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Bioprospecting of bacteriocin-producing bacteria: from culture optimization to the application in animal production systems

Grant number: 18/25511-1
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: November 01, 2019 - October 31, 2025
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Microbiology - Applied Microbiology
Principal Investigator:Ricardo Pinheiro de Souza Oliveira
Grantee:Ricardo Pinheiro de Souza Oliveira
Host Institution: Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas (FCF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Alessandro de Mello Varani
Associated researchers:Alessandro de Mello Varani ; Attilio Converti ; Christian Hoffmann ; Danielle de Carla Dias ; Dirlei Antonio Berto ; Elias Gustavo Figueroa Villalobos ; Francisco Vitor Santos da Silva ; Iván Valdebenito Isler ; Jean Guy Joseph LeBlanc ; Jorge Gonzalo Farias Avendano ; José Manuel Domínguez González ; José Roberto Sartori ; Leonardo Tachibana ; Marcos Livio Panhoza Tse ; Maria Helena Ambrosio Zanin ; Maria José Tavares Ranzani de Paiva ; Patrícia Léo ; Paul Cotter ; Simone Maria Massami Kitamura Martins ; Welington Luiz de Araújo
Associated grant(s):23/18462-2 - Towards Internationalization in Biotechnology Research between USP and UNIMI, AV.EXT
23/13487-7 - Production and use of bacteriocinogenic probiotic bacteria: application in the zootechnical sector, AV.EXT
23/09256-0 - Valorization of biomass residues in a biorefinery concept for Brazilian industry's circular economy transition, AV.EXT
21/15138-4 - Brewery waste biorefinery to obtain biologically active substances for prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and for its use as natural food preservatives, AV.EXT
20/15599-9 - Mult-user Equipment approved in grant 2018/25511-1: Semi-Preparative High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, AP.EMU
24/13526-5 - Development of separation and purification processes to obtain products of biotechnological value from bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria., BP.TT
24/07246-0 - Antimicrobial potential of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from swine intestinal microbiota., BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 23/14986-7 - Development of Bioprocesses for the Production of Bacteriocinogenic and Vitamin-Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria, BP.TT
23/10686-9 - Metagenomic analysis of poultry's gut microbiota: Exploring probiotic potential, multi-drug resistance genes, and horizontal gene transfer., BP.DR
23/04372-1 - Genomic analysis of bacteriocinogenic probiotic bacteria: taxonomic identification and characterization of genes related to the synthesis of bacteriocins, BP.PD
23/05677-0 - Screening of probiotic lactic acid bacteria that produce bacteriocins with potential antibacterial, antifungal and antimycotoxigenic for microbial additive, BP.TT
23/03683-3 - Production of probiotic bacteria producing bacteriocins and vitamins using a shaker-type rotary stirrer, BP.IC
22/07543-9 - Evaluation of the biotechnological application of new bacteriocinogenic probiotic bacteria: effect on health, antimicrobial action and on the preservation of fish meat (Oreochromis niloticus), BP.PD
20/06376-6 - Bioprospecting and application of a consortium of probiotic bacteriocinogenic bacteria in the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochomis niloticus)., BP.DR
22/07556-3 - Bioprospecting of probiotic bacteria producing bacteriocins and vitamins: from culture optimization to the application in poultry production system, BP.PD
22/07304-4 - Accessing the molecular logic associated with the presence, regulation and bioactivity of bacteriocins present in microbial communities of the gastrointestinal tract of pigs by in silico and in vitro approaches, BP.DD
