Research and Innovation: S-EDR: electronic dose registration system for medical examinations using ionizing radiation
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S-EDR: electronic dose registration system for medical examinations using ionizing radiation

Grant number: 19/00869-3
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine - Medical Radiology
Principal Investigator:Hilton Vicente César
Grantee:Hilton Vicente César
Company:Radiologia IS Desenvolvimento de Programas Ltda
CNAE: Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
Atividades de atendimento hospitalar
Atividades de serviços de complementação diagnóstica e terapêutica
City: Ribeirão Preto
Associated researchers:Jorge Elias Júnior ; Paulo Mazzoncini de Azevedo Marques
Associated scholarship(s):19/24928-9 - S-EDR: Electronic Dose Registration System for medical examinations using ionizing radiation, BP.TT
19/22058-7 - S-EDR: Electronic Dose Registration System for medical examinations using ionizing radiation, BP.PIPE


Computed tomography (CT) scans are based on the use of radiation for treatment, using various types of energy that can reach the site of the tumors or areas of the body where the diseases are lodged, in order to destroy their cells. Such exams may be used to relieve the patient and improve the quality of life, decrease the size of tumors, reduce or stop bleeding, or act on other symptoms such as pain. Through radiotherapy, specialists are carefully limited to the area that should receive the radiation. From the literature, it is known that the radiation absorbed in the ionization process, even at the diagnostic level, may have carcinogenic effects in the long term and CT is one of the radiological examinations that most expose patients to high doses of ionizing radiation. CT is the test chosen for the proof of concept to check the mammary health by provides images that allow a very accurate evaluation, even in cases of dense breast or presence of calcifications. Knowing the dosage of mammography exams is important within breast cancer screening programs, for example, in which women do periodic examinations, usually once a year. During the execution of the procedures, data will be collected, stored and analyzed on servers. Throughout the research period to be carried out the feasibility study will take into account the access to a large database, in order to support decision making under the supervision of researchers associated with the project. The use of the Big Data solution allows the development of highly scalable software solutions for information manipulation to monitor and evaluate patients' exposure to ionizing radiation from imaging tests. It is an approximate total of 360,000 anonymous CT scans, representing an approximate total volume of 30 Terabytes in the DICOM standard. Big Data solutions are designed to work in a distributed way, taking into consideration facilitating the addition of new processing points and information storage at runtime, automating the distribution and balancing of data. This allows the present solution to suit the increasing demand of users. These data, through the standardization of clinical archetypes, openEHR are presented as canonical model of data and, from it, interoperability with other health information systems and electronic patient record applications using Health Level 7 technology (HL7 ). The proposed feasibility study aims to improve the provision of medical services to patients based on real-time consultation of health information, with the creation of a viable system and method through CT and database examinations, to enable evaluation of the exposure to ionizing radiation suffered by patients, avoiding the repetition of procedures already performed and providing up-to-date information to clinical decision support specialists in breast cancer. The proof of concept will use a retrospective study with images of patients existing in the Picture Archiving and Communication System - PACS of the Center of Sciences of the Images and Medical Physics - CCIFM making the interoperability with the Radiology Information System of Hospital of Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Black University of São Paulo - HCFMRP. The S-RED will use the infrastructure of the hospital, under the supervision of the research associate of the project. (AU)

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