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Multiuser equipment approved in grant number 2017/27131-9 : image system Newton 70 FT 400 with anesthetic system Biosthesia and accessories- Vilber

Grant number: 19/19852-3
Support Opportunities:Multi-user Equipment Program
Duration: December 01, 2019 - November 30, 2026
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Paola Marcella Camargo Minoprio
Grantee:Paola Marcella Camargo Minoprio
Host Institution: Institut Pasteur de São Paulo (IPSP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:17/27131-9 - Integrated strategy for the study of infectious agents causing emerging and/or neglected diseases transmitted by vectors of global impact, AP.TEM
As informações de acesso ao Equipamento Multiusuário são de responsabilidade do Pesquisador responsável
EMU web page: Página do Equipamento Multiusuário não informada
Type of equipment:Caracterização de Materiais - Imageamento - Fluorescência (in vivo)
Manufacturer: Fabricante não informado
Model: Modelo não informado


The thematic project (2017 / 27131-9) to which the EMU is associated needs a state-of-the-art imaging platform to achieve the following scientific objectives: (i) the generation of bioluminescent and fluorescent pathogens that allow the detailed analysis in real-time of the interactions of these agents with their hosts in vitro and in vivo; (ii). deciphering the immune, inflammatory mechanisms and pathogenesis triggered by these infectious agents mainly at the brain level; (iii). building a database from the integration of results generated by omics, molecular biology and immunology; and (iv). identification of new targets for the development of preventive, diagnostic / prognostic and therapeutic methods. We have pursued well-integrated goals, covering key aspects and perspectives of innovation related to trypanosomatid infections. We intend to generate new 2D and 3D tools for flaviridae arboviruses (i.e. ZIKV, DGV, ...) with our collaborators in order to i. monitor in real time the interactions of these emerging organisms with their hosts and also ii. develop innovative therapeutic strategies. To this end, the Scientific Platform Pasteur-USP is developing an imaging room with equipment for in vitro and in vivo infectious process analysis under appropriate confinement conditions (NB3). In addition to having equipment such as Floyd Imaging system, luminescence and fluorescence readers in microplates and culture plates (Tecan), powerful microscopes, flow cytometers, etc., we need to analyze the infectious process in vivo. For this, the device Newton 7, will be fundamental. This device is a non-invasive highly sensitive optical imaging system dedicated to preclinical imaging of small animals in vivo. It enables analysis of bioluminescent and fluorescent signals, thus allowing simultaneous images of various animals or samples. (AU)

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