22/05882-0 - Evaluation of the potential of bacteriocinogenic probiotic bacteria in nilotic tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), BP.IC
22/10612-2 - Comparative genomics of bacteriocin-related genes from Ligilactobacillus salivarius, BP.IC
22/06012-0 - Antimicrobial potential of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from the intestinal tract of swine, BP.IC
22/04841-9 - Selection and identification of bacteriocin-producing probiotic strains, BP.PD
22/02936-2 - Probiotics and bacteriocins in Nile Tilapia feeding: effects on growth performance, immunology and experimental infection, BP.DD
21/12583-7 - Genomic analysis of bacteriocinogenic probiotic bacteria: taxonomic identification and characterization of genes related to the synthesis of bacteriocins, BP.PD
21/01570-1 - Evaluating the potential of bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria isolated from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): antimicrobial effect against Flavobacterium psychrophilum, BP.DR
20/14144-8 - Purification and encapsulation of bacteriocins from probiotic bacteria for applications in animal protein production systems, BP.PD
20/10676-5 - Selection of bacteriocinogenic probiotic strains, BP.PD
20/13271-6 - Production of bacteriocin-producing probiotic bacteria, BP.DD
20/03204-0 - Stability of PA-1 pediocin in the presence of choline-based osmolytes derived from phenolic compounds, BP.IC
20/03071-0 - Bioprospection of bacteriocinogenic probiotic bacteria from the intestinal tract of swine (Sus scrofa domesticus):antimicrobial effect against Escherichia coli, BP.IC - associated scholarships


The use of probiotic microorganisms in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections in animals intended for human consumption has been considered an efficient alternative to the use of antibiotics. In addition, recent studies have shown that certain substances produced by these microorganisms, such as bacteriocins, vitamins, fatty acids, exopolysaccharides, enzymes, among others, improve the immunity and development of their hosts. The most commonly used probiotic microorganisms in the food and pharmaceutical industries are those belonging to the lactic acid bacteria group (LAB), since they are considered safe by regulatory agencies in this area. However, it is known that the beneficial effects generated by probiotics are specific to each host and, frequently, the compounds of interest are synthesized in greater quantities by a given bacterial strain. The main objective of the present study is the isolation and identification of probiotic LAB present in the intestinal microbiota of poultry, swine and fish species. Strains with high capacity to produce bacteriocins will be selected. From this selection, compatibility tests will be carried out among the strains and, later, a mix of probiotics will be prepared. The strains that compose it will be individually micro-encapsulated and administered daily in the animals diet, through feed and water, in order to ascertain the probiotic effectiveness of the mixture. Synthetic bacteriocins will also be micro-encapsulated and administered to understand their individual effect on animals health. The results obtained with microcapsules will be compared with those obtained in the same biosystems in free form. In addition, we will carry out immunological studies, electron microscopy tests and analysis of the intestinal microbiota diversity of animals. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (26)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
PAZ, ALICIA; COSTA-TRIGO, IVAN; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO DE SOUZA; DOMINGUEZ, JOSE MANUEL. Ligninolytic Enzymes of Endospore-Forming Bacillus aryabhattai BA03. Current Microbiology, v. 77, n. 5, p. 702-709, . (18/25511-1)
