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Teacher education and cinematographic narrative: contributions of Eduardo Coutinho's movies for History teaching in basic education I (initial years)


It is intended to promote a scientific research whose main objective is to reflect on the appropriation of aesthetic and epistemological assumptions contained in movies produced by the Brazilian filmmaker Eduardo Coutinho for the elaboration of a training process for teachers who teach History in Elementary Education I (Initial Years). Aesthetic and epistemological presuppositions is an expression that involves contributions from Jacques Rancière, Walter Benjamin, Michel De Certeau, and Paulo Freire, which means to think of the knowledge from the sharing of the sensitive, through concerns with the narrator and the narrative, the attention to the anonymous, their strategies and tactics, as well as the recognition that the educator's formation must also be made from ethics and aesthetics. It is an investigation whose approach is qualitative, of applied research and that reconciles exploration, description and explanation, based on case study, translational perspective, focus group employment, expedients from the arts-based research and Discursive Textual Analysis. This reflexive exercise presents theoretical foundations in the following fields: History Teaching; Cinematographic Language; Teaching and Cinema; Filmography by Eduardo Coutinho; Media and Technology of Information and Communication; Teacher training; and Contemporaneity. These theoretical, methodological procedures will be developed through four steps: 1) Analysis of the selected films, application of the questionnaire "Social/age/professional profile", elaboration of educational practices and preparation of the training process; 2) Experience of the formation process involving teachers in initial formation and beginning of the organization of translational dossiers about the developed training process (application of questionnaires "Registration of previous knowledge" and "Experience involving formative process"); 3) Translational dossiers deepening (accomplishment of the filmed interviews with focus group) and analyzing of the questionnaires responses and the film-recorded interviews; and 4) Completion of the training process proposal, followed by the sharing of it with the Pró-Reitorias de Graduação e de Pós-Graduação da UNESP (PROGRad e PROPG/UNESP) and the Municipal Secretary of Education of São José do Rio Preto (SME/ São Jose do Rio Preto). The four mentioned steps endow the research of another characteristic: it is based in a transverse and longitudinal cut. It is estimated to produce scientific knowledge aimed at fostering didactic-pedagogical innovation aimed at the initial and continuing formations of teachers concerned with the teaching of History in Basic Education I (Initial Years). (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
HUMBERTO PERINELLI NETO; RODRIGO RIBEIRO PAZIANI. Sujeitos históricos e ensino sob a ótica de Eduardo Coutinho: proposta para a formação de professores de história. Pro-Posições, v. 35, . (19/18429-0)

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