulting in the opening of the South Atlantic and the generation of the marginal basins that host important volumes of hydrocarbon deposits.One of the major manifestations of this reactivation is the expressive magmatism of Cretaceous age, recorded both in the marginal basins and in the continent, where are exposed the second largest continental basaltic province of Planet Earth (the Paraná Magmatic Province), and, bordering the whole province, one of the worldwide most expressive and diversified associations of alkaline-carbonatite-kimberlite, to which important mineral deposits are related. Silicic volcanic rocks (dacites-rhyolites), although volumetrically subordinated, have singular characteristics, which arouse the interest of the international community, especially as to their eruptive styles.This project deepens the experience accumulated in the last five years, in which some of the most active research groups in the study of the Mesozoic magmatism of S-SE do Brasil, based in several Universities and Research Institutes, have been working in association to integrate petrological, volcanological and geochronological studies on the Province. Two main focuses, strongly interconnected, are proposed. In the study of volcanism, the main objectives are the establishment of an integrated stratigraphic column for the whole province (with the recognition of formal stratigraphic units), the precise determination of the age and duration of volcanism (through high precision geochronology by U), the identification of the eruptive styles of silicic and basaltic magmatism (combining field structural surveys and experimental petrology) and the evaluation of possible environmental impacts (adding to previous studies the quantitative study of volatile contents and emissions). In the study of associated plutonism, the emphasis will be on the petrogenesis of alkaline and tholeiitic magmatism (with the identification of mantle sources and their regional zonality, and the characterization and quantification of crustal evolution processes in closed and open systems) and the geochronology of alkaline magmatism, which extended for a much longer period than the tholeiitic magmatism, thus bringing fundamental information on events previous, contemporaneous and subsequent to the opening of the South Atlantic. (AU)

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Scientific publications (28)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; TARAZONA, LINA MARIA CETINA; AMBROSIO, MARIANA ROBERTTI; GUARINO, VINCENZA; CHMYZ, LUANNA; LIMA, NICHOLAS MACHADO; RUBERTI, EXCELSO. The Hidden Magmatic Chamber from the Ponte Nova Mafic-Ultramafic Alkaline Massif, SE Brazil: Clues from Clinopyroxene and Olivine Antecrysts. MINERALS, v. 12, n. 6, p. 25-pg., . (10/20425-8, 17/03768-8, 19/22084-8)
VASCONCELOS, THIAGO QUEIROZ DE FREITAS; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; MELLO, JOAO TUMENAS; LOURO, VINICIUS. The Campinas-Jaguariuna Sill, NE Parana Magmatic Province, Brazil: Insights on the mechanisms of emplacement and differentiation from geochemical and magnetic data. PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY, v. 145, p. 17-pg., . (19/22084-8)
AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; PEARSON, DAVID GRAHAM; SARKAR, CHIRANJEEB; CHMYZ, LUANNA; SHIBATA, CAMILA SAYURI VASCONCELOS; LUO, YAN; RUBERTI, EXCELSO. Tracking crustal assimilation processes in kimberlites from the Alto Parana?ba Igneous Province, Brazil: Petrographic and geochemical controls and the role of perovskites. LITHOS, v. 432-433, p. 22-pg., . (19/22084-8, 17/03768-8)
CHMYZ, LUANNA; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; MARKS, MICHAEL A. W.; SARAIVA DOS SANTOS, TICIANO JOSE. Olivines as probes into assimilation of silicate rocks by carbonatite magmas: Unraveling the genesis of reaction rocks from the Jacupiranga alkaline-carbonatite complex, southern Brazil. LITHOS, v. 416, p. 18-pg., . (18/15731-4, 19/22084-8, 12/06082-6, 17/03768-8)