BLANCO, IAGO RODRIGUES; PIZAURO, LUCAS JOSE LUDUVERIO; ALMEIDA, JOAO VICTOR DOS ANJOS; MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL NOBREGA; VARANI, ALESSANDRO DE MELLO; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO DE SOUZA. Pan-genomic and comparative analysis of Pediococcus pentosaceus focused on the in silico assessment of pediocin-like bacteriocins. COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, v. 20, p. 12-pg., . (18/25511-1)
LARA, VIRGINIA M.; MENDONCA, CARLOS M. N.; SILVA, FRANCISCO V. S.; MARGUET, EMILIO R.; VALLEJO, MARISOL; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; VARANI, ALESSANDRO M.; GLIEMMO, MARIA F.; CAMPOS, CARMEN A.; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO P. S.. Characterization of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Tw226 strain and its use for the production of a new membrane-bound biosurfactant. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 363, p. 10-pg., . (20/13271-6, 18/25511-1)
MENDONC, CARLOS M. N.; VERISSIMO, NATHALIA V.; PEREIRA, WELLISON A. .; CUNHA, PAULA M.; VITOLO, MICHELE; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; KURNIA, KIKI ADI; SEGATO, FERNANDO; AZEVEDO, PAMELA O. S. DE; FREIRE, MARA G.; et al. Use of Tunable Copolymers in Aqueous Biphasic Systems for Extractive Bioconversion Aimed at Continuous Fructooligosaccharide Production. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (20/13271-6, 18/25511-1)
PEREIRA, WELLISON AMORIM; MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL N.; VILLASANTE URQUIZA, ALEJANDRO; MARTEINSSON, VIGGO POR; GUY LEBLANC, JEAN; COTTER, PAUL D.; FIGUEROA VILLALOBOS, ELIAS; ROMERO, JAIME; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO P. S.. Use of Probiotic Bacteria and Bacteriocins as an Alternative to Antibiotics in Aquaculture. MICROORGANISMS, v. 10, n. 9, p. 22-pg., . (18/25511-1, 21/01570-1)
MENDONCA, CARLOS M. N.; OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO C.; FREIRE, ROMINNE K. B.; PIAZENTIN, ANNA C. M.; PEREIRA, WELLISON A.; GUDINA, EDUARDO J.; EVTUGUIN, V, DMITRY; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; SANTOS, JOAO H. P. M.; NUNES, CLAUDIA; et al. Characterization of levan produced by a Paenibacillus sp. isolated from Brazilian crude oil. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 186, p. 788-799, . (20/13271-6, 18/25511-1)
DE SOUZA DE AZEVEDO, PAMELA OLIVEIRA; NOBREGA MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL; RAMOS MORENO, ANA CAROLINA; IANK BUENO, ANTONIO VINICIUS; YOKOMIZO DE ALMEIDA, SONIA REGINA; SEIBERT, LIANE; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; WATANABE, II-SEI; GIERUS, MARTIN; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of crude and freeze-dried bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance produced by Pediococcus pentosaceus. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (18/25511-1, 18/04385-8)
COSTA-TRIGO, IVAN; PAZ, ALICIA; MORAN-AGUILAR, MARIA GUADALUPE; GUERRA, NELSON PEREZ; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO DE SOUZA; DOMINGUEZ, JOSE MANUEL. Enhancing the biorefinery of chestnut burrs. Part I. Study of the pretreatment with choline chloride urea diluted deep eutectic solvent. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, v. 173, p. 9-pg., . (18/25511-1, 21/15138-4)
KUNIYOSHI, TAIS MAYUMI; NOBREGA MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL; VIEIRA, VIVIANE BORGES; ROBL, DIOGO; GOMBOSSY DE MELO FRANCO, BERNADETTE DORA; TODOROV, SVETOSLAV DIMITROV; TOME, ELISABETTA; O'CONNOR, PAULA MARY; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; ARAUJO, WELINGTON LUIZ; et al. ediocin PA-1 production by Pediococcus pentosaceus ET34 using non-detoxified hemicellulose hydrolysate obtained from hydrothermal pretreatment of sugarcane bagass. Bioresource Technology, v. 338, . (13/07914-8, 18/04385-8, 15/24777-0, 18/25511-1)
