Research and Innovation: Internal defect analysis in composite materials by active thermography
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Internal defect analysis in composite materials by active thermography

Grant number: 18/26122-9
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Aerospace Engineering
Principal Investigator:Eduardo Torres Novais
Grantee:Eduardo Torres Novais
Company:Subiter Tecnologia Ltda
CNAE: Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
Serviços de engenharia
Pesquisa e desenvolvimento experimental em ciências físicas e naturais
City: São José dos Campos
Associated researchers: Jose Jeronimo Rabelo Faria
Associated research grant(s):20/05925-6 - Portable system for non-destructive evaluation of materials by active thermography, AP.PIPE
Associated scholarship(s):19/27687-2 - Internal defect analysis in composite materials by active thermography, BP.PIPE
19/27786-0 - Internal defect analysis in composite materials by active thermography, BP.TT
19/27811-5 - Analise de Defeitos internos em materiais compositos via Termografia Ativa, BP.TT


The aeronautical industry found in carbon fiber reinforced composite materials an excellent ratio of low weight and high strength making it an attractive option to replace aluminum in aircraft structures. These composites, however, still present technical challenges regarding their manufacturing. For safety reasons, composite components must be inspected after manufacturing and during operation, in order to check for internal defects that may cause mechanical failure and accidents.Currently, in most practical cases the internal defect verification process is performed by a trained inspector, responsible for identifying and classifying defects with the aid of ultrasonic equipment. The current process is slow, intense, repetitive, and the evaluation depends on the inspector's subjective interpretation. It is estimated that the inspection rate of a handheld ultrasonic probe is approximately 0.5m²/hour, since the inspector must cover the inspection area with a sensor whose contact area is less than 1 cm². In addition to the delay in the delivery of the aircraft, there is a considerable risk of missing defects.The current project presents a methodology for detection of internal defects in composite materials, with higher objectivity and reproducibility. The primary objective of the research is the validation of active thermography as a robust composite inspection technique. A thermographic camera will be used to measure the surface temperature of the material and an optical excitation source will be responsible for providing the heat input. The signals from the test will be processed by a computational algorithm. The results will be analyzed and compared to reports obtained via ultrasonic inspection. At a later development stage, a functional prototype of the system, consisting of hardware and software, will be constructed and validated in a representative industrial environment. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RABELO FARIA, JOSE JERONIMO; DE FARIA, ALFREDO ROCHA. Exploring the Opencv Library for Image Processing in Long-Pulse Thermography. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 24, n. 2, . (19/00917-8, 18/26122-9)
FARIA, JOSE J. R.; FONSECA, LUIZ G. A.; DE FARIA, ALFREDO R.; CANTISANO, ARTUR; CUNHA, THIAGO N.; JAHED, HAMID; MONTESANO, JOHN. etermination of the fatigue behavior of mechanical components through infrared thermograph. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, v. 134, . (19/00917-8, 18/26122-9)

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