GUSAO, JOAO PEDRO; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; NEGRI, FRANCISCO DE ASSIS; FERNANDES, AMELIA JOAO; GUERRA, JULIA TACIRO MANDACARU. Volcanic stratigraphy of the high-Ti basalt succession in the northern Parana Magmatic Province based on geochemistry of detailed field sections in the Jau-Barra Bonita region. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 54, n. 2, p. 15-pg., . (12/06082-6, 19/22084-8)
SALDANHA, JOAO PEDRO; DEL MOURO, LUCAS; BECKER-KERBER, BRUNO; RICETTI, JOAO HENRIQUE ZAHDI; BALISTIERI, PATRICIA DA ROCHA MARQUES NUNES; WEINSCHUTZ, LUIZ CARLOS; WAICHEL, BRENO LEITAO. Exploring the restricted Lontras Shale fossil record: Data biases or preservational casualties?. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, v. 458, p. 18-pg., . (19/22084-8, 21/01886-9, 21/14704-6)
LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; FARIAS VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO. Textural and Geochemical Evidence for Multiple, Sheet-like Magma Pulses in the Limeira Intrusion, Parana Magmatic Province, Brazil. JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, v. 62, n. 3, p. 38-pg., . (12/06082-6, 19/22084-8)
DEL MOURO, LUCAS; BECKER-KERBER, BRUNO; JANASI, VALDECIR A.; DE ARAUJO CARVALHO, MARCELO; WAICHEL, BRENO L.; LIMA, EVANDRO F.; ROSSETTI, LUCAS M. M.; CRUZ, VINICIUS; SILVA, MATEUS SOUZA; FAMELLI, NATALIA; et al. Organic walled microfossils in wet peperites from the early Cretaceous Parana-Etendeka volcanism of Brazil. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (19/22084-8, 21/01886-9, 21/14704-6)
PASQUALON, N. G.; LIMA, E. F.; DE OLIVEIRA, W. P.; HARTMANN, G. A.; SCHERER, C. M. S.; ROSSETTI, L. M. M.; DA LUZ, F. R.; TRINDADE, R. I. F.; CAHOON, E. B.; MIGGINS, D. P.; et al. New volcanological, 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleomagnetic record from Trindade Island and stratigraphic implications. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, v. 81, p. 19-pg., . (19/22084-8, 22/03086-2)
ROSSETTI, LUCAS M. M.; HOLE, MALCOLM J.; DE LIMA, EVANDRO F.; SIMOES, MATHEUS S.; MILLETT, JOHN M.; ROSSETTI, MARCOS M. M.. Magmatic evolution of Low-Ti lavas in the southern Paran ` a-Etendeka Large Igneous Province. LITHOS, v. 400-401, . (19/22084-8)
MANSUR, EDUARDO; BARNES, SARAH-JANE; JANASI, VALDECIR; HENRIQUE-PINTO, RENATO; ALVES, ADRIANA; MARTELETO, NATASHA SARDE. The distribution of platinum-group elements and Te, As, Bi, Sb and Se (TABS plus ) in the Parana Magmatic Province: Effects of crystal fractionation, sulfide segregation and magma degassing. LITHOS, v. 400, . (19/22084-8, 12/06082-6)
ALMEIDA, VIDYA VIEIRA; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; FALEIROS, FREDERICO MEIRA; SIMONETTI, ANTONIO; MORAES, RENATO. Composition and thermal evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil: evidence from spinel peridotite xenoliths. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, v. 111, n. 3, p. 21-pg., . (19/22084-8, 07/00635-5, 06/01925-4, 18/10012-0)
GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; ROJAS, GASTON EDUARDO ENRICH; GUARINO, VINCENZA; RUBERTI, EXCELSO. Agpaitic Alkaline Rocks in Southern Brazilian Platform: A Review. MINERALS, v. 11, n. 9, . (19/13174-3, 19/22084-8)
GOMES, ALLAN SILVA; VASCONCELOS, PAULO MARCOS; UBIDE, TERESA; GOUVEA VASCONCELLOS, ELEONORA MARIA. agmatic and hydrothermal evolution of mafic pegmatites and their host basalts, Parana Large Igneous Province, Brazi. LITHOS, v. 408-409, . (19/22084-8, 12/06082-6)
SIMOES, MATHEUS SILVA; SARMENTO, CARLA CECILIA TREIB; SOMMER, CARLOS AUGUSTO; DE LIMA, EVANDRO FERNANDES; ROSSETTI, LUCAS DE MAGALHAES MAY; KOESTER, EDINEI. Petrogenesis of low-Ti dolerite sills from Parana-Etendeka LIP in Cerro do Coronel region, southernmost Brazil. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, v. N/A, p. 20-pg., . (19/22084-8)
SALAZAR-NARANJO, ANDRES FABIAN; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS. New Experimental Constraints for the Evolution and Thermobarometry of Alkali Ultrabasic to Intermediate Igneous Rocks. JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, v. 64, n. 11, p. 22-pg., . (19/22084-8, 18/16755-4)
