Research Grants 19/03961-8 - Sistema Único de Saúde, Atenção primária à saúde - BV FAPESP
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Participation of social organizations in the management of primary health care in municipalities in the State of São Paulo


In the state of São Paulo, in recent years, there has been a growing participation of Social Organizations (OS) in the implementation of Primary Care (AB), through contractualisations with municipal managers of SUS, defining indicators and goals of care. In view of the history and articulation of AB in the functions of social protection of the State. Likewise, the defining characteristics of its attributes expressed in the guidelines of the National AB Policy of the SUS leads us to raise issues implied in the effectiveness of AB with the participation of private entities in the execution of their actions and the respective terms of contract. In this sense, the general objective of this project is to analyze the participation of OS in the municipal management of AB in the state of São Paulo, characterizing types and terms of contract, monitoring mechanisms, performance of AB, motivations and possible conflicts. The proposed methodology will be quantitative and qualitative through the following procedures: mapping of the AB professionals' work contracts obtained from the CNES, documentary research of AB contracting processes, secondary data collection from the SUS information systems for the indicators panel of performance of AB, definition of homogeneous groups of municipalities in relation to these indicators, and semi-structured interviews with the main social actors involved - SUS municipal managers, OS directors, municipal health councils and COSEMS / SP representatives from the municipalities selected from homogeneous groups. The expected nuclear product of this research project is a content proposition that can integrate commitments and responsibilities from contracting parties in order to guarantee the principles and guidelines that govern the National Primary Care Policy, as well as to provide effective monitoring mechanisms of actions to protect the health of the population. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RAIMUNDO VALDEMY BORGES PINHEIRO JUNIOR; NIVALDO CARNEIRO JUNIOR; ARNALDO SALA; CARLA GIANNA LUPPI; MARIANA CABRAL SCHVEITZER; MARTA CAMPAGNONI ANDRADE; EDSON RUFINO; LISSANDRA ZANOVELO FOGAÇA; OZIRIS SIMÕES; GABRIELA ARANTES WAGNER. Desempenho da atenção primária à saúde, segundo clusters de municípios convergentes no estado de São Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, v. 25, . (19/03961-8, 20/02394-0)
ARNALDO SALA; CARLA GIANNA LUPPI; GABRIELA ARANTES WAGNER; RAIMUNDO VALDEMY BORGES PINHEIRO JUNIOR; NIVALDO CARNEIRO JUNIOR. Desempenho da atenção primária à saúde no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 2010-2019. Ciênc. saúde coletiva, v. 29, n. 6, . (19/03961-8)
LISSANDRA ZANOVELO FOGAÇA; MARIANA CABRAL SCHVEITZER; ARNALDO SALA; NIVALDO CARNEIRO JÚNIOR. Atenção Básica em Saúde em tempos de gestão contratualizada: desafios para sua sustentabilidade no Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro. Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva, v. 34, . (19/03961-8)

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