COSTA-TRIGO, IVAN; PAZ, ALICIA; OTERO-PENEDO, PATRICIA; OUTEIRINO, DAVID; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO; MANUEL DOMINGUEZ, JOSE. Detoxification of chestnut burrs hydrolyzates to produce biomolecules. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 159, . (18/25511-1)
WANDERLEY PORTO, MARIA CAROLINA; DE SOUZA DE AZEVEDO, PAMELA OLIVEIRA; LOURENCO, FELIPE REBELLO; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; VITOLO, MICHELE; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO. Effect of Polydextrose on the Growth of Pediococcus pentosaceus as Well as Lactic Acid and Bacteriocin-like Inhibitory Substances (BLIS) Production. MICROORGANISMS, v. 10, n. 10, p. 18-pg., . (18/25511-1, 19/02456-8)
MEIRELES PIAZENTIN, ANNA CAROLINA; NOBREGA MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL; VALLEJO, MARISOL; MUSSATTO, I, SOLANGE; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO. acteriocin-like inhibitory substances production by Enterococcus faecium 135 in co-culture with Ligilactobacillus salivarius and Limosilactobacillus reuter. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 53, n. 1, . (18/25511-1)
DA SILVA, THAMIRES MARIA SIMOES; PIAZENTIN, ANNA CAROLINA MEIRELLES; MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL NOBREGA; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; BOGSAN, CRISTINA STEWART BITTENCOURT; MORA, DIEGO; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO DE SOUZA. Buffalo milk increases viability and resistance of probiotic bacteria in dairy beverages under in vitro simulated gastrointestinal conditions. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, v. 103, n. 9, p. 7890-7897, . (18/25511-1, 19/19054-0)
GUADALUPE MORAN-AGUILAR, MARIA; CALDERON-SANTOYO, MONTSERRAT; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO; GUADALUPE AGUILAR-USCANGA, MARIA; MANUEL DOMINGUEZ, JOSE. Deconstructing sugarcane bagasse lignocellulose by acid-based deep eutectic solvents to enhance enzymatic digestibility. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 298, p. 8-pg., . (18/25511-1, 21/15138-4)
DE OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO CARDOSO; NOBREGA MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL; VERISSIMO, NATHALIA VIEIRA; YOKOMIZO DE ALMEIDA, SONIA REGINA; CORREA, BENEDITO; WATANABE, II-SEI; DE SOUZA DE AZEVEDO, PAMELA OLIVEIRA; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO. Evaluating the potential of Pediococcus pentosaceus as a biocontrol agent against tenuazonic acid-producing Alternaria alternata on livestock feeds. Journal of Applied Microbiology, v. 133, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (19/16551-2, 20/13271-6, 18/25511-1, 20/14144-8, 20/10676-5, 19/02456-8)
V. VERISSIMO, NATHALIA; SAPONI, CAROLINA F.; RYAN, TIMOTHY M.; GREAVES, TAMAR L.; PEREIRA, JORGE F. B.. Imidazolium-based ionic liquids as additives to preserve the Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein fluorescent activity. GREEN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 2, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (18/06576-5, 18/25511-1, 14/16424-7, 20/14144-8, 18/50009-8, 14/19793-3, 18/01858-2, 18/20833-0, 16/07529-5)
PEREIRA, WELLISON A.; FRANCO, SARA M.; REIS, IARA L.; MENDONCA, CARLOS M. N.; PIAZENTIN, ANNA C. M.; AZEVEDO, PAMELA O. S.; TSE, MARCOS L. P.; DE MARTINIS, ELAINE C. P.; GIERUS, MARTIN; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO P. S.. Beneficial effects of probiotics on the pig production cycle: An overview of clinical impacts and performance. Veterinary Microbiology, v. 269, p. 12-pg., . (20/03071-0, 18/25511-1)
