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Comparative study between photodynamic therapy with urucum and LED and probiotics in halitosis reduction: controlled clinical trial

Grant number: 19/14229-6
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: February 01, 2020 - July 31, 2022
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Dentistry - Dental Clinics
Principal Investigator:Sandra Kalil Bussadori
Grantee:Sandra Kalil Bussadori
Host Institution: Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). Campus Vergueiro. São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: David José Casimiro de Andrade


Halitosis is a term that defines any odor or bad smell from the oral cavity, which may have local or systemic origin. This project aims to verify whether the treatment with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) and the treatment with probiotics are effective against it. Fifty-two students or UNINOVE employees, 18 to 25 years old, with a diagnosis of halitosis, will be selected, with sulphide (SH2) e 112 ppb in gas chromatography. Participants will be divided randomly into 4 groups of 13, who will receive different treatments: Group 1: treatment with brushing, dental floss and tongue scraper; Group 2: brushing, dental floss and aPTT applied to the back and middle third of the tongue; Group 3: brushing, dental floss and probiotics; Group 4: Brushing, flossing, aPDT and probiotics. The results of halimetry will be compared before, immediately after treatment, seven days after and thirty days after treatment. Microbiological analysis of the lingual flap will be performed at these same times. Quantitative analysis will be performed using real-time PCR. The normality of the data will be measured using the Shapiro-Wilk test, and in the case of normality the Variance Analysis (ANOVA) test will be applied, and in the case of non-parametric data, the Kruskal-Wallis test will be used. To analyze the results of each treatment in both periods of the study, the Wilcoxon test will be used. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MOTTA, PAMELLA DE BARROS; MOTTA, LARA JANSISKI; COSTA DA MOTA, ANA CAROLINA; LEAL GONCALVES, MARCELA LETICIA; SILVA, TAMIRIS; MOMOLLI, MARCOS; DE ANDRADE, DAVID CASIMIRO; SANTOS FERNANDES, KRISTIANNE PORTA; MESQUITA-FERRARI, RAQUEL AGNELLI; DEANA, ALESSANDRO MELO; et al. Comparative study between photodynamic therapy with urucum plus Led and probiotics in halitosis reduction-protocol for a controlled clinical trial. PLoS One, v. 16, n. 5, . (19/14229-6)
MORIYAMA, CAROLINE MORAES; SANTOS, ELAINE MARCILIO; GONCALVES, MARCELA LETICIA LEAL; TUBEL, CARLOS ALBERTO; DA SILVA, MATHEUS PEREIRA; NASCIMENTO, VICTOR AUGUSTO WHATELY; TEIXEIRA, VICTOR PEREZ; SOBRAL, ANA PAULA TABOADA; HORLIANA, ANNA CAROLINA RATTO TEMPESTINI; MOTTA, LARA JANSISKI; et al. Evaluation of the efficacy of a commercially available regimen vs brushing alone on established plaque and gingivitis on adolescents Study protocol for a randomized, controlled, blind clinical trial. MEDICINE, v. 99, n. 45, . (19/14229-6)
CAROLINA CARDOSO GUEDES; SANDRA KALIL BUSSADORI; ANA CAROLINA MOTA GARCIA; LARA JANSISKI MOTTA; ANDRÉA OLIVER GOMES; RAIMAR WEBER; OLGA MARIA SILVERIO AMANCIO. Accuracy of a portable breath meter test for the detection of halitosis in children and adolescents. Clinics, v. 75, . (19/14229-6)

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