Research and Innovation: Development of a equipment for selective collection of smartphones and tablets for the reuse and recycling market
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Development of a equipment for selective collection of smartphones and tablets for the reuse and recycling market

Grant number: 19/00794-3
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Raul Julian Revelo Tobar
Grantee:Raul Julian Revelo Tobar
Company:Thalita Braga
CNAE: Coleta de resíduos não-perigosos
Comércio atacadista de resíduos e sucatas
Reparação e manutenção de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos de uso pessoal e doméstico
City: São Carlos
Associated scholarship(s):20/06466-5 - Development of a system of evaluation of the screen-state of smartphone using a machine learning model, BP.TT
20/01836-9 - Development of a equipment for selective colletion of smartphones and tablets for the reuse and recycling market, BP.PIPE


In 2017, the number of new cell phones sold in Brazil was of 50.8 million units, 94% of which correspond to smartphones. In the last two years, annual growth in mobile phone sales was 5%. In the same year, 3.46 million notebooks were marketed. In recent years the sale of tablets has surpassed that of notebooks. All years, numerous products are released with improvements and new features, resulting in a continuous change of the old products with the new models, even if still work. The useful life of these devices is 2 to 3 years. Because of the lack of reverse logistics solutions for these products, many users do not know how to dispose of them properly, storing obsoletes electronics, or discarding them improperly. GAIA GreenTech is a startup focused on sustainable, innovative and technological solutions for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), aligned with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS - Law 12305/10), the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) and the concept of Smart Cities. The company is already work in the smart collect of portable electronics devices through a pilot project under development in the city of São Carlos / SP, in partnership with the Municipal Secretariat for Sustainable Development, Science and Technology (SMDSCT) of the City of São Carlos, and the School of Engineering of São Carlos of the University of São Paulo (EESC / USP). The pilot project consists of the installation and management of 8 city-wide voluntary handing over points (GAIA PEVs), equipped with a capacity monitoring system and connected to GAIA's online platform, which provides traceability (from collect to destination final) and a benefits program, GAIA Rewards, to users. To increase the population's attachment to correct disposal, the GAIA is working to achieve strategic partnerships and increase the benefits offered by GAIA Rewards. In the present project, GAIA intends to add new functionalities to the GAIA PEVs in activity in the pilot project. The GAIA PEV concept will be a multifunctional and interactive machine that will automate the selective collection of smartphones and tablets, offering users the options of buying or recycling their devices, promoting circular economy and proper disposal of used electronic waste, and rewarding the through the GAIA Rewards program. The voluntary collection point will integrate modules with different functions: identification, assessment, and purchase of the devices, as well as the use of technological tools already used in our GAIA PEVs pilots, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). With the GAIA PEV concept, GAIA aims to consolidate its entry into the used electronics market. The proposed project aims to incorporate new technologies and add value to GAIA's products and services, promoting sustainability through of waste reduction, reuse and recycling, and generating opportunities for innovation in the area of recycling, which has great potential in the country. (AU)

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