Research Grants 19/11683-8 - Enzimologia, Peptídeo hidrolases - BV FAPESP
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Study of the participation of proteases in pathological processes


Our proposal is to study peptidases involved in different biological systems and performing very diversified functions. Thus, in this project, we will continue the study of the participation of Plasmodium proteases in the pathophysiology of malaria, expanding the results obtained in the previous project (FAPESP 2015-11861-2). Also in this line, we will seek inhibitors of the different classes of proteases of Plasmodium, glimpsing the development of new antimalarial drugs (sub-line 1). Another proposal of research is the study of the cysteine peptidases of the insect Diaphorina citri, vector of citrus disease Huanglongbing (HLB). This disease severely compromises the development of plants, causing enormous losses in fruit production and economic losses to the world citriculture. Previously, our group identified and characterized a cathepsin B and a cathepsin L from D. citri. We will continue in this line searching for other cysteine cathepsins of D. citri and will perform inhibition tests with different citrus cystatin, aiming to combat the HLB vector. These studies may be useful for the production of transgenic plants by overexpressing inhibitors capable of retarding the development and proliferation of the insect (sub-line 2). (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TANAKA SHIBAO, PRISCILA YUMI; SANTOS-JUNIOR, CELIO DIAS; SANTIAGO, ADELITA CAROLINA; MOHAN, CHAKRAVARTHI; MIGUEL, MARIANA CARDOSO; TOYAMA, DANYELLE; SANCHES VIEIRA, MARCOS ANTONIO; NARAYANAN, SUBRAMONIAN; FIGUEIRA, ANTONIO; CARMONA, ADRIANA K.; et al. Sugarcane cystatins: From discovery to biotechnological applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 167, p. 676-686, . (17/16118-1, 19/11683-8, 15/10855-9, 18/20051-2)
HOFF, CAROLINA C.; AZEVEDO, MAURO F.; THURLER, ADRIANA B.; MALUF, SARAH EL CHAMY; MELO, POLLYANA M. S.; DEL RIVERO, MADAY ALONSO; GONZALEZ-BACERIO, JORGE; CARMONA, ADRIANA K.; BUDU, ALEXANDRE; GAZARINI, MARCOS L.. Overexpression of Plasmodium falciparum M1 Aminopeptidase Promotes an Increase in Intracellular Proteolysis and Modifies the Asexual Erythrocytic Cycle Development. PATHOGENS, v. 10, n. 11, . (19/11683-8)

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