SABO, SABRINA DA SILVA; MENDES, MARIA ANITA; ARAUJO, ELIAS DA SILVA; DE ALMEIDA MURADIAN, LIGIA BICUDO; MAKIYAMA, EDSON NAOTO; GUY LEBLANC, JEAN; BORELLI, PRIMAVERA; FOCK, RICARDO AMBROSIO; KNOBL, TEREZINHA; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO. Bioprospecting of probiotics with antimicrobial activities against Salmonella Heidelberg and that produce B-complex vitamins as potential supplements in poultry nutrition. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (18/25511-1, 17/16494-3)
VERISSIMO, NATHALIA VIEIRA; MUSSAGY, CASSAMO USSEMANE; OSHIRO, ARIANE ALVES; NOBREGA MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL; SANTOS-EBINUMA, VALERIA DE CARVALHO; PESSOA JUNIOR, ADALBERTO; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO; BRANDAO PEREIRA, JORGE FERNANDO. From green to blue economy: Marine biorefineries for a sustainable ocean-based economy. GREEN CHEMISTRY, v. 23, n. 23, . (18/06908-8, 20/13271-6, 20/14144-8, 19/15493-9, 18/25511-1, 20/08655-0)
MENDONCA, CARLOS M. N.; OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO C.; PIZAURO, LUCAS J. L.; PEREIRA, WELLISON A.; ABBOUD, KAHLILE; ALMEIDA, SONIA; WATANABE, II-SEI; VARANI, ALESSANDRO M.; DOMINGUEZ, JOSE M.; CORREA, BENEDITO; et al. Tracking new insights into antifungal and anti-mycotoxigenic properties of a biofilm forming Pediococcus pentosaceus strain isolated from grain silage. International Journal of Food Microbiology, v. 405, p. 10-pg., . (18/25511-1, 20/13271-6, 21/15138-4)
SANCA, FERNANDO M. M.; BLANCO, IAGO R.; DIAS, MERIELLEN; MORENO, ANDREA M.; MARTINS, SIMONE M. M. K.; STEPHANO, MARCO A.; MENDES, MARIA A.; MENDONCA, CARLOS M. N.; PEREIRA, WELLISON A.; AZEVEDO, PAMELA O. S.; et al. Antimicrobial Activity of Peptides Produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis on Swine Pathogens. ANIMALS, v. 13, n. 15, p. 12-pg., . (18/25511-1, 22/07304-4, 22/07543-9, 20/13271-6, 22/07556-3, 22/04841-9)
VERISSIMO, NATHALIA VIEIRA; VICENTE, FILIPA A.; DE OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO CARDOSO; LIKOZAR, BLAZ; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO DE SOUZA; PEREIRA, JORGE FERNANDO BRANDAO. Ionic liquids as protein stabilizers for biological and biomedical applications: A review. BIOTECHNOLOGY ADVANCES, v. 61, p. 29-pg., . (18/25511-1, 19/15493-9, 20/14144-8, 20/10676-5, 18/06908-8)
DA SILVA, AMANDA ROMANA SANTOS; DE SOUZA DE AZEVEDO, PAMELA OLIVEIRA; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO. Cultivation of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Potential of Partially Purified Bacteriocin-like Inhibitory Substances against Cariogenic and Food Pathogens. FERMENTATION-BASEL, v. 8, n. 8, p. 14-pg., . (18/25511-1)
PEREIRA, WELLISON AMORIM; PIAZENTIN, ANNA CAROLINA M.; DE OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO CARDOSO; MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL N.; TABATA, YARA AIKO; MENDES, MARIA ANITA; FOCK, RICARDO AMBROSIO; MAKIYAMA, EDSON NAOTO; CORREA, BENEDITO; VALLEJO, MARISOL; et al. Bacteriocinogenic probiotic bacteria isolated from an aquatic environment inhibit the growth of food and fish pathogens. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 14-pg., . (20/13271-6, 18/25511-1, 20/10676-5, 21/01570-1)
KUNIYOSHI, TAIS MAYUMI; NOBREGA MENDONCA, CARLOS MIGUEL; VIEIRA, VIVIANE BORGES; ROBL, DIOGO; GOMBOSSY DE MELO FRANCO, BERNADETTE DORA; TODOROV, SVETOSLAV DIMITROV; TOME, ELISABETTA; O'CONNOR, PAULA MARY; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; ARAUJO, WELINGTON LUIZ; et al. Pediocin PA-1 production by Pediococcus pentosaceus ET34 using non-detoxified hemicellulose hydrolysate obtained from hydrothermal pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse. APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY, v. 131, . (18/04385-8, 18/25511-1, 15/24777-0, 13/07914-8)

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