PEREIRA, LAURA MEDEIROS DA COSTA; SAVIAN, JAIRO FRANCISCO; FLORISBAL, LUANA MOREIRA; TOME, CAMILA ROCHA; DO CARMO, JANINE ARAUJO; DA TRINDADE, RICARDO IVAN FERREIRA. Magnetic fabric data on partially molten granitic rocks from the Florianopolis Batholith, Southern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 134, p. 19-pg., . (19/22084-8)
CABRAL-NETO, IZAAC; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; PEARSON, DAVID GRAHAM; LUO, YAN; AZZONE, ROGERIO G.; SILVEIRA, FRANCISCO V.; ALMEIDA, VIDYA V.. Diamond sources of the Juína region, Amazonian craton: textural and mineral chemical characteristics of Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlites. MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY, v. 118, n. 1, p. 22-pg., . (19/22084-8)
ACOSTA, ANA CAROLINA MASSULINI; FLORISBAL, LUANA MOREIRA; SAVIAN, JAIRO FRANCISCO; WAICHEL, BRENO LEITAO; DA SILVA, MATEUS SOUZA; DA TRINDADE, RICARDO IVAN FERREIRA. Emplacement dynamics of the plumbing system and lava pile of the Parana Magmatic Province in Morro da Igreja, Santa Catarina, Brazil. JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS, v. 157, p. 21-pg., . (19/22084-8)
AZZONE, R. G.; PEARSON, D. G.; SARKAR, C.; CETINA, L. M. T.; CHMYZ, L.; LUO, Y.; RUBERTI, E.; GUARINO, V.; CABRAL-NETO, I.. Robust methods, tricky materials: Challenges in dating high common-Pb perovskite from Cretaceous Brazilian kimberlites. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, v. 670, p. 19-pg., . (17/21397-7, 23/12323-0, 19/22084-8, 17/03768-8, 23/11675-0)
GUARINO, VINCENZA; BONAZZI, MATTIA; NIMIS, PAOLO; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; CARIDDI, BRUNA; ZANETTI, ALBERTO. Stabilization and evolution of the Brazilian subcontinental lithospheric mantle: Insights from garnet xenocrysts and peridotite xenoliths of Tres Ranchos kimberlite (APIP, Brazil). GONDWANA RESEARCH, v. 130, p. 18-pg., . (19/22084-8, 17/03768-8)
DE SOUZA, AMANDA ANDRADE; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; CHMYZ, LUANNA; TARAZONA, LINA MARIA CETINA; DE ANDRADE, FABIO RAMOS DIAS; MARTINS, JOSE VINICIUS; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS. Genesis of Fe-Ti-(V) Oxide-Rich Rocks by Open-System Evolution of Mafic Alkaline Magmas: The Case of the Ponte Nova Massif, SE Brazil. MINERALS, v. 14, n. 7, p. 26-pg., . (19/22084-8, 23/11675-0)
KOSCIUV, LUCAS MASNIK; FLORISBAL, LUANA MOREIRA; LEITA, BRENO. Landscape evolution of the Torres Trough, Parana Basin, southern Brazil, based on morphostructural analysis. CATENA, v. 247, p. 17-pg., . (19/22084-8)
DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH; SCHATTNER, URI; RICCOMINI, CLAUDIO; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; LOBO, FRANCISCO JOSE; VASCONCELOS, PAULO; THIEDE, DAVID S.; RAMOS, RAISSA BASTI; DOS SANTOS, ROSANGELA FELICIO. Submarine basalt xenoliths confirm the occurrence of post-rift volcanism in the Southern Santos Basin, SW Atlantic. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 132, p. 12-pg., . (10/06147-5, 17/50191-8, 19/06250-5, 19/22084-8)
LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; QUIROZ-VALLE, FRANCY ROXANA; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; QUIROZ-VALLE, CELSO RENATO; BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO STIPP. Decoding the interplay between magma thermodynamics and lithospheric thermal state as a possible explanation for the origin of the Daly Gap. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 648, p. 14-pg., . (19/22084-8, 15/03737-0, 23/06771-0)
SILVA, CAMILA SOUZA; FLORISBAL, LUANA MOREIRA; WAICHEL, BRENO LEITAO; BITENCOURT, MARIA DE FATIMA; HINRICHS, RUTH; VITTO, RAMON. Contamination and dissolution-crystallisation textures of granite relics in xenolith-rich composite Coral Island Dike of the Parana-Etendeka Magmatic Province. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 131, p. 17-pg., . (19/22084-8)
DE FIGUEIREDO, RAISA FAGUNDES; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; SANTOS, TICIANO JOSE SARAIVA DOS. The Roraima Alkaline Province: A cretaceous alkaline province in the Amazonian Craton. CHEMIE DER ERDE-GEOCHEMISTRY, v. 82, n. 3, p. 16-pg., . (19/22084-8, 17/03768-8)

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