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Investigating risk factors for triggering an acute low back pain episode at emergency department


Low back pain is a highly prevalent condition and is considered the leading cause of years lived with disability worldwide. Low back pain can be triggered by the influence of several factors, such as individual aspects, physical and psychological stress. Understanding the factors that increase the risk of triggering a new episode of low back pain is essential for the creation of prevention strategies. Most previous studies on risk factors for low back pain have identified long-term, non-modifiable factors. However, recent studies have concluded that transient exposure to modifiable risk factors may substantially increase the risk of developing a new episode of low back pain. This proposal describes three distinct studies. The first study has a cross-sectional design with 100 clinicians (physiotherapists /general practitioners) to investigate possible perceived factors that may trigger an episode of low back pain. The second study also has a cross-sectional design with 250 patients to investigate possible self-perceived factors that may trigger an episode of low back pain. The third study has a case-crossover design investigating risk factors of transient exposure for a low back pain episode in 250 adult individuals with an acute non-specific low back pain episode, seeking care in emergency departments of hospitals in Sao Paulo. (AU)

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